1. One tenth of horsepower. Part 1
  2. One tenth of horsepower. Part 2
  3. One tenth of horsepower. Part 3
  4. One tenth of horsepower. Part 4
  5. One tenth of horsepower. Part 5
  6. One tenth of horsepower. Part 6

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where she took a shower on her own, and from there took her to lunch. She fell asleep right behind the meal and, awakened by Igor, could not understand for a long time what was happening. But after a few minutes he took her to the ward, where she, falling flat in bed, instantly disconnected.

In the evening she was woken up at half past eight and fed me a delicious dinner of boiled turkey with rice and was taken to a surgeon. This time San Sanych led her to the table, where she climbed on her own and immediately assumed the desired position, pulling her back upwards. The surgeon grinned and did not fasten it.

“You see, Zhenya, what conditioned reflexes are,” he laughed and began to extract the control module from the sleeve in the rectum. Irina felt how nice something slides along her insides, repeating the bizarre bends of her intestines. The anus flexibly widened and narrowed, releasing the thickened tip of the tube when the surgeon took out a capsule that was slippery with mucus. He lightly slapped the woman on the ass with her fingers and she got off the table and stood waiting.

“She is good, San Sanych,” said Zhenya, assessing Irina from head to toe. Then she went to the door and opened it, called Igor.

The doctor immediately pulled the earplugs from Irina out of her ears and carefully removed the probe, pulling the gag. The woman sighed with relief.

“Adjust yourself,” this time the tone of the doctor didn’t sound as dry as it used to be, “You got it today, I heard, but what to do.” He pushed her glass of water and continued, waiting until she took a few sips:

- How are you feeling?

“Well, thank you,” she answered quickly, “the head does not hurt, the stomach is in order, there is no shortness of breath, and dizziness too.”

- That's fine. I saw a general report on today's research. In general, the result is positive. Your body showed good results. Anyway, this time. You often have to participate in such experiments. This is necessary first, for the constant modernization of the program, and therefore for you. Today, the control module has been slightly upgraded software. This will allow in the future to maximally automate the supply of your body with necessary drugs and water in conditions of increased physical exertion. And secondly, we will test various drugs to increase the level of hemoglobin in your blood and, as a result, increase your body's overall endurance, which is critical in upcoming competitions. By the way, the capsule does not bother you?

Irina shook her head:

- I almost did not feel it. Is that something else here, - she showed a hand just below the right breast.

“This is the tip of the rectal tube with sensors,” Doctor said with a wave of his hand, “the necessary solutions are injected through it into your intestine. Get used to it. Among other things, the module is equipped with a GSM module for Internet access. And, with the help of any smartphone, we can both monitor the state of your body anywhere in the world and manage it.

From tomorrow, you return to your regular workouts. San Sanych will no longer torment your piquant place ... but a sports specialist will take his place. You have already met him once, but from tomorrow you will get to know him better. Want to say something?

- Not.

- Then open your mouth and tilt your head back, - with these words, he took the gag and approached Irina. Quickly inserting the gag and new earplugs, he called Igor in the corridor and returned to his business.

Igor took her to the ward and she quickly went to bed, covered with a sheet.


She slept well and woke up again long before Akhmat came. The woman quickly went out into the corridor and went to the restroom. Akhmat habitually followed, enjoying the spectacle. Having waited until Irina was fed and her intestines were washed, he took her to a surgeon, where he rather quickly placed a capsule in her anus.

Then Akhmat took her to Luba, from where she had already gone out in his new tights for practicing outside and in strange sneakers with an oversized bootleg. Walking on them was not so much inconvenient as it is unusual. The heel was located slightly above the toe, giving the foot a slight rise, due to which the legs, and indeed it looked more sexy. Lyubov Vasilyevna was pretty spinning around her, straightening in some places the strayed matter. Then I connected the wires sewn into the tights to the electrodes on the body, and the opposite ends stretched to the cutout, which opened the crotch, to the plugs sticking out of the backside. Having dealt with this, she returned the woman to Akhmata. He took her to the gym. He handed Semyon some remote control and, as usual, went out. Semyon nodded approvingly, appreciating the new image of Irina. The athlete set the desired mode and slightly moved the usual lever forward. The woman twitched violently and squealed in surprise. Strong discharges of current in her chest made her go ahead. When she went to the middle of the hall, he pressed the red button that says "stop." Irina ridiculously crouched in a sudden, often throbbing pain in the perineum. It seemed to her that someone was poking at her clit with a sharp knife. A cry escaped from her chest against her will, but the continuing discharges did not stop. She got up again and the discharges stopped. Senya again put pressure on her nipples and she went again. And again the red button, but the woman, realizing that she was required to stand abruptly. Senya smiled and again made her go forward. She has already crossed almost the entire hall. A little more and it rests against the wall. And here Semyon turned the joystick handle to the left and Irina felt discharges in her left breast and left buttock. She began to turn left and the discharges stopped again. She began to intuitively understand the signals sent by the trainer to her body and soon she was already running around the spacious gymnasium, then stopping, then accelerating, then slowing down, turning in the right places practically minimizing the ruthless discharge of electricity on the electrodes implanted into her body. The “stop” command responded with the most acute pain, from which sparks flew from her eyes. She tried to be alert all the time, trying to stop as sharply as possible. Standing with a remote control in the corner of the hall, Semyon looked like a teenager who had just been given a radio-controlled car. And he tried to immediately test it in all modes, speeding up and slowing down the obedient model. Sharply stopping and again unexpectedly quickly dispersing, almost to the maximum, directing directly into the wall. And at the very last moment sharply pressing the red button, stopping, almost half a meter from the wall. Irina was out of breath from the trainer who was carried away by the fun and who even forgot to open a hole in her gag. Her leotard shone beautifully from sweat droplets brought out when Acne entered the hall.

- Op-pa! - he shouted loudly, looking at Irina scurrying back and forth, - and the filly is so naughty - I got comfortable, I look!

Acne approached Semyon and deftly grabbing the remote from him, winked at him:

- Let me play! ... Senya you are not ofigel, by the way? What do you pay salary for? Like, he said, you will work on the street ...

At the same time, he began poking you with all sorts of buttons and jerking the joystick in all directions, forcing Irina to rush around the room headlong, stumbling and jumping up to catch new signals. Burning shots of electricity were heard almost simultaneously on all electrodes. In confusion, she stopped, turned somewhere, ran again ...

Finally, Semyon snatched the remote from Vitalik and pressed the red button. Irina stopped as if she had been dug up and fell on her knees from impotence and rested her head on the floor.She cried loudly in pain and despair, not understanding what was required of her and what she did wrong.

- Ok, they played and that's enough, - said Acne, laughing. - I'll go. In the evening I will do it ..

Semyon raised a roaring woman, waited for her to calm down, opened the hole in her gag, and slowly sent her to the door with the help of the remote. She dejectedly went, sobbing occasionally. He opened the door and let it go ahead and pressed the red button. Irina stopped. He put on ... Read more →

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