1. One tenth of horsepower. Part 1
  2. One tenth of horsepower. Part 2
  3. One tenth of horsepower. Part 3
  4. One tenth of horsepower. Part 4
  5. One tenth of horsepower. Part 5
  6. One tenth of horsepower. Part 6

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Having waited, when the sweat sensors-analyzers will begin to transmit a more or less sane picture of the body loading, the head moved the speed lever slightly ahead, forcing the woman to go at a faster pace.

Another form was filled with a bearded employee and put into a transparent file. So, methodically, time after time, speeding up the pace and recording the readings of all parameters, they forced Irina to go faster and faster. She was already running at the limit of power, when strong shooting-outs of electrical discharges in her buttocks made her quickly slow down to a stop.

“Rest for ten minutes, then a five percent bias,” said the principal, “Regidron is two hundred milliliters rectal and you can eat a hundred isotonics enterally. Although not necessarily ... Sanya! - He said into the selector microphone, open her gag - quickly breathe. Then you close it.

He left the hall.

Egor, having buried himself in the console, began to follow the instructions he had heard. Having set the required number, he pressed the right button and, sweating Irina, felt a faint rumbling in her right hypochondrium. Light thirst quietly receded. The woman was breathing heavily, beautifully raising her torso with two wavering breasts. The quiet buzz of drives that increased the slope of the track slightly changed its position, causing it to slightly swing forward. Sanya, arms crossed over his chest, sat tensely beside him and literally devoured her body with his eyes.

- Sanya, too, rehydron with bromine! - rang out in the hall. Laboratory assistants revived, appreciating a joke ..

The return of the chief restored relative silence and almost everyone returned to his own business ..

- So ... we continue! Egor, voltage is half a volt up, - he turned to the bearded one, - What about hemoglobin?

He showed the value. The chief studied paper with some graphs for a long time and turned back to him.

- Well! Look, here on this threshold you need to make a script for the injection of the rehydron. You see, the curve went down? Immediately milliliters per hundred. And then repeat. Five minutes later. And with glucose is still early. It is necessary to watch under loads.

Bearded nodded and tapped his thick fingers on the keyboard.

Chief looked into the glass and turned on the current, putting the speed at 10 km / h

Irina quickly ran, pushing the rough rubber cloth back barefoot with effort. Sanya watched with pleasure as the big beautiful muscles on the hips of the woman tense and relax. Breathing again increased. The gag was closed and Irina again had to breathe through her nose. This was done specifically to speed up the onset of oxygen starvation of the body, so as not to stretch the test for a long time.

The second part of the test was more difficult. Irina stumbled several times, almost breaking off part of the wires stretched to her ... I had to stop work and Sanya corrected the sensors.

Some indicators on the monitors changed their color from green to yellow, talking about the approximation of indications to critical ones. Pulse kept at one hundred and fifty. With further growth, Irina was stopped and allowed to catch her breath, opening a hole in the gag. And then it all started over again. The speed was no longer raised, but the critical moments came more and more often - the body was clearly tired. The woman quickly began to choke, although she hardly felt any tiredness in her legs. The drugs in various combinations, injected into her intestines, were quickly absorbed and the computer recorded all kinds of changes in biochemical processes. Bearded scribbled a bunch of sheets, fixing the testimony of various body systems.

The second phase of the experiment came to an end and the Main stopped the treadmill, gave Sana a command to open the breathing hole in the gag and give the tested oxygen. Sanya, taking Irina by the neck, put an oxygen bottle to her face. She gasped for breath, trying to regain her breath. This time she was given a half-hour rest. She came to herself, kneading the tired muscles of the legs, then rising on her toes, then lifting high in the knees. A bit of viscous, viscous mucus leaked out of the vapor tube onto the rubber sheet. Sanya, with displeasure, took a rag and rubbed the puddle dry, after which he looked for some eyes, found some kind of hose and stuck the end of the tube into it, brought it back and lowered it into an empty can of soda. He poured some more isotonics into her stomach — the usual mixture of orange juice and honey.

The hall is a bit empty - many people went to the smoking room, some went to a snack bar. The chief was animatedly discussing with the bearded man, drawing something on a piece of paper. Then the bearded again began to stuff something on the keyboard, carefully peering into the monitor. Finally, having finished, he asked:

- Well, what do we sew?

- Come on. You can always return.

- Of course. And now let's increase the load and it will be possible to check the adaptability of the firmware to changing conditions.

The bearded man pressed a button and a progress bar for downloading firmware to the control module appeared on the monitor. The inscription "sucsess" heralded the successful updating of the program. Now we had to test it in the third phase of the experiment and test the performance of the automatic injection of glucose and rehydron into the intestinal cavity.

Half an hour passed very quickly, and Irina, barely rested, again felt the slope of the path changed, and then strong current discharges pierced the tender flesh of her nipples. She with visible tension began to run on a rather tight inclined rubber. Her torso was leaning from side to side in time with her steps, to somehow help her legs. Within minutes, she began to choke. The air whistling drawn in through the nose was clearly not enough with such a heavy load. She involuntarily slowed down the pace, but at the same second the ruthless electrical discharges in her breasts drove her to a given speed. In her usual despair, she was already beginning to howl, but nobody in the hall was up to it, and Sanya was not able to somehow ease her suffering. The experiment continued.

In the meantime, the Chief noted with satisfaction that the new firmware is really efficient and at the right moments the necessary solutions are injected in the right quantities. Thus, when the indicators that are responsible for the onset of oxygen starvation or increase the lactic acid level in the muscles beyond the permissible values, the program itself is capable of injecting the desired drug into the body.

The third phase did not last long and, approximately forty minutes later, the Chief cleaned up the speed lever and strong impulses of electricity in the buttocks forced Irina to slow down to a stop. This time the legs made themselves felt with a straining rumble in the muscles. Sanya noticed a shiver in her hips shining with sweat. He reported this by radio.

- Yes, we have already finished. Unzip it! - responded Yegor, turning off the remote, - give oxygen first. I'm going now ...

He got up and walked into the camera that smelled of sweat and began to help the young lab technician, disconnecting a bunch of sensors from the roaming Irina. When the train from her ass freely hung, disconnected from the wires and tubes, Sanya embraced her and led her to a nearby bed, gently laid it and ineptly began to massage her thighs.

“San, this is not according to the instructions,” said Egor again, “we do not do that.”

“Yes, it makes no difference to me,” the technician answered firmly, “she is very tired.” She feels bad.

“Or you breathed unevenly towards her,” Yegor quipped, winding up the wires and taking away different containers in a medical cabinet.

“Well, I don’t argue - there’s something in it,” he continued, without waiting for an answer, and left.

Sanya continued to massage her legs, feeling the tension in her pants when Igor entered and silently removing him, grabbed Irina by the shoulder, sharply lifted to her feet, and then tearing the blindfold from her eyes, led him out. The laboratory assistant spent his frowning glances full of impotent anger.

A dark, damp underground passage cooled her hot body when they returned to the medical unit. By the time they climbed the stairs again, she was already shivering from the cold. The contrasting warmth of the usual corridor pleasantly enveloped her body, Igor took her to the washing station, ... Read more →

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