1. One tenth of horsepower. Part 1
  2. One tenth of horsepower. Part 2
  3. One tenth of horsepower. Part 3
  4. One tenth of horsepower. Part 4
  5. One tenth of horsepower. Part 5
  6. One tenth of horsepower. Part 6

Page: 9 of 10

out of ten approaches for five minutes with a three-minute rest. With each approach, it became increasingly difficult for her to wrap her muscles around her slippery metal bulb, trying to slip down. But the threat of a penalty discharge made her try her best and in time to lift the load. It seemed to her. That Acne every time reports a small disk for weight gain, but the weight was unchanged. It took an hour and a half when the program ended and Acne as a sign of encouragement splashed some warm coffee from her unfinished cup into the probe and patted her cheek bitingly, lowered the platform below and allowed her twenty minutes to come to her senses. Sam, meanwhile, filled out a report form in the computer.

Returning, he again raised the platform. Manually putting the discharge on his chest, he forced her to pull in the sleeve and turned off the current. Lifting the platform high enough, he began to add weights to the platform.

The sphincter that did not have time to rest convulsively huddled and kept in itself a sleeve torn under the weight of the disks. On three kilograms, Vitalik noticed that the shiny surface of a large metal sleeve slowly began to appear from the woman's expanding and protruding anus. He added another stogrammovy disk and then again filed an electric discharge. Irina shouted hard and, having gathered all her strength, made an effort to pull the sleeve back into the rectum, but the attempt was unsuccessful and the platform with the discs collapsed to the floor, pulling out a huge metallic pear from its backside. Acne turned off the voltage and began to collect discs. In total, it turned out three kilograms of two hundred grams. He again wrote down the value to the computer and, returning, began to free the woman from the straps and cords. This time the anus is quite noticeably nyla from tension. She descended to the floor and moved to the center of the hall, setting shaky legs slightly wider than usual. Vita called Igor and he returned her to the ward. Exhausted, she lay on her side and gradually turned off, forgetting everything that happens to her ..

After lunch, San Sanych again installed her control module and Igor took her to the gym to the Seine. An exercise bike was waiting for her there. Two women have already worked on two neighbors. The coach fastened it to the seat, fastened the sensors and launched a long program. Light discharge in the breasts and Irina spun the pedals. When the speed increased to 25 km / h, the discharges stopped and Senya, having watched the measured movements of the woman a little, left the hall. This time he went not to the rest room, but to Kostya.

- Oh, is it you, Senj? Come on in! - The doctor, as usual, sat at the table.

- Pour coffee?

- And how! Come on - sit down ... - Kostya pointed to a chair in front of the table, and himself, pressing the selector button, said, - Sasha, bring some coffee, please.

- What's up with the camp soon? - asked Semyon, sitting down to the Doctor.

- Yes, in a month, we will probably deliver it. The chef himself called me yesterday. He asked how the material ... I said that in general there are copies at the level, except for two or three. Well, you yourself saw one weight, and the one that last week brought an injury. Do not master.

- Yes, it is clear. And this one from the Urals. Probably not an option either. I do not even understand where she got all these regalia? For grandmother can buy?

- Well, God knows. In any case, the reserve can be put. New as?

- You know, very much nothing. And Acne praises.

- Yes, I watched the results ... Sanych was not mistaken - she is good at the back.

Semyon grinned:

- It sounds good!

A girl entered the office in a short medical gown, holding a tray with two cups of aromatic coffee.

“Thank you, Sash,” the Doctor said, not looking at the girl.

Semyon, on the contrary, devouring Sasha's delicious legs with his eyes, animated:

- Alexandra! And when you bring me coffee, finally?

- You are far, Semyon Andreevich, you are. Coffee on the way cool! - Sasha joked.

- It's nothing - we'll warm you up again!

Sasha giggled and quickly walked away, banging her heels.

Senya glanced at the phone, checking Irina's pulse.

- How long has it been working?

“Twenty-eight minutes.”

- How much did you charge it?

- As in the program - today for three hours.

- Good..

Irina pedaled without much effort, keeping the set speed. A couple of times she broke down, starting to pedal a little faster than expected, but the pulsating discharges in the buttocks reduced the speed to the given one. The gag was open, and her breathing did not lag, as it did when engineers worked with her in the laboratory. About two hours later, she began to feel light fatigue and the module having caught changes in the sensors, injected the necessary solution into the intestines. The remaining hour did not bring her any surprises, and when the coach returned, she still tirelessly wound the pedals, just like at the beginning of the training session. Senya stood for a minute and gave the gas up to 45 km / h. Irina sped up and he heard her breathing becoming faster. He poured some water into her stomach and covered the hole in the gag. She squinted at the coach a surprised look and often puffed her nose. Senya, without paying attention to it, continued to monitor the pulse and temperature. Exactly ten minutes later, he stopped the race and, opening the gag, began to unfasten the noisy breathing soaked woman. Then he freed the rest.

At dinner, she was waiting for a big piece of turkey with mashed potatoes, a vegetable salad and a large glass of freshly squeezed orange juice. After a long evening workout on an exercise bike, her appetite was in earnest, and she frantically burrowed into a dry piece of meat, swallowing it with pleasure and feeling how the food naturally filled her stomach. The blissful feeling of fullness overwhelmed her when she went out into the corridor to her guard. Exhausted for the day, she terribly wanted to sleep, but Igor, according to the regulations, led her to the Doctor.

This time, in the office in front of Kostya, a woman in a long dress sat in front of Kostya, who met her on the first day, and a couple of strong men in black suits sat on the banquettes by the wall. They cheekily stared at Irina, not expressing, however, any emotions on their faces. Kostya freed her mouth from the gag and took out the earplugs from her ears, returned to the table, continuing, apparently, the interrupted conversation:

- I do not really understand why such a rush? After all, initially it was about three months. We may just not have time physically. I do not speak already about engineers.

- I understand you, Constantine. But, you understand, this is not my decision.

- Yes, of course ... But you can somehow influence?

- Unfortunately, Kostya, not in this case. You have exactly one month, after which they are transferred to the camp and then there will be a qualifying round.

“I see ...” the Doctor muttered, taking off his glasses.

“In any case, the whole team remains unchanged,” the woman continued, “you said that out of fifteen participants you can train only thirteen?”

- Yes, maybe twelve ... Not sure. Two for sure - useless material.

- But their problems are solved.

- I know, but no chance for two exactly. One weight problem, the other ... well, hopeless, too. Regarding the third, - he put three packs of files in front of the interlocutor, - this one ... I don’t believe in her involvement in the sport at all, even in the past.

The woman carefully studied all three packs of paper and said:

- I will take these files, if you do not mind, Kostya?

- Yes, of course, I specially duplicated them for you.

- Thank you, - she took the documents and rose, - I need to go. Please try to catch the deadline. Goodbye, Kostya!

“Good-bye,” the Doctor politely rose from his seat.

The men sitting by the wall were distracted from the contemplation of Irina, who had been standing in the center of the room all this time, and opening the office door, silently followed the woman in the long dress.

“How do you feel,” he asked quickly, not looking at Irina.

- I want to sleep.

The doctor quickly looked at her, but said nothing. He habitually listened to her lungs, checked her throat and measured her blood pressure .... Read more →

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