1. One tenth of horsepower. Part 1
  2. One tenth of horsepower. Part 2
  3. One tenth of horsepower. Part 3
  4. One tenth of horsepower. Part 4
  5. One tenth of horsepower. Part 5
  6. One tenth of horsepower. Part 6

Page: 7 of 10

anus, when suddenly a strong discharge in her breasts made her shudder and cry out loudly. She almost lost her balance. Acne kept her grabbed by the neck. The current continued to hurt her chest painfully. She reflexively tried to get up, but her legs, fixed in a bent position, did not unbend. She screamed loudly, gathering all her strength. The reflex made the pelvic muscles squeeze, pulling the anal sleeve inward, and pulling up, thereby, hanging up the rope with a load of disks-weights. The platform rose above the metal plate on the floor, opening an electrical circuit and the discharges stopped.

“Well,” the Specialist said, smiling, “the first lesson was learned!” So with sooooo good ...

Irina firmly held the sleeve with a load, squeezing the muscles of the sphincter and not letting the sleeve slip out of the rectum. Acne pushed his chair on wheels and sat down, counting seconds. Time painfully long lasted. In any case, for a young woman whose knees began to tremble due to tension.

- Be patient, baby, be patient ... - muttered Specialist, you will know when you can let go.

Two minutes passed and he pressed the second button on the remote, applying voltage to the buttocks. The woman screamed, again trying to leap up, but again to no avail. At that moment, the tired muscles of the sphincter slowly unclenched and a sleeve partially crawled out of it, dropping the platform with weights to the floor. Discharges stopped again. She often breathed, wide-eyed, wet with tears.

- Well, here is the second lesson learned, - said Acne, getting up. After half a minute, he once again applied tension to the nipples and Irina abruptly retracted the sleeve with her anus and raised the platform with a load above the floor, quickly ridding her breasts of lumbago current. Acne set the automatic mode on the console, replacing the discharges with a minute frequency and started the program. Automation worked more sparingly. The discharge was supplied with increasing voltage, causing only mild irritation at the first moment. Thus, accurately and in a timely manner by executing commands, a woman could cut off the signals in time, without causing herself unnecessary suffering. Acne sat and watched with interest the work of Irina's muscles, which tensed and relaxed the anus with a given frequency, lifting and lowering the weight hanging on the cable sticking out of the butt. Five minutes later, he waited until the load once again lowered, turned off the program and replaced the small top load with a large one, increasing it by two hundred grams. He again filed a discharge on his chest and she quickly contracted the muscles of the anus, pulling deeper into the large sleeve and lifting the weight above the floor. This time she began to feel how a heavy load is trying to pull the sleeve from her backside, threatening to resume the terrible discharges in the nipples. Squeezing the sphincter with all her strength, she tried to keep the sleeve inside her. The specialist was in no hurry to give the command and silently looked at the reddening anus gradually bulging out with a slowly crawling sleeve, saying:

- Be patient, be patient, baby ... For you it is good, you are my fool ... Still a bit more ... A little more ... That's soooo ... Hold-hold ... That's great! - He gave tension on the clitoris and Irina, shouting, sharply relaxed the press. The sphincter expanded and the metal sleeve quickly broke out of the rectum and fell loudly on the metal sheet on the floor. Following on from a stretched red sphincter, which did not close completely, a little bit of viscous mucus flowed out. Acne swore softly and, taking a rag, carefully rubbed a sticky puddle.He waited another five minutes and, slightly lowering the platform with the woman, roughly thrust the fallen stopper into her ass, patting the slammed anus a couple of times with his hand. Irina screamed more from unexpected penetration than from pain, and Acne, changing the weight of the load, gradually lifted the platform until the sphincter bulged slightly under the effect of the cork trying to crawl out. He turned on the training auto mode again, increasing the frequency of pulling in the load to two seconds and set the timer for seven minutes. The woman, feeling the beginning of tingling in the nipples, threatening to go into the shooting category, immediately pulled the sleeve. After a couple of seconds, the pricking tingled in the buttocks, and she relaxed the anus, lowered the load, hitting him on the metal floor. Two more seconds and the load was raised again ... Irina concentratedly did a strange exercise, closing her eyes. The specialist poured himself a glass of water and, sitting down in front of her, began to observe. Each compression of the anus harmoniously reflected on her beautiful, very slightly swollen fat, abdomen, which then dramatically inhaled, but bulged out sharply as she relaxed muscles. Acne, noticed that the trembling in her legs was almost gone. “Well, that's great, bitch. It was mastered ..., he thought, and after waiting a little, he added another small stogrammovy disk to the general load, noticing how tightly the eyelids squeezed Irina. A load of one and a half kilograms rhythmically rose and fell, counting out with a measured metallic sound every four seconds.

Acne approvingly patted Irina on the cheek and continued to watch the game of her body. Soon, the timer echoed and the program applied a constant discharge to the gluteal rings, which stopped as soon as she relaxed the anus and allowed the sleeve to drop to the touch of the floor platform. Acne began to release her from the training machine, unplugging the wires and unleashing the straps tightening her legs. Then he unbuckled his sandals and let her go to the floor. Irina straightened her stiff legs with difficulty and, taking a few steps, stopped waiting. The muscles of the abdomen and perineum ached slightly from habit. Acne seemed to forget about her and diligently compiled a report in the computer. Then he kept it in the common base and opened the door to the corridor. Akhmat instantly appeared in the doorway, who escorted Irina to the ward.

The rest of the day passed normally. Rest was interrupted only with a hearty dinner and a traditional visit to the Doctor.


The next day, she again practiced at the stadium, managed by Semen, located on the podium. Sometimes some people approached him, sat down at him, just watching Irina running in different modes. After talking about her, they left. Two hours later, Semyon finished the training and returned Irina to Igor. And after lunch, she again entered the hall to Acne.

The specialist met her with a contented smile. He quickly hoisted her onto the exercise machine and, hooking wires to her electrodes, lifted her over the floor and inserted a lightly oiled vaseline plug with cable into her backside. This time she expected it and kept from crying. He set the load on the platform and turned on auto mode. Irina immediately began to rhythmically raise and lower the platform with the disks, not allowing strong discharges on her electrodes. Two minutes later, he added weight, going out on yesterday’s one and a half kilograms and in another five minutes he gave her a rest. Ten minutes later, he reported another hundred grams and again launched a five-minute program. Irina felt an increase in weight, but also worked perfectly for the five minutes of the exercise. And again the squeak of the timer, which she did not hear, but felt the signal to rest. The following two approaches were without weight gain. But the tired woman began to lower the load too early, immediately receiving a noticeable discharge in the nipples. She hastily squeezed the sphincter, but the tired muscles were no longer able to draw in a two-kilogram load and the sleeve gradually began to crawl out, opening the anus more and more wide.Acne waited until the end of the program, during which more and more often a beep was heard, which accompanied the penalty discharges, and then turned off the voltage and released Irina. She awkwardly climbed off the not-fully-lowered platform and shifted from one foot to the other. The specialist poured some water through her funnel and called for Igor.

After dinner, Irina, as usual, stood in the office at the Doctor. This time the office was crowded. About eight thin men of different ages looked at the incoming naked woman with interest. They were as short as they were and they are dressed in red sports ... Read more →

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