1. Professor. Chapter 1
  2. Professor. Chapter 2
  3. Professor. Chapter 3
  4. Professor. Chapter 4
  5. Professor. Chapter 5: Oral credit
  6. Professor. Chapter 6: Subsequent Settlement
  7. Professor. Chapter 7: Settlement in field conditions
  8. Professor. Chapter 8: I Kiss You at Night Light
  9. Professor. Chapter 9: Love me love ...
  10. Professor. Chapter 10: For the sake of your loved ones
  11. Professor. Chapter 11: The Fan
  12. Professor. Chapter 12: The Confusion of Souls, the Intertwining of Fates ...

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Wanting to feel him deeper, I slightly spread my hips and practically planted on his finger.

- Oh, Nastyaaaa ... You really waited for me, - he exhaled with a smile and pressed against my lips. His tongue parted my lips and spun with my tongue. His finger went into me, all the way, at the deepest point, slightly prying up. I moaned into his lips, and he sometimes nibbled me when I did it especially loudly.
- Please ... - I was already madly wanting to feel his cock in me, pressed my whole body to him.
- What do you want, girl? ... Say. I want to hear it ... - he whispered persistently to my lips. - So that you fucked me ... Sergey Borisovich ...

“I’m fucking you already,” he pulled back a little, continuing to torture me with his fingers. I licked my lips, and his eyes lit up even more in the dark.
- Fuck me, please, professor, with your dick! I want insanely ... - I was breathing heavily, but I felt that I said what was necessary, this made the smile play on my lips.
- Devilish! - He pulled out of the panties member and put it to my wet lower jaws.
- What are you doing with me ?! - slowly penetrated completely and stopped, moving his iron piston inside me. I let out a groan.
- I just love you.

“My foolish one, I cannot be loved - I am too old and too perverted for you ...” he did not move in me, gently kissing my face with short kisses. - But I don’t have the strength to refuse you voluntarily.

- Do not need! Just fuck me! Please do not stop ... - I moved my hips, and he groaned as if in mild pain.
“My girl,” he went out almost completely and re-entered. - pull the legs.

I was accustomed to obey him and therefore I immediately executed his order, holding the member in my hips when he was in me. It was flying away when his trunk was moving in me, touching the sensitive bead on top. Measured and deep, squeezing my legs with his strong hips.
- You are wonderful, my sweet ... You are my happiness! - He whispered, eating my lips, swallowing my breath.

It was necessary for me to hear. I'm still not easy to fuck! I am his happiness. He caught my mouth with a loud cry, holding my body beating beneath him, continuing to burst into me, now with short, sharp jolts.

- Did you ... bring me dinner ...? - I smiled faintly, feeling his approaching final.
- God ... my girl ...

He came out of me, I gratefully took a member in his mouth, sucking his head and licked in a circle. He pushed a couple of times and shook his hips, throwing a milk dinner in my mouth. I swallowed everything and smiled.

- Have you eaten - can you sleep? ...
“Oh, you ...” he laughed softly. - So, I disturbed you to sleep?

- Of course! - I laughed in response. - Lie down next, I want to sleep in your arms. He pulled on his underpants and lay down behind me, his back to the wall of the tent. Hugged, inhaled the smell of my hair.
- Now rest a bit and again I will not let you sleep. Panties you can not wear.
“Sounds promising,” I giggled, and, really, left the panties off.
- Hooligan! - male palm slipped under my jacket, bra and squeezed chest.
- You left, there are still many left to sit? ...
- They are no longer up to me! They got drunk and fucked in the bushes, - grinned a man.

As if to confirm his words, they suddenly came to our tent, my Svetka's head penetrated the opening.

- Nast ...She whispered, "are you awake?" - and immediately faced my slightly frightened look - the professor never took his hand off me, but he tightened his whole body. I did not have time to answer how Mishka's head appeared next to Svetka.
- Well, what? He asked her, then turned his head towards us. - Ltd! Sergey Borisovich, but the tent is not so small, he smiled knowingly, smiling drunkenly.

- Do not forget, Michael! - he raised himself on his elbow.
- I froze, asked me to warm up, - I mumbled, trying to explain our close embrace.
- It is clear and understandable! - a smirk and played on his satisfied face.
- We have a request ... All the tents are occupied, but it's not fun to fuck in the bushes! - Mishka quickly explained the situation. - We are not for long ...

Sergey Borisovich giggled merrily from his “not for long”, Mishka immediately became serious:
“And no one will know about your hugs here ...” Bear twitched, as if he was disgusted to see us with the professor under one blanket, the threat sounded quite concretely.

I couldn’t find what to say, feeling back how tense Sergey Borisovich was. Having accepted our silence for consent, Mishka pushed Svetka into the tent, that she had nodded into the air mattress and in one motion pulled her pants, under which there were no cowards already.

“Sorry,” Svetik giggled, turning to us, and I realized that she was very drunk. What even decided to fuck in the presence of the teacher! Of course, we had such that someone brought the guy for the night, and the other pretended to be asleep, but so!

Sergei Borisovich lay down again, his hand returned to my chest under the blanket. Taking the nipple between the fingers, twisted.
“It's even interesting ...” whispered in my ear. - Watch them ...

I froze. From the premonition of savory in the lower abdomen again ached.

- Where are you?! - Mishka polazil hand in the crotch of the girl and pulled out of his pants a member, which today I have seen even closer. Sveta moaned weakly under him, giving signs of life. Either so drunk, or ashamed to be loud.

The bear immediately abruptly entered it, as if pinning it on a mattress, and quickly moved. The mattress beneath us began to sway. In Svetka, squished and squashed - apparently, they started this potrahushki still on the street. And these sounds made me very excited along with the fact that I was watching someone’s live sex now, frankly staring at the fucking couple. Therefore, I immediately graciously perceived the professor's palm penetrated between the legs. I bent one leg, and the professor opened my knees, opening up full access to me. Panties slid to the ankles. His finger plunged into me.

- Excites, yes, girl? - he grinned and pressed his petrified member to the priest, letting him know that this situation is also exciting him.

Already two fingers entered me, slowly penetrating and leaving, smearing my juices practically to my navel. And again doing this wet exciting path. I impatiently pushed the booty, and the professor, without waiting for a long time, entered me all the way and froze. Slowly went out and plunged again - I felt every inch of his flesh, tightly clutching a member of the wet walls.

The bear, as if not noticing us at all, was staring at Svetka, already lifting her onto her knees. She sighed and still smacked her relish. Sometimes she, apparently, became uncomfortable because of our presence: she turned around to her lover, whispering: “Maybe we should leave?”. He just shook his head and accelerated at his own beating rhythm, which caused Sveta choking with a groan and falling again with her face into the mattress.

The professor slowly plowed me from the inside, deeply and sensually, kissing my neck from behind, under my hair. From the side it was almost not noticeable what we do under the blanket.

His hand slipped under me in the waist, lay on the pubis, one finger slightly entered me, then caressing the sensitive button on top, then slightly entering. Professor again folded my knees, thereby holding his hand between my legs, wet cock walked up to my ass, once again dived into me, and again smeared our juices. I understood - Sergey Borisovich wants me in the ass. It confused me a little: in such circumstances - and in the ass!

- Maybe we should not? - I whispered to him, but he just caught my lips, relish sucking them and spinning hot tongue with mine. This passion of his immediately dismissed all my doubts - I just put the ass, helping him squeeze into me.

The head came in, and I gasped, getting used to its size there. He froze, his forehead resting on my shoulder, his fingers actively moving in me, relaxing me, so that I soon moved towards him myself. Hips forward - his fingers enter me, hips back - a member penetrates my ass deeper, fingers caress the clitoris. What a wonderful swing! And I rocked them, increasing the amplitude of penetration into me more and more.

The couple, fucking before their eyes, became one moving, sighing spot, to which I had already completely lost interest.

- No, not in the ass! - I heard Svetkin voice and immediately a painful moan, again and again. Bear stuck in her ass with a swagger. In the same rhythm that I fucked before, I rubbed the girl for a minute and, finally, pulling her over the very eggs, shivered and sighed on her, pressing my body into the mattress.

I also planted ass on the member, feeling the crotch preloaded testicles. And now fingers deep into the full length. Yes Yes Yes! Reality flew away from me.

“We're leaving, thanks ...” I heard Svetka’s voice and saw, as if through a haze, their surprised eyes, apparently trying to understand the situation under our blanket. But I was already able to answer. My “aha” came out as a drawn-out “aaaaa”, the body convulsed with pleasure, and I huddled in the hands of the professor.

- It is bad for her ... a fever ... - the professor's smile is near my ear. Apparently, it was not easy for him: his cock ready to explode squeezed the grip of my ass.
“Of ... sorry,” Svetka's tongue stinks.
- Go, go ... I can handle it.

Apparently, they came out, because as the professor turns me over on my stomach, spreads my buttocks with both hands, which responds with sharp and some very tasty pain, and sticks into the ass. More more. And deeply, as if piercing through me. Suddenly he squeezes me in his arms, penetrating completely, and I feel the hot streams of his seed spill over me, and he growls in my hair.

Professor kisses my neck, shoulders, back. I feel his smile and giggle myself:
- That's how guests visited us!
- Yes, wonderful ...

Comes out of me and goes down with kisses down the spine. Near priests freezes, apparently, examining her, and kisses her buttocks, spreads them with her palms. I feel his seed spurting out of me, and it seems to me that this is a terribly exciting sight for my perverted professor. I smile.

“I love you ...” I whisper, unable to move, and fall asleep. And whether already in a dream, or not yet I hear: "And I love you ..."

  • July 16, 2017 1:16

    Intriguing and unexpected. Good history development. As always, I really liked it.


    • Rating: 4
  • July 16, 2017 11:54

    Thank you, Ilona. Glad to like it.


    • Rating: 1
  • July 17, 2017 19:37

    Not weakly young people rest) For now, teachers have ceased to be shy. And yet, the time is now such that many obstacles are in the past))

    Professor and Nastya must get married!)))


    • Rating: 1
  • July 17, 2017 20:06

    I'll think about your proposal)))

    Yes, students have completely lost their fear! As soon as they do not behave, especially when drunk!)


    • Rating: 2
  • July 17, 2017 20:38

    Oh that's for sure! I remember my student years ... we didn’t have such things as in the story, but sometimes weird people too)))


    • Rating: 0

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