This is a trial story about Deadpool's “talkative mercenary.”
It’s not pleasant for me to talk about myself in the third person. Actually, don't you think that I am gaining some popularity? Vaughn and the movie was shot, and now in the porn story hit ...

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Here I am sitting on the roof, with the legs hanging down, they dangle somewhere around the twentieth floor, and under them is a dirty gateway with a pair of garbage cans. I am in a tight red suit with two katanas behind my back. Swords such. You saw the movie. And if not in the cinema, then somewhere on VKontakte they clearly stumbled, and if they could avoid this, they clearly looked at the picture made for this story.

The sun burns pleasantly, from this you start to get a little balde, as if from a volley of a bottle of vodka drunk. Cool feeling. You have clearly already asked the question: what is this Deadpool doing on the roof? And Deadpool will answer you: I'm waiting. But what are I waiting for? I will not say that. See for yourself soon. The arrows on my watch on the right foot just come to the time when everything should start.

Yes, right now a girl ran into the driveway from the street, and a man followed her. Driving the girl, he pushed her shoulder, pushing. In time you connected to the story, right to the beginning of the mess. Although, when will you still connect? It is unlikely that anyone would be interested in reading about how I jerked for an hour and a half into my hectic fantasies. But if someone will ask, then say that the white spot on the roof - spilled paint.

The man kept pushing the girl, but I got up from my familiar place and ran to the elevator. In a pinch, it is less expensive. I left the building just when a man and a girl hid at the other end of the gate, I followed them. In the puddles around the islands of dirt drifted newspapers and small boxes.

Gateway led to the dirty area of ​​the city. Stunted, dying houses of rotten cardboard stood here and there, at each site littered with bags of garbage, and often even without bags, rusty skeletons of cars. A girl ran into one of these houses, and a man went in after her. In the usual living room with a small TV and a leaky sofa, he hit the girl in the face with a cry:

- Whore!

The girl recoiled from the blow.

- Fuck, you thought I didn’t see, did you build your eyes on this holey point?

- Calm down, John! - shouted the girl.

The man swung again, but then he was tapped on the shoulder. John turned and saw me in front of him. Yes, it probably sounds strange, but this author is a bit of a joke. Then he writes about me from the first person, as if I am writing about myself from my own person, and then he switches the story from the third person to third parties, and then again from me ...

- What are you talking about? - asked the man.

“Ah, don't bother your head,” I replied, and with a blow, I shook all unnecessary thoughts out of his head.

From a blow, John froze in place, then, like a statue, tilted to his side and collapsed, sprawling on his belly. The girl looked puzzled at him, then at me.

- Are you Spiderman? She asked.

No, I as if could answer that yes, I am him, but I’m only talking to children like that, right? And we have porn with teenagers is prohibited and the girl should be an adult, so I said:

- No, I'm Deadpool.

- Cool, - admired the girl. - Are you a superhero?

“I'm not a hero, I'm just super,” I replied. Not too pathetic? Come down!

The girl came up to me and put her hand on his chest.

- And you help poor girls?

- Maybe.

Well, what should I have answered? That her little sister was tired of being beaten up by her husband, and I ran out of money for condoms and had to do this? Just kidding, of course, condoms have nothing to do with it. The case is slightly different.

- And should I thank you somehow? - the girl did not let up.

“Of course,” I replied. - And you even know how.

With these words, I put my hand on her ass and pressed to me. The girl had to cuddle up to me, with both hands on her chest and with one leg up, otherwise she would have just kept her weight.

- Is it? - the girl continued to play touchy.

“You’re really cheating on your husband?”

- How not to change this? - she answered with a question to my question, with which I answered her question. Together we looked at John sprawled on the floor. “He can't hold out for ten minutes ...”

“Well, don't be afraid, I can hold out for ten minutes.” Where is the bedroom?

The girl dragged me into a room where, apart from the bed, a pair of large and small lockers was nothing. Closing the door, she pounced on me and tried to pull off the mask, but I held her hands with the words:

- Do not.

- Want so? Okay...

Then the girl dropped to her knees, undoing my belt, then zigznula "lightning" and my cock fell free. The girl looked at the spotted skin with incomprehension, because of which the penis resembled a snake, which took on the color of the leopard. I pushed the back of her head and she began to swallow my huge cock.

Well, yes, a huge dick, what's the big deal? He doesn’t bother me at all, even when he gets up in a suit, for example, when I beat the evil female heroes ... in the sense that when I admire the flight of birds ... uh, that’s not that either ...

- Could you help me?

The girl, having stopped doing a blowjob, said:

- I kind of have a member in my mouth ... And I don’t understand what you are saying ...

- Okay, never mind. More precisely, take in the head ... - I said and helped her to do it.

During the blowjob, the girl tried to lower her pants, but I stopped and she still had to accept that she could see nothing except the member. Penis she sucked only on the head, and the rest of the drove a hand, then catching up on the head skin, then reducing it.

- Sex? The girl asked.

- They drove, - I supported.

She got up, unbuttoning his pants, I helped get rid of them, pulled off her panties and bent the girl with cancer to the bed, she continued to bare, when I fell in behind and thrust a member into her all the way, immediately taking a fast pace, I began to fuck her. In an unknown way, the girl managed to undress completely, although she constantly put her hands on the bed. Well, or I just very rarely looked at her.

When the pace dropped to what could be quietly asked, the girl did just that:

- Where are you going?

“I’m not finishing yet,” I assured.

- Where do you want? Do you want in the ass?

More and not worth anything to say. My dick left her vagina, shiny with grease. I parted her buttocks and attached between her unit, with a strong push. He is surprisingly easily lost in the ass girl. Apparently, for quite a long time indulging in anal sex, if without much preparation so easily devoured my trunk.

- What are you talking about? She asked, twitching at my thrusts.

- This is me not with you.

- With whom? - scared asked girl, looking around.

“You won't see them.”

- Whom I will not see.

No, but how can I explain to her? I am not a Morphius to explain to Neo that he is in the Matrix. Yes, and hardly Morphius would have done to Neo the same way I am doing to this girl now ... although they have postapakalpastic there, people are wild, anything can be expected.

And in order to get away from the answer, I, having applied all the inhuman efforts, began to gouge her ass, and the girl was rather puffed up, but I was pouring my sweat in a suit. Well, do not shoot it? The sight is pretty scary ... I don't even masturbate in front of a mirror. Well, not as often as before ...

I froze, slightly hanging on the girl, and quite groaned. I felt like a member of the sperm flies and merges into the ass girl. I moved the pelvis several times, each time immersing the penis smaller and smaller, while continuing to cum!

When I took out a member, from the hole between the buttocks flowed sperm. The girl without strength lay on the bed, I stood in front of her, fastening his pants, then the belt.

- Leaving so soon?

“Bye,” I said, waving the pen at the girl.

I left the room, slamming the door. This sound brought John to life. He lifted his face from the floor, then rose on his hands, clumsily knelt down and looked at me. Passing by a peasant, I hit him in the forehead. The man returned to his former position on the floor.

“And don't beat your wife anymore,” I told him. Although, he could hardly have heard me.

So I came out of this shabby house, heading for a dirty gateway, with which our story began. Here you are probably wondering - what will happen next? And Deadpool knows what will happen next. Next will be nothing with a capital letter.Because the story ends here and there will be no continuation if it turns out to be not popular on the site. Suddenly he - the author - instead of me will start writing something else, more demanded? For example, Spiderman or Batman?

And, nevertheless, it is necessary to keep the eggs in your fist and be optimistic. So, see you soon!

  • February 20, 2016 10:28 PM

    Along the way, our great-grandson shared with Grigoriev)))
    Keep it up!
    I mean, in a fist ...


    • Rating: 1
  • February 20, 2016 23:16

    Let's see general reviews and it will be seen whether to continue this series)


    • Rating: 0
  • February 20, 2016 23:17

    Hilarious I am so very. I love non-standard))


    • Rating: 1
  • February 21, 2016 0:17

    I tried to keep within the format of the film) There was a place where I can use my “amoral” humor)))


    • Rating: 0
  • February 21, 2016 0:24

    I don’t remember the film either. And the story is rzhachny!))


    • Rating: 1
  • February 21, 2016 2:49

    Thanks again.
    But the future depends on the readers, because there are many ideas for development, and what to continue - you decide)
    Though, you and the author, too, in general: 3


    • Rating: 1
  • February 24, 2016 11:19

    Super story, rating does not convey the overall assessment of the story, someone stupidly minisuyet.



    • Rating: 1
  • February 24, 2016 14:29

    thank you) Yes, anyway, the ratio of views and ratings is quite positive, the sequel will definitely be!


    • Rating: 0
  • March 4, 2016 21:01

    This was not written by Deadpool !!! Where is craze, where is frostbite, where is humor and self-irony !!!)))


    • Rating: 0

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