1. One tenth of horsepower. Part 1
  2. One tenth of horsepower. Part 2
  3. One tenth of horsepower. Part 3
  4. One tenth of horsepower. Part 4
  5. One tenth of horsepower. Part 5
  6. One tenth of horsepower. Part 6

Page: 3 of 10

while the program processes the entered data and displays information about the next stage of preparation of the object. Waiting for the result, he went out into the corridor and called Igor.

“To the lab,” he said shortly, and went back to his business.

Igor led Irina along an unfamiliar route to the other wing of the building. They headed to the end of the corridor, where it ended in a white plastic door with dark glass. Behind the door was a narrow staircase going down. After the bright corridors of the medical block, the staircase with two only dim lights without plafonds seemed dear to the underworld. Irina's bare feet stepped uncertainly on the cold stone steps, which brought a slight sensation of horror from the unknown for those who waited for her at the end of the path. Having gone down, they found themselves in an even darker and colder corridor stretching into darkness. Irina shrank coldly and turned around to Igor, stopped.

“Come on, come on,” he said sullenly, nodding into the distance and at the same time pushing her in the back.

The floor, like the stairs, was made of stone, only wet from damp. Rarely located. dim bulbs practically did not illuminate it. And so Irina continually screamed, occasionally stepping on some unfortunate pebble that was digging into her foot. At the end of a long passage, the same staircase finally appeared, leading upwards. She added a step and quickly ran up, but stopped in front of the closed door. Igor grunted and circled her, unlocked the door. She again found herself in the civilized world, which appeared before her next corridor. But here it was so lively that for a moment she had a phantom sense of shame for her nakedness. But, remembering that for everyone she is just an “animate object”, she relaxed and indifferently followed her escort, without paying attention to the interested views of people scurrying here. In contrast to the indifferent doctors, the local contingent consisted of clearly not spoiled by female nudity people. She felt the long, interested glances of the men who turned around. It seemed to her that only the formidable sight of a strong guard had stopped them from the temptation to eat at her protruding roundness, pierced by small shiny rings. They walked a little more and turned into a small branch that ended in a large hall with two doors, in the hall stood several more pairs of escorts and women of various suits and ages with gags in their mouths. Like Irina, they all had nipples and buttocks pierced, and black bundles of wires and tubes stuck out of their asses. “I wonder how many of us are here?” - thought Irina, when the figure nine flashed above one of the doors on a small green board. One of the guards immediately grabbed the blonde girl standing next to him with his head bowed drowsily and opened the door, pushed her inside, remaining outside himself. Almost simultaneously, the second door opened and another large body girl appeared. Waiting for a low escort immediately took her into the corridor. Soon they waited for the number 18 and Igor let her in at the door.

One of the walls of the room was made of huge glass, behind which was very crowded. Most simply stood or sat on chairs, looking through the glass. And at the huge tables in front of the glass, cluttered with monitors and all kinds of consoles, there were two people in yellow coats.

From this side of the glass, she was met by two young laboratory assistants of just over twenty years in yellow coats.

- ABOUT! Another aunt, - grinned one of them, that is younger, - why the hell do they take these?

“Do not tell me,” the second responded, grabbing Irina by the hand, led her to the same treadmill as in the gym, “at that age they can easily give odds to any of your youngsters.”

- Come on! In sports, youth prevailed.

- This is the sprinters. For age, age does not matter. Look, what her strong legs! - he stroked the woman on a strong thigh. There is such a force.

- Aha silischa ... With such a fat ass, she will not run away.

- What would you understand, Sanya. Normal ass. Do not click. What is our number - the eighteenth? - he took the marker and put the number 18 on the back and both shoulders of the woman.

- Eh, sorry for the competition will not go ... Well, at least for the qualifying.

Irina did not hear, but she understood what they were saying about her and, closing her eyes, struggled with a mixed feeling of embarrassment and excitement at the same time.

“Okay, let's work ...” the elder pushed Irina onto the black ribbon of the simulator, “hook up the sensors.”

Sanya took a wire with a bunch of sensors from the depths of one of the metal cabinet standing next to it and distributed them over the body of a waiting woman. From time to time, his hand, as if by chance, lingered on its roundness a little longer than it should be.

- Sanya! - Strongly pulled his elder.

- What is “Sanya”? The younger one snapped. - This is an object. What's the difference. They do not care. And secondly, it may be more convenient for me to hang up the sensors! Che this - for boobs held? Again: her pleasure ... I do not fuck them.

- Not in pleasure business. There are rules. You signed them. Will notice - will dismiss, You somewhere else will raise so much money?

Irina saw that the boys were fighting, and despite not hearing, she understood the essence of the conflict. It amused her a little and she wanted to add fuel to the fire. She took an unguarded step toward the young one and, pretending that she had stumbled, fell on him ... He automatically grabbed her so that one of her hands firmly grasped her chest. His face stretched out in surprise from surprise, and his partner hissed:

- Sanya, for God's sake !!!

- So she herself ...

- Yeah, she shoved her tits in your hand ...

Sanya recoiled from Irina and began to correct the flown sensors.

“Get away, I will do it myself,” the elder approached, walking up to the woman and fastening her wrists to the handrails on the sides of the treadmill, “connect her to the computer, better.”

Sanya silently crouched behind Irina and, picking up a harness with wires and two tubes hanging between juicy buttocks, strictly observing the color matching. Last he connected the usb-connector, stretching somewhere in the direction of the glass wall ... When finished, he pressed the radio button and said quietly:

- The object is connected, we check.

- "It is accepted, we check", - responded in a portable radio set.

By this time, the second technician, having finished messing around with the pulsimetric sensor on the woman’s lobe, put a blindfold on her eyes.

“Egor, is everything yours?” Hissed the radio.

- Yes, - he replied, - I'm coming already ..

He went out the side door connected to the hall. In the hall, he walked over to a table with monitors and sat on an empty chair next to his colleagues.

On the monitors flashed different numbers and indicators with a variety of sensors, pinned to a motionless woman standing behind the glass in a brightly lit room. Sanya is located next to the chair in case of unforeseen situations. He looked at Irina with undisguised interest and once again mentally thanked the fate that he was born a man. Egor set the voltage and frequency of discharges and reported to the man sitting in the middle. He nodded and quietly gave the command:

- Getting started!

Egor moved the control lever on the exact same console as in the gym forward and looked at the glass. The woman jerked a little from a light electric shock in her nipples and slowly began to cross her legs. The speed indicator on the monitors began to display the exact current speed, in parallel with it the figure below also began to slowly increase, showing the average speed. Irina carefully picked up the pace, trying to stop the signals and trying not to overdo it with speed. Soon the chest discharges stopped and she stopped accelerating, bearing in mind the prospect of getting discharges up the ass.Sitting on the other side, a bearded man with glasses began to record in some paper forms readings of the pulse, pressure, rectal temperature and other medical parameters. From time to time he talked about something with the engineer sitting in the center, obviously, the person in charge in conducting this experiment .... Read more →

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