As soon as he stepped on the train, a strange sensation appeared in his chest. Quite a strange feeling that he was not going home, but as if he was returning to the past. And there were no other feelings: neither joy, nor - especially sadness - was simply the fact that today he would go into his car, go to sleep, and wake up at home.

Pavel went on the second-class carriage, looking for icons of places, his place turned out to be separately against the wall, next to the window. He put the bag on the seat, and he sat on the opposite, resting his elbows on the table, placed his chin on the folded cup.

He was wearing a bright green pixel shape, today dressed for the first time, bought before this day in two months and brought to its ideal almost every night. Stitched in all the right places, with stripes and new buttonholes, a fresh stitching stood out on the collar with a white stripe.

“Yes ...” Pavel sighed heavily, looking out the window.

Occasionally people walked along the platform. Further, through several iron paths, the crowns of trees rose above the wall, fluffy, they covered the setting sun and the rays of the crimson light seeped into rare crevices.

In the reflection of the glass flashed face. Focusing on his eyes, Pavel made out that it was a girl, she also looked out the window. Perhaps the view in the other window was not very.

Demob turned. The view in that window, in fact, was not very: there was another train there. The girl herself was sitting on a folding stove, with one hand on the table. Opposite her there was nobody.

When the guy turned around, she looked from the window to him. Pavel decided to fill the emptiness on the adjacent couch and moved there. The girl turned in his direction.

“Hi,” said the demob with a smile.

“Hello,” the stranger answered, flinching at the corners of her lips.

- Where are you going?

- From studies.

- Clear. So we are here on the same issue: both are going home.

“Well, yes,” the girl nodded.

“Well, in my mind it's clear where I come from,” Paul spread out with his hands.

The stranger smiled.

- That's for sure.

An awkward silence was about to begin. His approach was filthy in the soul and, so that there was no complete silence, beyond which the conversation could end, the guy introduced himself:

- My name is Pavel. And you?

“Rina,” the girl replied.

- Unusual name.

- Is it?

“Well, of course, it’s not as unusual as Egbyr Iban Viteскskoltovich, but it’s not often encountered. I see a girl with such a name for the first time, and you have obviously already met with Pavels.

- No, I have not met Paula yet - Rina answered.

Something in this phrase seemed unusual to demob. Either the promising word "more", or a slightly different tone and intonation of pronunciation.

“I think if you want, you can fix it,” Paul joked.

- Everything is in my hands? - smiled girl.

The guy threw up his hands. At that moment the train started moving, it shook with a jolt, and the girl slid her hand off the table and flew towards him. Demob hurried to catch her. With his help, Rina sat back on the bed.

“Careful,” said Paul.

“Yes, everything is fine,” the girl replied, and, lowering her gaze, she added: “You can not hold it, I will not fall.”

Pavel followed the direction of her eyes and realized that he was holding her chest with one hand. Not at the very, slightly higher and not strongly pressing a hand, but the t-shirt under the fingers still promin. Demob immediately removed his hands. Inside, it shivered slightly. He had only seen women for a year on the video and in one awkward movement he was afraid to scare this lovely girl. But some attempts to advance still need to take.

- I can not hold, so I can and hold? - he asked.

- Well, ... - Rina stretched out and turned around with innocent eyes.

She put one hand on the bed and patted it. Pavel received the signal and readily moved there. Rina moved closer to the window, sitting at the table entirely.There were no more people near them and, judging by the rare noise, there were few of them in the whole carriage.

Demobel put his hand on her shoulders. She turned her face to his face, they came close to each other and their lips merged into a kiss, during which Paul put his free hand Rhina on his tummy and began to gently lift on a T-shirt, grabbing his chest. She was without a bra, elastic and softly responded under his fingers.

Her hand fell on his pixel pants, she smoothly stroked the bird, increasing the radius with each approach. Blood was already boiling between his legs. Demobel could not hold it back, and the girl clearly teased him. He himself did not understand when he took her hand and laid it right on the bulging mound on his pants. She felt him, getting closer to the groin, either by measuring the length, or by caressing in this way, or at the same time doing both.

There were steps. The girl and the guy stood back from each other, as if schoolchildren who could be caught smoking. A conductor passed through the car, casting a sidelong glance at the young couple and disappearing behind the door. Pavel and Rina looked at each other and smiled with quiet chuckles.

* * *

Outside the window floated silhouettes of trees. In the dim moonlight they were barely distinguishable, and the guy with the girl was not up to them. Young people lay on one lap and kissed under the measured knock of the wheels. Demobling lay on Reena, one of his hands was running under her T-shirt and squeezing one chest, then the other, and the second he kept his weight so as not to pinch the girl.

The conductor went a few more times, cutting off their games, but quite a lot of time has passed since the last visit. Yes, and they did not think that someone was catching them. At least, Paul did not think for sure. All his thoughts moved to another place, to the place where the girl was driving now.

She tried for a long time and still managed to unbutton his belt. The guy really wanted to speed up this process, but Rina insisted on independence. I had to put up with it and wait for this very moment when the edges of the belt parted. There were no problems with buttons.

Her palm penetrated his panties. He felt that the flow of sperm was ready to spill out of him and made an inhuman effort to prevent this from happening, which caused sweat to drop on his forehead. And Rina not only got to her penis, but swept it with her fingers and began to make up and down movements.

“Sit to the window,” said the girl.

Repeat twice and was not required. After a moment, the demob was already sitting by the window, and Rina sat down on a bed next to her, running one hand into his panties. Looking out for a moment, she became convinced that there was silence in the car, and with her free hand pulled off Paul's underwear, stretching out the barrel in the freed otter. The girl bowed her head to him.

The guy caught his breath. He wanted to moan and at the same time did not want to do it, for this could mean a quick ending of their games by ending the girl in the mouth. The girl was playing with the head of the penis, then swallowing her lips, then holding her tongue, then began to swallow more, stepping up to the groin.

The hand, which she used to drag her underpants, she laid on the balls and rolled them, she kicked off and scooped like a favorite toy, while she held the penis with her second hand when he was out of her mouth and sent back.

“Great,” the guy moaned. - Only I can finish soon ...

Rina replied "come on," although in reality, with a member in her mouth, the word sounded somewhat different. Paul stopped restraining himself. His penis tightened, as if the gun had removed the fuse, and began to shoot semen into the girl's mouth. Rina did not say a bit. She licked his already relaxed member and returned the pants to the place.

“I can do it again now,” ran the guy.

“I have no doubt,” replied the girl, smiling. - I'll go brush my teeth. I think during this time you will get up again.

Pavel was a little surprised that Rina began to use such frank words, although she had tried to veil everything before that. But the strength was surprisingly not much. Leaving his feet on the floor, the backbone lay down on the stove bench, his eyes fixed on the upper tier, he lay and smiled.There was a softness in the whole body, I didn’t want anything, I just wanted to sleep, but this could not be allowed, something else awaits it ...

With this thought in the eyes of the guy everything went dark and he fell into oblivion.

* * *

He woke up in the same position from some kind of sound. Conductor told him that his station. The sun was shining through the window, his eyes burned. Paul's soul went to heels. He stood up sharply and looked around, but no one was around anymore. Only his bag was on the seat where he put it.

With a heavy heart and not quite aware of reality, the guy went to the pyron. He put the bag on the bench and turned around on the train leaving for the next station. At night it seemed like a dream. Happy, but sad in its unattainable dream. Like in the army, when you dream that you came home, you go about your business and you are happy, and then you wake up, you understand that you have served only two months and you want to go again into that dream. Forever and ever.

He put his hands in his pockets. In one thing, something prevented him. The guy took out a folded piece of paper from there, unfolded it and read a note written in beautiful, even handwriting.

She did not dare to wake him up, as much as she wanted. When the train approached her station, it was night, she just got out of the car, but left him a note. The only thing left from that unexpected night. But at the end of the sheet a drop of hope was given. There was written an eleven-digit number, as well as an address with a rather mysterious smiling bracket at the end.

Demob folded this sheet and put it back in his pocket. He looked around on the sides, on the walls of high-rise buildings, looked into the blue sky and closed his eyes into the sun. A smile spread across his face. There will no longer be forever stinking barracks and walls beyond which there is a good life. Now he is at home. Now we have to go to the parents, and then, if anything, he already knows where to go.

1 comment
  • Biene (a guest)
    July 10, 2016 15:18

    Nice story. It may be simple, but it is pleasant and easy to read. Little darling of life. Let it not excite, but adjusts to something ... far-reaching) This is exactly what you need to start.


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