1. Conclusion
  2. First day of imprisonment
  3. Second day of detention
  4. Third day of imprisonment
  5. Sixth day of conclusion
  6. Seventh day of conclusion
  7. Eighth day of conclusion
  8. Ninth day of conclusion
  9. Tenth day of conclusion
  10. Eleventh day of detention
  11. Last day of imprisonment
  12. Implications of imprisonment

Darkness ... Impenetrable ... Thick clubs of darkness are in the air ... But light drives them away - a gap appears in the wall and expands downwards. Seen bare marble floor, empty walls. And a naked guy, 23 years old, flies into the room, falling through the chest to the floor. In the bright openings, there are two giants in the blue plates of the shell from head to toe, and the stone from the floor crawls back and cuts off the light just as it let it go. Darkness...

Kostya was lying on the floor and was breathing heavily. Only he could move his fingers somewhere in half an hour, and all this time he lay and walked away from the euphoria of bliss, into which he was plunged by the caress of a being, which he called Fascinating. She forced him to finish three times in a row and pumped out about half a liter of sperm from him. The guy turned over on his back. The room was cold, but it was a huge plus.

Soon the guy started what he was waiting for and afraid of. A member with eggs gripped the pain that grew and grew over time. Kostya covered them with his hands and rolled on the floor, wet from sweat. It was hard to breathe and it came out with a groan, which also contained pain. Kostya felt that his cock was on fire, the eggs just wanted to explode, the roofing felts fall off and roll on the floor ...

Thoughts came one other terrible. The guy was alone with the pain, which plunged him into eternity, but Kostya knew from somewhere that it would end. From somewhere ... The impenetrable darkness in which one guy rode, crashing into the walls with his shoulder or head, but there was no pain, it is nothing in pain compared to the one he already has!
Nevertheless, the flames in the penis and eggs began to fade. Kostya was lying with pleasure drooling and unable to stop them, or even to erase them. The blissful cold came, to which the guy gave himself all and which took him to oblivion ...

Kostya woke up from the rustling of a stone over a stone - the entrance opened again. Looking into his eyes, dull from sleep, into the light, naturally, he did not see anything, only distinguished who was approaching the shadow very quickly. The body fell on the guy. While the stone did not grow back, Kostya managed to notice that this was also a man and ... also a guy. Kostya shoved him off himself and tried to sit up, but the pain immediately returned, though not in full force, but forced him to close between his legs with his hands, to bite his teeth and roll onto his shoulder.

And the stranger was breathing heavily behind his back. Something to Kostya this breath reminded ... something not so kind. And the appearance of this new cellmate was a bad premonition, but he decided not to reflect on this topic, especially since the creatures are not so perverted ... especially Charm. Yeah, the situation is not easy ... Darkness ... She calls him ...

Again Kostya woke up immediately. From a strong stab in the back, from which he rolled onto his back. Kostya heard a hoarse moan, full of pain and piercing to the bone with frost. Kostya was filled with sympathy for his cellmate, especially since he himself had not completely moved away from this agony, but he could not help the poor fellow with anything except crawling forward so as not to interfere with rolling from shoulder to shoulder. Kostya approached the wall, stood along it and froze, but did not try to sleep - first, the guy's moan drove away all fatigue, and second, the stranger could crash into him again.

After some time, Kostya began to see the room, albeit in dim lighting. It turned out that in fact there was a dim lighting - the circles in the walls glowed. The room was of a standard type, although a passage was visible in one of the walls, but Kostya decided to look there later, but for now the cellmate attracted the attention. In appearance, he was just like Kostya, also a well-developed musculature, attractive facial features, albeit distorted by suffering ...hands he held between his legs.

“It will be soon,” said Kostya, not quite sure that the boy heard him, but he definitely could not answer.
Kostya began to slowly get up, leaning his hands on the wall. He stood on cotton legs, which were trembling entirely and each cell separately, but with slow steps he could still move along the wall and then went into the passage. It turned out to be a tiny room in which the square of liquid stood, closing in with the walls. The liquid was whitish in color and Kostya towered to the waist, coming closer, Kostya saw a large hole in the center, it was impossible to see the depth. Kostya understood that this was a toilet, and he sighed with relief and with a smile.

The cellmate was rolling on the floor for a long time, but still calmed down with a satisfied face. Kostya fell asleep even faster than a stranger. Once again, he was awakened by a stone under the floor. In the passage stood two giants in the plates of the shell and threw the guy's body into the room. The guy slammed his chest against the floor, like his two predecessors. The stone is closed. The newcomer had standard procedures, and Kostya evaluated his appearance: the muscles were not as developed as he and the other, even years looked less, but his face was not bad ... Kostya understood that he had already seen that face. Then, in the forest ... This guy was with Masha.

Thoughts about a girl took Kostya far beyond the camera. But I had to return because of the new sound, the origin of which he understood, looking at the first guy who was thrown to Kostya. He looked at him, trying to say something and with difficulty he did it:
- You were right ... everything went ...

Kostya looked away.
“I don’t want to upset you,” he said, “but that’s not all.
“Igor,” the guy introduced himself.
“Kostya,” Kostya called himself.
Igor removed his hands from his penis and eggs, rolled onto his back, but he had to return his hands and lay on his shoulder again.
“Masha ... a female cry ...” the third guy groaned and burst into a groan of pain.

Kostya was surprised that he had the strength to speak from somewhere, and Igor asked:
- You had her too?
“He is unlikely to answer,” said Kostya. “But he had it long before ... this place.” At first, Masha was with me, and then, apparently, she was taken to you ... and from you to him, or what?
“Then they got through very fast.” I was dragged off, and she stayed with these creatures ...

Igor's sperm lay in warm jets on Masha's chest and belly, and he was already dragged into the aisle by two giants and the stone closed the passage behind them, but in the room, apart from Masha, two creatures remained. One of them was the one whom Kostya would call a few hours later the First. The girl clung to the wall, and the creatures looked at her and talked briefly about something.

They approached her from two sides, Masha tried to slip out, but both creatures put their hands on her shoulders and pressed her against the wall. One erased the sperm from her breasts and started kissing her breasts, licking her nipples with a split tongue, which seemed disgusting to the girl, but she felt a strange pleasure and her nipples quickly hardened. The second caressed her pussy and Masha was very pleased by the feeling of a soft chill.

They put the girl on the floor, but she did not resist painfully. One still remained to lick her breasts, she found herself in the head of the second between the legs of the girl and the forked tongue penetrated her slit. She moaned and arched. The tongue penetrated deeply and jerked in the pussy, caressing two tips, which created the impression that it contained two members at once. Masha finished almost immediately, but the man did not turn his head and everything continued to give her pleasure.

One pulled his head from his breasts and straightened up on his knees. He threw off the shields of the shell and Masha saw the rising member. The member was a normal size for the creature, but since they are somewhat denser than people, it appeared to be a giant for the girl. But the hand itself reached out to him and the penis was in the palm, which could barely cover him. The member was also soft and stroking it was a great pleasure.

The man, kneeling, hung his chest over the girl's head, resting his hand on the floor, but her chest went further and the pink head of the penis rested against Masha's cheek.She was warm, and, as always, this warm was gentle. Masha put the head in her mouth and began to suck, getting great pleasure from it. The scrotum was not covered with hairs, as is customary in humans, and kneading it in the palm of your hand was pleasant.

The head occupied almost the entire mouth of the girl, but she began to push through her further, with each movement of the head grabbing the penis more per millimeter. Masha felt that in her pussy there is no more language. Creatures talked about something. That girl's mouth began to leave the penis, she reached for him, but he still jumped out. The creatures were standing on their feet, the second one also lost its shell plates, in the place of which the member was now jutting out no less than the already caressed Masha.

The girl knelt in front of them and grabbed the penis in both hands. At first, she gave her mouth to the member of the one who was pleasing her pussy, and the second satisfied with smooth movements of the hand and kneading the testicles. But that member was not waiting for a long time. The creatures stood opposite each other so that their trunks touched their heads, which gave Masha the opportunity to lick both of them at once and not to shake her head. But, in order to suck the whole member, I still had to move my head and it’s not rare that I go down with my lips to the eggs, which the girl liked to suck in particular, so gentle and without hairs ...

In the end, the men decided themselves to do business and lifted the girl from her knees. She already figured the position to stand with cancer, head one on the penis, but the creatures decided differently: one stood in front of Masha, the other behind her back, who easily lifted the girl about half a meter, and the second one attached the penis to her pussy and began to lower Masha on him. Masha finished for the second time. More precisely, she had finished, while a huge monster crawled into her hole, from which soft warmth flowed. The girl sat on the whole penis and her legs dangled about 20 centimeters from the floor. It seemed to her that she was holding a dick, but these were the hands of the front creature, and the rear one lowered them onto Masha's elastic ass and began to push the buttocks apart. The girl felt between them head penis ...

While he entered it, expanding the diameter of the anal, the girl could not breathe. When he got into the ass to half, Masha felt that the members of the creatures put pressure on each other inside her. And then the penis went all over. The men gave the girl some time to get used to and slowly began to fuck on both sides, practically without moving the penises. One held Masha on the waist, the other put his hands on her back, and the girl did not dare to move. But the creatures could not hold back for a long time and the speed of movements abruptly jumped to the point that the members nearly flew out of the holes, and the eggs beat about the person - and this in a split second.

Masha wriggled between them and screamed with an almost solid cry. It seemed to her that she was constantly ending. And the creatures fucked the girl in this position for several hours without smoke breaks, then the members left the holes and Masha got to her feet, which buckled and she fell. But the men raised her to her knees, she rather by inertia than in her mind, grabbed their limbs and started to jerk off, bringing them closer to each other and tickling her tongue on the heads.

From a blow of sperm in the face, the girl recoiled. The sperm was hot and gently touched the skin, and had a yellowish color. The second jet got into her mouth and filled it to the point that the sperm began to flow on the chin. I didn’t finish the first one yet, as the second one also started shooting. Masha did not have time to swallow. Her face was all in a yellowish liquid, which flooded the girl’s breasts, and ran like a stream through her tummy and dripped from her pussy. When there was no sperm left in the creatures and their members went to bed, she still continued to hold on to Masha and drive her head down her cheeks and lips.

The guy was rolling on the floor in moans. It seems that Masha called him Maxim, but Kostya was not exactly sure. Kostya thought hard and wanted to sleep, but he did not sleep. His cock seemed to have passed from pain, but in the eggs it often tingled. It seemed to Kostya that his eggs increased significantly and in some way it was. Igor lay next to Kostya, not yet daring to remove his legs from the sore spot, and tried to fall asleep.

A stone in the wall went to the floor and a bright light penetrated the room.Two creatures, one of which was the First, brought the girl in and laid their backs on the floor at the entrance and left. It became dark again, even though the dim light allowed me to see ... Darkness ...

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