1. Hell Natella. Part 1
  2. Hell Natella. Part 2
  3. Hell Natella. Part 4
  4. Hell Natella. Part 5
  5. Hell Natella. Part 6
  6. Hell Natella. Part 8
  7. Hell Natella. Part 9
  8. Hell Natella. Part 10

Page: 3 of 4

wiped the corners of her lips. She bent her head on the mutilated shoulder, as if listening to what was going on in her. Natella saw how her body literally in ten seconds seemed to float, lit up, her short neck pressed into a hump, began to lengthen, freeing herself from disfigured flesh, her curved back straightened before her eyes, slightly crooked legs straightened to the ideal. The last is a small chest swelling. The height of the woman has not changed much, although she has clearly become taller. The glow from her went out. She often began to breathe in amazement as she looked and stroked herself. The man pointed to a mirror behind the sofa on which she sat. She jumped like a girl rejoicing happening to her. She turned in front of the mirror, with joy in her eyes turned to the man: - Is this, is this not a dream? I'm so afraid to wake up now! -

The mirror mask snorted. - No, this is not a dream. -

She threw off her shoes and jumped up with small feet on the sofa to see herself all over. Then she turned back and hung around the man's neck. Her face disappeared from the mirror overflow of the mask, immersed in it. I heard the sound of a kiss.

- Thank you thank you thank you! - she frequent. I did not believe, but ... Sorry! What can I do for you? Anything you wish! -

- Not. Whatever I desire, I will take from these. - he waved in the direction of Nata. His voice, as she now understood, was changed, apparently to more reliably hide his personality. - You can be free. - He put his hand in his pocket and pulled out a red passport. - Your new documents. When you get home, dress up, go to the studio, take a passport photo, and drop it into your own mailbox. Do not go to work. Sit at home, rest. Here is a hospital for a month, I think that's enough. How do you explain all this - I do not know. Although ... Here is the money. - he ran his hand over his pocket and pulled out a bank wad. - Change the city. Leave Voronezh, you have nothing to do there. And one more thing. Something will start soon. Buy American dollars for everything that remains after the move. Do not be afraid. It will be useful. Don't talk about money. Buy a little in different places. -

She is joyful, everything is spinning, enjoying the acquired mobility, beauty of her new body. She pressed a passport to her chest with paper, with big eyes staring at the bundle tied with a ribbon. - No no. I will not take ... Etozh how much is there ... Exit ... Oh, mom. -

- Take it. Ten thousand probably, I do not know how many packs in packs ... -

- No no no. - the woman even tried to move away from the table, but only sat down on the sofa under her feet.

- For me, this is nothing. Cutted paper. For you - a new life. I could give you a million, but I'm afraid then you will be interested. And so you risk.

- Well ... Listen, - she raised her face, as if trying to see something through the power mirror, - If you need anything ... Anything, I'm ready for anything, right? Though you just want to talk, come in day or night! -

- Good. Do not scatter such promises. It may be dangerous. Goodbye. - A man raised his hand, holding her face, as if he wanted to remember her. A faint flash hid the woman and she disappeared. Her forgotten shoes remained under the table. Smell of ozone. He turned to the stunned Natella. Disappearing, just like that. Hop - and no ... Teleportation? Who are these people? Where's the place? It really is a spaceship, as this lesbian hairdresser Lena said?

The pain in the nipples returned Nata to reality. The man in the mirror mask took the second glass and poured icy pearl liquid on her chest.

“You again ...” he practically growled as if he saw her here every day. - Get out of here, nipple. Bring a bottle of absinthe! - and flopped on the sofa, unbuttoning the collar of a silk black shirt.

Nata turned around, not knowing whether to run for a new order, or to bring the old one ... It was closer to inform and she turned left. The pearly liquid on her chest ran down over her skin and seemed to freeze her body. Nata hoped that nothing would happen to her now, although she didn’t need to correct anything, except now that there was no human thin waist ... After a few steps, the liquid reached the crotch and the clitoris seemed to turn into an icicle. Nata could not look at herself, the tray with the cargo still hung on her nipples, and so she hurried to deliver the second order.

In the 19th cabin, the table was lined with empty glasses, bottles, buried with gobies, the glass of the "aquarium" was filled with spilled drinks under the table, and the "fish" in the aquarium seemed to die, since no movement was visible and the bulls also swam in the water. On the back of the sofa hung a female body backwards upwards, the neck of a four-sided bottle of gin protruded from her anus. Nearby a not very beautiful laughter of a completely broken-up look with a village govor rubbed something to its own, nothing thinking cavalier, with an unbuttoned fly, from which a sluggish, sucked into a handful of proboscis stuck out.

- vooo. Come on, on the last glass and we will be going. Our time is up, teleport will work soon. And I still sleep off the water! -

The guy moaned something unintelligibly in response. The girl removed cocktails from a tray, immediately opened a pack of cigarettes, lit one, barely finding the lighter among the debris on the table. Then she picked up a dildo.

- And this is for you, slut! Come on, turn around! - Nat understood with horror that they were addressing her. The maid grabbed her hair, deftly bending down to the table, nearly dropping her eyes off the neck of the bottle. I went around behind and threw the first ball of dildo in her ass. The dry went very painful. Nat yelled, so that the drunk even started, and opened his eyes. The second ball went deep into its narrow back hole, pushing the edges apart. The guy giggled drunkenly, said: - Well, you give Natasha! - He stretched out his hand to squeeze her chest and smeared his fingers in pearlescent liquid.

- Oh, what a bitch, already flowing! He muttered, licking his finger.

- What do you have there, you are my dog? - finally pushing the ball, so that the anus fell on the jumper and it became a little less painful, the girl raised herself and looked at her swagger. He promptly sober. Straightened on the couch. He got up, grabbed his hair, straightened Nata back.

- Eh! This cunt spilled ichor! -

- What? - the girl turned Nata to her, to the light, looking at her breast covered with nacre. - Well fuck you, whore. It’s not even a month, it’s about a dozen deaths and probably five years ... -

- I did not spill! - Hurried to justify Nat, feeling like covered with cold sweat despite the heat in the club. - He poured it on me! -

- Pussy more. Who is the treasure pour out! -

- Over there, at 15, through three niches from here, a man with a mirrored face! - Nat almost cried, and absolutely not from pain in the ass. - He poured and ordered a bottle of absinthe! -

- Wow! - the girl sharply fell silent, turning around to the side of 15 booths. I pulled the dildo out of Nata's ass, and received another sharp cry. - You do this, pussy for a bottle for him. We do not delay. Blow like the wind! -

- I think I will pass, I spend, so that no one is delayed. - The guy stood up, grabbed Nata by the forearm and not paying attention to the unbuttoned fly and dangling farm, dragged her to the side of the rack. - Damn, I almost delayed the order of the Lord ... Are you stupid at all? Immediately could not go? - he looked at the veil. - Oh, new ... Well, well. Let's see how you will trample, get ryhor from the Lord in the first exit and survive ... You have to try to get it out of it ... -

- I did not withdraw. - barely keeping up with feet on high heels, Nat nearly fell. - He just poured extra. He has there ... -

- I do not want to know about the affairs of the Lord! - interrupted her boyfriend, with one hand tucking the penis in his pants. - Shut up! -

They walked past 15 booths, the guy did not even look back there. Nat wanted, but she was pulled by the arm and she had to balance so as not to fall and she did not have time to look back. They slipped through.From the lesbians in pursuit of her cried out to come in later, ambush her later and giggled. Bald stood, leaning heavily on the wall of his niche, on his knees stood ... Read more →

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