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The young forest enchantress brought the wounded knight to her home, but only him?

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Sven quickly put on his armor. Fatigue after a stormy sex like a hand off, as if a couple of minutes ago and not puffed on a beautiful enchantress. Lina, in perplexity, followed the actions of a recent lover, came to her senses that she herself was naked and began to search for her dress, threw herself on herself, and then asked:

- And why such a hurry?

“This is it,” answered Sven.

- That creature?

- Yes.

- Are you sure?

The answer was found by itself. The rays of the dawn sun, breaking through the window, darkened and soon the whole sky was covered with blackness, there were no clouds, no stars. From above, the empty abyss looked at the world with unseeing eyes. Sven and Lina looked out of the window, frozen like statues.

“Yes,” answered the knight. - Creature.

He continued to put on his armor. The witch jumped to him, helping to fasten the components to each other, tried to lift or hold something, and her tanned skin on her face became even redder.

When Sven appeared as a metal monster with a horned head, with a huge sword, from which one could make a dozen swords for ordinary warriors, he moved to the exit, and Lina crossed the tracks. Knight stopped in front of the door, pushed his hand.

There was a creature behind the door. A huge black shadow, almost indistinguishable against the background of black. Sven swung his sword as the creature struck his chest with his hand, the knight flew off and slid back against the floor, and the black demon entered the house. In the light, his appearance became more distinguishable, although the whole body seemed to be enveloped in a stirring dark haze, but there were visible muscles, huge claws on the feet scraped the floorboards, and leather wings barely pushed through the doorway.

The creature stopped, turned its head towards Lina. The enchantress swung her hands, lights flashed in her palms, but the demon opened his mouth, his mouth and face where the nose should be, parted to the sides, showing rows of sharp teeth, a deafening cry flowed from there. The sorceress recoiled from fright and the lights on her hands were gone.

The demon stopped screaming. There were metal bumps on the floor. The creature barely had time to turn and bounce back, as a huge blade flew past his abdomen, then retreated another step from one blow and jumped to Sven, intercepting his hand with the sword lowered to the floor.

The darkness from the creature's skin turned to armor, and it began to turn black. The knight felt his hands weaken, but he continued to hold his weapon, the creature did not yield either. It brought his face closer to his helmet and opened his mouth again in a scream.

Sven removed one hand from the hilt and from the side hit the demon in the head. He loosened his hold. Then the knight could calmly wipe. The creature bounced back, but this was not enough to get away from the blow, and the blade penetrated his side, breaking through the skin, stopped. On the armor in the place where the demon's hand was, blackness began to disappear.

The monster looked at the wound. His mouth opened a little and laughter rang out, quiet and angry chuckles seemed to shake the air. He put his hand on the blade and pushed the sword away, black drops of blood on the metal turned into a fog and flew to the cut of the demon, clouded with blackness. The creature looked up at Sven.

“You won't kill me,” said the demon. - You can not.

- And I? - There was a female voice.

The demon turned his head toward the sorceress. As soon as he did it, a ball of fire hit his face, declaring the whole torso like a flame like a dry log. Sven swung his sword, this time marking his neck, but the demon could see the blade through the flame, squeezing it between two palms, as if a steel vise had tightened. The knight removed one arm from its hilt and struck the creature in the chest, it recoiled, its back leaned against the wall and flames spread to the boards.

From the sword hit free.Sven once again tried to strike the demon with a weapon, but it was enough to bring the sword in, as the creature threw forward a hand enveloped in a flame, a black wave flew from the palm of the hand, covering the knight's face. For him, the world plunged into darkness. Sven felt himself taken under the arm.

“We're leaving here,” a female voice sounded.

There was a very strange cry. A cry, horrified, wading to the bone. The cry of the creature is not from this world, but not from the world of the dead. The background was fire. Heat was coming from everywhere. The flames quickly spread through the house, covering the walls and ceiling, covering everything with smoke.

Lina led Sven to the street, sat on the ground. On his helmet was a black spot, already acquiring a gray color. The knight drove metal gloves over him, but it was like putting the night darkness out of thin air.

Like ice in a hot room, a dark stain evaporated. Sven saw in front of him in all the blazing house. A huge pillar of fire rose to the starless sky, smoke poured from the windows and the gaps between the boards. There was a crash and the ceiling fell inward, followed by a cone of the roof, one wall tilted, releasing the entire stream of flames and sparks into the opening.

The sky began to clear. A blue tone pierced the black veil and soon there was no trace of the darkness. The sun had already risen above the horizon and was heading for the zenith, floating rare, but fluffy, like fed uncut sheep, clouds.

Lina helped Sven up. They looked at the burning house, which looked not so remarkable in the light of the day. Flames of smoke stretched from the flames, a pack of sparks flew away from the cod of the boards, and all this under a light whiff of burning flames.

“He is not dead,” said Sven.

“I know,” answered Lina. - But ... what is it?

- Monster. Demon.

- I see that it is not a prince on a white horse. Why does it even follow you?

The knight took off his horned helmet and looked at the witch.

- I traveled a lot and saw a lot, but a week ago ...

* * *

There is a rather unusual silence in the night forest. Sven walked with such caution that he was afraid to step on the grass, and then she loudly loudly, releasing juices. Not even a single mosquito was heard that on such a warm night it might even have caused suspicion among idle revelers.

The knight slowly made his way through the trees when he heard the splash of water. The food in the waterskin came to an end and Sven, having decided to replenish the precious moisture, headed for the source of noise. That the forest almost covered the mountain range he knew and was not surprised when he saw the mountain stones. The knight moved along this wall and reached the source of the noise, but could not come any closer and stood by the tree.

The brook was knocked out of the rocks and ran along the stones with a murmur, running down into a natural pool, not very big and deep, but sufficient to fit two bodies there. There were naked boy and girl, she was lying on his body and stroking the male breast.

Sven doomed sighed and turned around, taking a step, stopped. He heard a strange buzz in the air, unlike any of what he had heard before. He looked around the neighborhood, but there was a peaceful emptiness between the trees, only a light breeze was strolling around, shaking grass stalks. Slow steps the knight moved around a mountain spring, in which the girl looked up at the boy and their lips merged into a kiss.

The guy turned on his side, so that they both lay on the bottom, on the stone cut by the waters. Their heads, too, plunged into the water, breaking a kiss there, the young people returned to the air, kneeling. The water level they did not even cover their entire feet.

The guy lowered his palms on the girl's chest, and then he kissed them. His tongue walked over the wet, swollen skin and squirmed around a hard nipple. With one hand, the guy stroked the girl’s back, lowered her to the lower back, then to the buttock, smoothly bending around the thigh, her fingers touched the hairs, lowered over them, and the girl groaned happily.

The guy straightened, put his hand on ...

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