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the shoulder of the girl, under her light pressure, she sat on her feet. The guy came closer, bringing his household to her face. The girl ran her hand over the fat cock, now pressed against the scrotum, swept it with her fingers and sent it into her mouth. Only the red head was in the warmth, the guy with pleasure lifted his head, with closed eyes watching the bright moon in the starry sky.

And beyond the wall of the forest, Sven slowly made his way from tree to tree, stopping at almost every trunk and looking around the neighborhood. The knight heard a slight crack on the ground, how quickly he began, and so soon ended. Sven leaned over to put his hand on his sword more comfortably, and so moved to the source of the sound.

And in the mountain pool, the entire penis of the boy was no longer placed in the girl’s mouth. More precisely, it was located, but for this it was necessary to try, and the girl tried her best, for a greater effect, moaning sweetly. The guy put his hands on her wet hair, helped move his head.

The girl opened her lips with a red tip. She stood up, took a few steps to the edge of the pool, leaned toward the stones, hands resting in them. Immediately after her, the guy turned out to be attached to a bulging ass, he put a member under it and, finding a cherished hole, strained his buttocks, plunging his organ inside.

Sven froze in place. Ahead of him behind the bushes was a horse and looked at the knight just as surprised as the knight was at his horse. After a few moments, having lost all interest in the stranger, the animal continued to tear the leaves from the bush. The horse stepped from one foot to the other, and Sven recognized the clatter that he had heard a few seconds ago.

The knight spun around. For a few trees from him, he seemed to see the shadow, which immediately evaporated, or dissolved in the air, like a spoon of milk disappears in a bucket of water, or shifted to the nearest trunk.

“What the hell,” Sven growled.

He looked askance at the lovers, but they were not up to his words. The girl was pretty moaning from being in her member, who moved back and forth, and the eggs from the jerks slapped her on the inside of the thighs. From the movements of the guy the water swayed, but not more than from the stream that flows into the pool, only the movements became faster and faster, and now the water began to seethe, as if a volcano began to erupt beneath it.

But the volcano of the guy began to erupt. At the last moment he pulled the penis out of the girl and the white streams gushed at her first, then he turned around and sent shots into the water. The red head spat out the sperm, and that one, getting into the water, squirmed and slowly moved along the stream. The girl weakly sank to the bottom, leaving only her head on the surface.

The horse sniffed. There was a crunch, followed by a terrible, drawn-out rattle. Sven barely had time to turn around, as the horse was already lying on the bushes, which he plucked a second ago. Blood flowed from his neck.

Knight with powerful steps jumped to the animal. He had the appearance that a piece of skin with meat was torn out of a horse at the base of his neck, bones stuck in blood were sticking out, and a hole in his throat was shaking from an attempt to capture the air. Sven drew the cannon from its scabbard and, after a sway, the animal's head rolled away from the body, blood gushed out from the stump, with chewed lumps of leaves, and the horse's legs stretched out, then they huddled in mortal convulsions.

- What are you doing?

Sven turned and saw the guy in front of him. He did not even have time to throw anything, and stood, naked, brilliant from the water, his cock only bent, but did not have time to lose size. A girl of the same kind had just ran up behind him, she closed her body against the knight and, at the sight of a horse, screamed loudly.

Then everything happened quickly. With the sound of torn meat and the crunch of bones, a black hand, painted with blood, pieces of meat and shattered bones, came out of the guy's chest. The girl and the guy looked at this hand in incomprehension, although Sven knew that if they were alive, it was only for a few seconds.

And behind the young people, like clouds from a fierce wind, the clouds of darkness dispersed and there seemed to be a creature. It was on two heads above the guy. The creature waved its hand as the annoying fly was driven away, and the bodies flew off from it, falling on the ground nearby and directing unseeing eyes to the starry sky, and the monster with great steps headed for Sven.

Knight waved his sword, but the creature came too close to beat the blow to the wrist, and the monster with his other hand hit Sven in the chest, he flew backwards and was on the ground. When the knight rose, nobody was visible in the district. Only the bushes crowned with blood swayed unnaturally for such a quiet breeze, and the horse’s body was no longer observed on them.

Sven walked cautiously to a mountain spring. In the pool, he noticed white stripes spinning downstream, and it was not difficult to guess that sperm was rolling on this carousel. The knight took off his helmet, spat disgustingly, but he did not want to think about the dead, although there was a desire. Finishing the rest of the water from the skins, Sven put his neck under the stream, knocking out of the rocks, and hung it full back on the belt.

Replacing the helmet in place, the knight was going to move on. Lastly, he looked around the area and noticed that, where the dead guy and the girl were lying, only two bloody stains adorn the grass.

* * *

“Since then, this thing haunts me,” Sven finished the story.

Lina looked the knight in the face, because of this she had to close her eyes, because the sun was shining right behind his head. Then the sorceress turned her eyes to the smoldering house, which already resembled not the house, but the remnants of a large fire pit. The fire blazed only in a few areas, the rest was captured by red coal.

- And what is it? - asked Lina. - I have not seen anything like this and have not even heard.

“I don't know,” said Sven, “but we cannot kill him.” He is faster than me and stronger.

- Stronger?

“Tough,” the knight amended. - I quickly exhaled, but he did not even sweat. And he could not die from fire. You heard his cry ... his voice. This is not so easy to die.

- And what should we do? The enchantress asked.

- Go.

- Where?

“I don't know,” said Sven. He put the helmet on his shoulders. - Unknown where. I go there all my life.

“I'll go with you,” Lina decided. She looked at the pile of coal and continued: - There is no more forest magician. She burned out.

- Good. Then we go.

Sven threw his sword behind his back and moved toward the trees. Lina went after him, but before her habitat was out of sight, she looked at him again. On this mountain of coals that was once her home. On the mountain of coals, to which only a few hours ago, local people were still afraid to approach. And the burnt tree was hidden from view by the trunks of living trees.

1 comment
  • n (a guest)
    August 19, 2016 5:45 pm

    Of course it's not my business but why not cm? like she's in love with neo and so on and so on. but you know better) 10 threw, keep up the good work (


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