1. Professor. Chapter 1
  2. Professor. Chapter 2
  3. Professor. Chapter 3
  4. Professor. Chapter 4
  5. Professor. Chapter 5: Oral credit
  6. Professor. Chapter 6: Subsequent Settlement
  7. Professor. Chapter 7: Settlement in field conditions
  8. Professor. Chapter 8: I Kiss You at Night Light
  9. Professor. Chapter 9: Love me love ...
  10. Professor. Chapter 10: For the sake of your loved ones
  11. Professor. Chapter 11: The Fan
  12. Professor. Chapter 12: The Confusion of Souls, the Intertwining of Fates ...

I woke up from the light strokes of my priests: Sergey Borisovich rubbed some ointment into it. Seeing that I woke up, kissed me on the cheek.

- How do you feel? Chill passed?

- Yes, everything is fine, - smiled, stretched.

- It was necessary to process the wounds yesterday, it's unforgivable to me, the old fool ...

I turned sharply and covered his mouth with my lips so that he did not speak ill of himself.

“Everything's fine,” she whispered.

He pulled away, taking my face in his hands, and looked into my eyes, studying, carefully.

- You're the perfect woman, Nastya ... A gift for me. Just do not know what kind of merit - and kissed again. - And now get dressed, wash your face, and move forward, almost all have already risen.

He left the tent, leaving a dreamy smile on my face. I quickly got dressed and went out. Sleepy faces of fellow students spoke for themselves: no one slept well and consumed alcohol well yesterday. I finally washed up, feeling awake, breathed deeply the forest air, cool and piercingly fresh, and felt happy.

They drank tea, warming up after a night in tents, gathered and went back. They walked mostly silently, just remembering something from yesterday evening and laughing. The hike was a success, everyone enjoyed it. Lenka no longer pestered my professor, with her two of our guys walked inseparably, looking at her like a deity. “Has she really given both of them?” My inner voice chuckled and immediately reproached me, what a rogue I have become!

Already in the city, Sergey Borisovich offered to let down some who had been on the way, including Svetka and me, although we were not so one way. Sveta behaved quietly and practically did not look at the professor.

“Do you even remember what you did yesterday?” - I grinned, pushing the girlfriend with my elbow to the side when they were still walking out of the forest. Sveta shook her head.

- Oh, Naska ... my head blew off! Bear is so cool ... and we got so drunk! I didn’t understand what I was doing. So shameful, bliiiin ... What did Sergey Borisovich think about me!

- Come on! He liked it, I laughed, and Sveta relaxed a little, laughing with me together.

Sergey Borisovich landed us last.

- Will you stay? - he asked once in the affirmative, I just nodded, already waiting for these words, and turned to Svetka. She only smiled knowingly and spat to the house, we went to him.

- Want to relax? Drink, maybe?

- First of all, I want to shower ... - I smiled. - And you.

He grinned rather, and his hand squeezed my thigh, making it clear that he wanted me no less. The professor put pressure on the gas. And soon we were with him, practically all the way, silently eating each other with glances.

In the hallway, Sergei Borisovich grabbed his arms and, pressing his body against the wall, as if I were going to resist, began to kiss me passionately. Within me, in an instant, an ocean of pleasure stirred up, everything in my stomach clenched - I groaned. The professor squeezed my buttocks with both hands, then lifted, putting my legs behind my back and squeezing my rearing pants into me.

- I want you, Nastya ...

- And you, - I whisper, breathing deeply, - but I would have to wash ...

- Let's go together.

He lowers, tears off my clothes, off of me, as if we haven’t fucked eternity, picks up in our arms and carries me to the bathroom.

We are under water jets. The man lathers his hands and from two sides penetrates between my legs, deeply introducing fingers into me, lathering all my tender folds. I do not even think to resist. In response, I take his soapy hands, sticking up like a mast, a member, I beg it and wash it all, gently and gently, go down to the testicles.His soapy finger on the other hand penetrates my ass. A slight burning sensation quickly turns into desire — I myself are strung from two sides on his fingers, in passion, not quite realizing that I myself am stretching my fingers to his anus. It freezes, but allows my soapy finger to gently penetrate. In the palm of the testicles, and a member and lures his formidable greatness. I go down a little to the side of him, so that he also has access to my holes, and take his iron cannon into his mouth, finger still caressing his ass. The man does not groan - growls, giving in to me with his pelvis, and begins to fuck me with three fingers: one in the ass, two - in the next hole, inevitably taking me to nirvana.

We both finish at the same time, violently and with loud moans. I again drink his whipped cream, already so loved their taste. Sergey Borisovich kisses me on the lips, when I had not yet had time to swallow everything, and my legs just give way away from the storm of emotions. We kneel and kiss for a long time, relaxed and gentle, biting each other's lips and smiling.

- You learn on the fly, my girl, - smiles and kisses my eyes, cheekbones, - my little pervert ...

- Did you like it?

- You're awesome!

- And you are very tasty ...

“But I still have to eat,” he smacks me again on the lips and stands up. - I'm going to order food, I don't want to cook today, and you wash yourself. To be clean and outside and inside. I will eat you ...

Inside sank and squeezed in anticipation.

- Mmm, it sounds promising ...

He only raised his eyebrows significantly and went out, rocking in a towel.

When I came out, the professor was lying in some home pants on a wide sofa in the living room and was watching TV. Seeing me, immediately got up, hugged, pulled off a towel.

- You don't need it! - I stepped back a little, admiring why I blushed again - I will never get used to those of his devouring views. “I’m on my stomach,” he said, sort of ordered, and his voice was already wheezing with desire.

I lay down, allowing to put another pillow under my stomach. Sergey Borisovich lightly held his hand on the ass.

“There is almost nothing left, only in some places ...” as if I justified the condition of my priests yesterday.

- I see...

He stroked my hips, motioning to push them slightly apart. His palm on the inner surface, from bottom to top, resting against the crotch edge, slightly rubbed. Once again and again. The palm slid between his legs.

- Lift up ...

I lay in front of him, sticking out my ass, spreading my legs, so open and accessible, all in front of his eyes, and he strokes and caresses my lips, putting a finger between them. And suddenly falls to them with his lips. I gasped from the unexpectedly pleasant sensations and leaned forward to his lips. He kissed and licked me, leisurely, with pleasure, grumbling something about my pleasant taste and beauty of my pussy, and I relaxed more and more, giving myself to his skillful lips and tongue.

Having introduced two fingers into me, he began to fuck me with them, and my lips smoothly moved upwards, to my other hole. I was twitching from such an unusual caress for me, but the man detained. For my professor there are no forbidden caresses! Tongue tongue and caressed in a circle, gradually twisting inside. The fire flared up inside me, wanting more.

- Dick want a professor! I want your dick, ”I croaked, not recognizing myself.

He laughed slightly audibly, in one motion turned me over onto my back and again dug into my shell running out of juices, sucking them, drinking and licking me. My hands were pulling at his gray hair, finally pulled to him. The professor slid his body along mine, making me arch, rub my papillae on his chest. He penetrated my mouth, slowly entering me and a member. I wrapped my arms and legs around him, letting him all the way down.

- You're so cool, my baby ... I would fuck and fuck you forever.

He entered deeply and measuredly, as if he was prying me with his weapon from below, pulling out my moans to his lips every time.

Professor pulled away, lifted my legs in front of his face, reducing them, and put the head to my anus. He pressed, stopped, slightly penetrating. I did not feel any pain, just a desire to feel it deeper in myself, and moved towards.

- Oh, what are you sweet ... - and entered me to the full length. - You have the best ass in the world! I love to fuck her so much.

- I noticed - smiled. - And I like it when you fuck her.Hard!

The professor did not seem to expect to hear it from me. Understand something, of course, but that out loud from a modest girl ... I felt his cock move inside me, just becoming an iron piston.

“Oh, you little bitch,” he spread his legs and stuck into me all the way. And more, more. - Like her, as I fuck her in the ass! That's so shy! Here so the headman! - he broke into and broke into me, all accelerating the pace. - Bitch fucking!

I no longer moaned - screaming at his penetrations. A slight pain mixed with burning desire that carried me to insane pleasure. I arched, feeling a rising orgasm. One nipple was captured by hot lips, the other - in the grip of fingers - and I screamed, shuddering in the hands of the professor. And then she felt the hot waves inside - the man squeezed my frail body in a steel embrace, pouring his seed into me.

We have long departed from orgasms, kissing and stroking each other. He again looked at me thoughtfully.

- And what am I to do with you, my girl? ..

I shrugged.

- Be in love...

He smiled and covered my lips again with his mouth.

His phone rang - they brought the ordered pizza. Pulling on his pants, which he didn’t take off completely, he went out and came in with a hot pizza.

While I went to the shower again, Sergey Borisovich warmed up the kettle and poured tea.

“I need to prepare for the competition today,” I said gloomily, suddenly thinking of the upcoming competition, while I was chewing pizza.

“I'll take you,” the professor clearly became sad. - Nothing, I'll take you tomorrow after school.

- I still have a rehearsal tomorrow. We are preparing for a concert at a foreign graduation party, I'm leading there ...

- Well, okay, I will ask our assistant professor to give you a lift to me.

I tried to figure out who he was talking about. It seems that there was one associate professor in his department, Denis Aleksandrovich, a young, short, slightly bald, but with expressive brown eyes.

- Denis Aleksandrovich?

- Yes, yes, he is.

“Is there anything that he will know about us? ...” I was surprised. - After all, suspect!

- Nothing. We are friends with him. Despite his youth, he is a capable young man! And very soulful ...

I didn’t say anything anymore, although this idea didn’t impress me very much: I often thought that I was catching on myself quite unambiguous views of this assistant professor — he liked me.

- Well okay.

We ate, and Sergey Borisovich drove me home.

- I would take you to my place along with the textbooks, but I’m not going to let you teach ... - the professor smiled on my lips. A smile made him quite young.

- Yeah...

“All right, go quickly, until you fucked you again right in the car,” the farewell kisses warmed us up again. I, giggling, jumped out of the car.

... The evening promised to be enveloped in school, but in the evening the telephone rang. In perplexity that suddenly Lenka wants from me, I took the call.

At first, there were no sounds in the receiver, as if she had called me by chance, but when I wanted to reset the call, I heard a male voice:

- That is, you poher, how will I fuck you? Are you sure you need this, little one?

“Yes, I always know what I want,” was Lenka’s voice. Inside, everything trembled, I turned into a hearing. “And I don't care how I get you.”

I stopped breathing, my ears were noisy - I was waiting for confirmation, and better - his refutation. But a painfully familiar voice said:

- So what are you waiting for?! Suck bitch! - it sounded far away and was changed by overt malice and irritation, but it definitely belonged to him - my professor ...

  • July 23, 2017 23:30

    so you decided to deal with falling in love?


    • Rating: 1
  • July 23, 2017 23:39

    Everything will be more complicated than it seems)) The tests on the way of the heroes should be, then sweeter then love;)


    • Rating: 1
  • July 24, 2017 0:15

    the sweeter then the spanking!


    • Rating: 2
  • July 24, 2017 8:11

    And this, too;)


    • Rating: 1
  • July 24, 2017 9:57

    This is a turn ... unexpected. I did not expect this from the professor. And the call at the end of the chapter from Lenka was certainly not accidental: either a provocation, or some other clever game.


    • Rating: 2
  • July 24, 2017 13:53

    Later you will find out why this happened;) Well, the heroes without thorns immediately to the stars cannot, you have to catch up with them. And maybe ... Ah I will not torture)) I will not say.
    Thanks for your wonderful review: *


    • Rating: 1
  • Alyona (a guest)
    July 24, 2017 17:15

    I read all nine parts in one breath, 50 shades of gray are resting


    • Rating: 1
  • July 24, 2017 23:37

    Thank you, Alain. I am glad that you are so hooked on the story that you read it in one breath! This causes the desire to write further.


    • Rating: 0
  • July 25, 2017 8:55

    Well, in a place like this.


    • Rating: 1
  • July 25, 2017 9:51

    To wait was more interesting;)


    • Rating: 1
  • July 26, 2017 13:47

    all super class but one small BUT you almost did not describe the heroine


    • Rating: 2
  • July 26, 2017 13:50

    The description of the heroine was in the first chapter. Thanks for the super! Glad your comment.


    • Rating: 1
  • July 26, 2017 18:26

    As always, everything is just super! Such an unexpected turn of events. So I want to know what will happen next


    • Rating: 2
  • July 26, 2017 19:14

    Yes, the turn ... Further it will be no less bright)) Thank you for reading.


    • Rating: 1
  • July 26, 2017 19:19

    Yes, not at all! If the story is interesting! Thanks for writing!


    • Rating: 1
  • Reader (a guest)
    August 6, 2017 22:54

    Author, you undoubtedly have talent! Tell me, do you write anything besides erotic stories? Would love to read!


    • Rating: 2
  • 12 August 2017 13:44

    Thank you for your opinion. Not a little erotica. Even if I write a big story, erotica always occupies a considerable place there.


    • Rating: 1

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