1. One tenth of horsepower. Part 1
  2. One tenth of horsepower. Part 2
  3. One tenth of horsepower. Part 3
  4. One tenth of horsepower. Part 4
  5. One tenth of horsepower. Part 5
  6. One tenth of horsepower. Part 6

Page: 6 of 10

warm sports jacket, closed the gym and led her to the elevator to the end of the corridor. They climbed to the first floor, where she spent the night on the first night. From there we went to the exit door and went out into the street. Irina closed her eyes from the bright light. Semyon understood what was happening and was not in a hurry. Gradually, her pupils adapted to street lighting and she saw a neat field-stadium, covered with a thin layer of snow that had fallen, apparently recently. The exposed breasts and bare parts of the buttocks gradually began to chill in the light March frost. Senya gave a strain on her chest and she energetically walked, trying not to pay attention to the freezing breasts. However, on the whole, the leotard pretty well protected her from frost and the unpleasant northern wind. Semyon brought it to the starting line of the track and setting the speed in the region of 7 km / h, gave a signal to accelerate. Irina, feeling the current in the breasts, began to pick up speed and fixed the pace as soon as the discharges stopped. There was no need to turn signals on the track - primitive running in a circle did not require this. Semyon checked her pulse and went back to the building. Drinking coffee and flipping through magazines in the staff lounge, he ran into the gym, grabbed a bottle of some dark liquid and returned to the stadium. Irina continued to work, winding circles in an even run. Senya looked at the smartphone. The pulse was smooth, the temperature rose to working. He pulled the console knob slightly to the left and let go as soon as the woman began to run towards him. When she came close enough, he gradually lowered the speed to zero, replacing the painful impulse on the clitoris with more familiar for her, as it seemed to him, discharges along the buttocks. Removing the cover from the probe hole, he poured in a half-bottle of dark liquid and let her breathe. She took deep breaths, forcing her bare breasts to rise and fall beautifully. Semyon put his hand, check if they are too cold. Irina, having slightly recoiled, was a little taken aback by a sudden caring touch. But then she took a step forward, and looked into the eyes of the coach. Semyon was suddenly embarrassed and immediately straightened his hand. He bumped into the phone, studying the indicators in the application with concentration and, bypassing the woman, quickly headed for the stands. Irina turned slowly. Her eyes mockingly accompanied the retreating trainer. He sat down on one of the seats in the second row and after a minute put an end to this awkward pause, sending her a signal to run with a higher voltage. Semyon saw her twitch from an unusually high tension and quickly ran. He taxied her onto the track and set the speed at 10 km / h. He was angered by this minute weakness, which, as it seemed to him, he should not have shown in relation to the “object” and he tried to compensate for his own embarrassment by forcing Irina to receive more tangible discharges. He looked frowningly at how Irina was running intently, slightly amusingly bouncing on her strange sneakers with inflated tops, protecting her ankles. The fascinating dance of shaky breasts protruding from round holes in leotards created unthinkable movements, hypnotizing riveting on themselves the attention of Semen. The poor woman understood the reason for the increased discharges and at the same time she was pleased with the psychologically won little victory over her coach. She closely followed the speed, not slowing down and not increasing the pace.It was a little inconvenient to run in strange shoes on soft shock-absorbing heels, but my legs gradually got used to it, including several different muscle groups.

It took another half-hour, when Senya sharply pressed the red button. He heard the screech of Irina, escaping from a wide hole in a gag. She quickly stopped, taking a couple of steps by inertia, and began to take deep breaths, bending forward to put her hands on her knees. He gave her a little breathing to recover, and then sharply set the speed of 25 km / h. Irina rushed forward, again screaming in surprise. After sixty meters, he brought her back to walking. He again waited until she recovered, controlling the performance on the smartphone and set the acceleration again. And again, Irina rushed forward trying to overcome the speed threshold beyond which ruthless electricity would stop tormenting her burning nipples with fire. Her breasts dangled from side to side, trying to finally break away from her body and fly away from incessant torment. And again the discharges in the buttocks return her to walking, giving you the opportunity to catch your breath. Soon, the acceleration ended and the coach sent her to the building with a slow step, and he, running away from the podium, began to catch up with her. Opening the door in front of her, he led her inside. When they were already going down the elevator, he reduced the voltage to a minimum and going out into the corridor, she was relieved to feel that the control level became tolerable and mentally thanked the coach, not risking, however, expressing it with a look.

After the shower, Zhenechka removed the module from her and Akhmat took her to the "dining room". An ordinary washing procedure combined with feeding became already so familiar that Irina fell asleep again and the nurse again had to wake her up in order to return the guard. The next few hours she spent in the massage room, where a young guy with huge hands carefully massaged her muscles, especially focusing on the legs. Irina lay blissfully on the table, groaning from pleasure from time to time. She left his office with regret when Akhmat brought her back to the ward, where she managed to get some sleep again. And after lunch, she was taken to another gym, where she was eagerly awaited by the familiar “expert” Vitaly. He with a gesture let Akhmat off and locking the door behind him, approached Irina. She cringed a little, looking warily into his eyes. He slowly ran her hair and unexpectedly clung to them with a strong, fleshy hand. She barely squeaked.

“Hush, hush, hush ...” he said, knowing that she wouldn’t hear him anyway, “If you are a good girl, everything will be fine.”

With these words, he dragged her to an incomprehensible structure and forced her to insert her feet into special sandals attached to two small, widely spaced platforms on hydraulic drives. Next to the structure on the stand as a desk, there was already a usual console with a manipulator, with which Vitalik began to separate the platforms apart, pushing the woman's legs apart. She stood tensely, slightly balancing her body so as not to collapse. He moved the platform and she again took a more stable position. Her legs were still wider than her shoulders. Knocking her knee under her knees, he made her squat. He tied his hips with calves, depriving her of her ability to stand up, and between the turns of the ropes he inserted a stiff strut, spreading her knees apart. Tying a familiar eye patch, he began to lift the platforms on which she sat, hooking wires to her nipples and buttocks ... At the right height, he stopped them. Assessing the access to the perineum, he took a large metal butt plug with a thin cable attached to the back side, smeared it with gel and slowly inserted it into the anus. Down the cable ends with a metal round platform. He let go of the design, and the platform hung on an evenly stretched cord, not reaching the metal plate on the floor ten centimeters. He slightly lowered Irina until the distance was reduced to five. Then he turned on some kind of toggle switch. On the remote control the orange light bulb came on.Finally, he took from the pile of metal discs with radial slits from the edge to the center and put them into the cable and lowered it onto the platform. The hanging design lowered slightly, forcing the sleeve to slightly extend the sphincter out. He put another disk and the design again fell, not reaching the floor about two centimeters. He waited, looking as the sleeve tries to jump out of Irina's ass, and again added a little smaller disk. This time the gap decreased almost to a centimeter and Acne just waited. Irina did not really understand what was happening and what was required of her. The muscles of the sphincter were tired, the sleeve continued to slowly but stubbornly get out of ... Read more →

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