1. Conclusion
  2. First day of imprisonment
  3. Second day of detention
  4. Third day of imprisonment
  5. Sixth day of conclusion
  6. Seventh day of conclusion
  7. Eighth day of conclusion
  8. Ninth day of conclusion
  9. Tenth day of conclusion
  10. Eleventh day of detention
  11. Last day of imprisonment
  12. Implications of imprisonment

“Nothing comes out,” said Kostya.

He examined the control panel, saw a black box in the corner, like an ordinary box, with a red light in the center, picked it up with difficulty, as the thing was heavy, held it over the panel and released. The box collapsed hard, squeezed out a few buttons, crumpled the lever.

The guys started at the metal thud behind their backs, there was a buzz. In the windshield, which looked like a transparent mass — it stood out only white at the compound with metal — the water was asking for it to meet. The guys froze with stupid smiles on their faces, shouted:

- Yes! Happened! Ex-hoo!

Masha, who was lying on a chair of the red mass, opened her eyes, looked at the situation with incomprehension, asked in a sleepy voice:

- What's happening?

The guys turned on her joyful faces, Maxim rushed to her knees beside her, put his hands on the girl's shoulders, said in a whisper:

- We escaped ...

A smile and tears appeared on Masha's face at the same time, she hugged the guy, pulled her to her. Maxim felt droplets rolling down his cheeks from the girl's eyes. The edge of the eye noticed a flickering blue. Maxim freed himself from the arms of Masha, stood up, a female being stood in front of him, holding a thin black one in his hand, jerking a touch on the guy. The body went current, Maxim unconscious fell to the floor.

Igor and Kostya turned away from the windshield at the noise, Kostya was numb not so much from the appearance of the creature, as from familiar features of the face. He called her the Horsewoman, one of his tormentors ... Igor jumped toward her, the Horsewoman pricked his stick with his stick, but the guy dodged, kicked out a shocker with a blow to his hand. The creature rushed at him, knocked to the floor, they held each other's hands, and pulled.

Kostya picked up a black box from the console, which, after falling, stopped signaling with a red dot, went up to the struggling ones, carried it over his head and pulled it out over the head of the Horsewoman, and let him go. From a blow, the coral growth on the back of the head — that which creatures had instead of hair — cracked, and from there came out a blue liquid.

Igor instantly threw off his limp body, bounced off him, looked at Kostya with dismay, asked:

- What are you doing?

- Familiar, - Kostya answered, he remembered: - She is usually not alone. We must search our boat.

Masha left the chair to Max, sat down beside him, called him by name, squeezed his chest, but he did not react. She rubbed his face, pressed her lips to her ear, whispered something gently, but the guy did not regain consciousness.

Kostya and Igor went into a room that looked like a rest room, from which the whole boat presented itself as a pleasure boat for entertainment. The place where you can hide, immediately caught the eye - a locker, there is simply nothing more that can accommodate the body.

Kostya stood in front of him, a friend was waiting for a couple of steps. Kostya opened the locker, jumped, when a blue creature rushed at him, pounded with his hands - Igor sneaked up to her from behind, grabbed, pressing his hands to his body, together with Kostya laid a pale mass on the sofa, next to the table was either a cord or the wire — it doesn't matter, they were tied with the hands of Lizunya — the second Kostina of the torturer — they tied a cord to an iron wall, one leg to another wall, and the other to a stone table.

- Well, - said Kostya, - we will recoup ...

In the control room, Maxim opened his eyes, Mashino’s face appeared in a blurred look, then he saw a blue creature on the floor, with a black square sticking out of the back of his head, without a word smiled at Masha. Igor entered the room, followed by frequent wet slaps, a female cry rang out.

- What is it? The girl asked.

“This one,” Igor pushed the Horsewoman’s body with his foot, “is one of those who tortured Kostya. There is a second.With her everything is in order and, apparently, she will have to take the rap for the work of all the blue creatures that we have done.

Lizunya's back lay on a pale mass, Kostya sat between spread legs, a member immediately got into pussy, squeezed inside, when he entered all, he stood in tension. The guy quickly pushed his pelvis, from which the creature immediately screamed with pleasure. Kostya did not like these cries, but he could not interrupt - the blows during sex did not act so excitingly, but repulsively. He couldn't shut up his mouth either - there were other plans for that.

He fucked, trying to hurt with this movement, the eggs were beating against her crotch, his hot, rough skin was touching the cold soft. The process lasted so much that his jerks brought pain to his legs, and Lizunya stopped moaning and looked at him with anger. (Erotic stories) But Kostya continued, cherishing the idea that the creature does not yet know what it was prepared for.

He felt the onset of the limit. The member jumped out of the hole, the guy quickly ran to the edge of the sofa near the head of Lizunya, opened his mouth with one hand, and the second roamed the penis from the scrotum to the head. A fat white jet shot into the forked tongue, the creature swallowed it, but the second one arrived, the mouth swiftly filled, she buried her head, unable to swallow.

Kostya felt that his grip was about to weaken, he added several camels to his blue mouth, closed his jaws with one hand, both closed his mouth and nose. Lizunya with bulging eyes looked at him, and the guy was watching his chin, along which crawled a fat lump, the second. He removed his hands from her face. Lizunya eagerly caught the air, Kostya went into the control room.

The comrades met his expectations; he just waved at Igor:

- Go.

Kostya collapsed in his chair, and Igor disappeared into the rest room. Lizunya understood the plan of the people in a second and how the standing member went into her pussy itchy from the movements, the body began to shake from the guy's jerks. The creature tried to move it with its stiff legs, the body was constantly twitching between them, there was not enough time in the breaks for movement.

With one hand, Igor rested against the side of the creature, the second crushed the blue balls of the breasts, and drove off the droplets of the nipples. A member wandered in a pleasant chill that pricked a hot barrel, tension accumulated in him. The guy went to Lizunya's head, she immediately turned her head, spoke in an angry gurgle.

Again, one hand opened its mouth, when the second drove a member to an eruption, the head fired a white ribbon into the center of the forked tongue, which the creature quickly swallowed, but, as she swallowed, the sperm in her mouth filled up, Lizunya jerked her head. Igor immediately closed her mouth with his nose, looked at his neck in anticipation, released him when two thick lumps passed.

The shock doesn’t leave the body as a result of the consequences, so Maxim freely walked in front of the control panel, where bright light was poured at the top, but their boat floated almost horizontally, with only a slight slope upwards. Igor left the room with the creature, immediately rushed to the front window to look at a drop of sunlight.

- You will go? - asked Kostya.

The question turned to Maxim. He stopped, looked at Masha, who lowered her head from his gaze, indicating that she did not want to be related to his decision.

“Yes,” answered Maxim, disappeared into that room.

For a moment, everything was covered with silence. Kostya was sitting in an armchair, watching the dark water outside the window, the ribs still ached from the blow of a giant, the girl was sitting in another chair, and Igor pulled his head into the sunlight. All at once shuddered. There was a female cry, but not intermittent, which is obtained during sex, but constant, pleasure was not heard in it. Kostya instantly looked at the floor, said:

- There is no shock stick!

They instantly ran out of the control room, frozen at the entrance. Maxim was standing near the sofa, holding a black stick in his hand, the other edge was missing between Lizunya’s legs, which didn’t scream anymore, her head jerked from electricity, like the rest of her body. Maxim let go of the shocker - the wand was left hanging out of the creature's pussy, the guy turned, spread his hands with the words:

- Everything. I won back.

A strange noise rolled through the room, followed by a blow, with which everyone fell to his feet, hit someone on the wall, some in the lockers, but with one jerk everything stopped. They lay motionless, only heard each other's breathing. There was a rattle of metal on metal.

Kostya sharply raised his head. He sensed the air ... the same - there is no smell in it, but it is warmer! Next came the rest - they moved, as if the air was breathing in life, all four got to their feet, went to the exit, in the opening of which they saw ... water. Sea smooth surface on which the sunlight shone, with sandy coast with palm trees was visible from edge.

“We got out,” Kostya breathed.

P. S. It's not over yet. Evaluate the story!

  • February 11, 2014 16:48

    waiting for the continuation. I like it


    • Rating: 0
  • Friend (a guest)
    February 11, 2014 17:35

    What could be next if this is the last day?


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