1. Professor. Chapter 1
  2. Professor. Chapter 2
  3. Professor. Chapter 3
  4. Professor. Chapter 4
  5. Professor. Chapter 5: Oral credit
  6. Professor. Chapter 6: Subsequent Settlement
  7. Professor. Chapter 7: Settlement in field conditions
  8. Professor. Chapter 8: I Kiss You at Night Light
  9. Professor. Chapter 9: Love me love ...
  10. Professor. Chapter 10: For the sake of your loved ones
  11. Professor. Chapter 11: The Fan
  12. Professor. Chapter 12: The Confusion of Souls, the Intertwining of Fates ...

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As far as this day usually began, it is so unusual that it ended ... It began with an early rise on the alarm clock, a crush in the bathroom with Svetik, with whom we both rent an apartment, a wild rush to the university and an equally ordinary delay for the first couple. And ended here in the bathroom of someone else's house. I am kneeling on fresh bruises, my hair is disheveled, the mascara is smeared under the eyes. Thick milk drops on the face and breasts, smelling of passion, heat, lust ... Could I, a modest third-year student, know where the usual, unremarkable May day would lead me ?! Hardly. But I definitely wanted this!


I, in general, did not rush to the first pair. Sergey Borisovich - world lecturer. Do not abuse, do not chase, do not see evil. Although his view from under his glasses is so serious, corresponding to his professorial activity. It looks like he is forty years old, but in fact we recently congratulated him on his jubilee - the fiftieth anniversary. A cool guy, half a girl, girls dry on it quietly, someone is building his eyes. I like him too, but I am a modest provincial girl, I do not climb on the rampage myself. And who am I to build a professor? Better polybayus'ya groupmate Mishka, until he was taken away by our local beauty.

The May holidays are just over, preparations for the offsets have begun. It is time to strain yourself. I, as well as the majority of students, - I teach when it is impatient. Sergey Borisovich and here is a handsome man - he decided instead to set off to go with us on a hike, in nature, and we will remember about "technology and nature and their close relationship." And why only we needed this course! Although it seems that everyone has it, even humanities and philosophers, and we, psychologists, need it, too. At least, to take a break from other activities, more serious. And Sergey Borisovich does not bother.

- So, we go on a hike on Saturday, that is, the day after tomorrow, the professor sums up, when the bell rings. - Everyone understood everything, who takes what and who is responsible for what ?!

A friendly "yes" hurrying more likely to dump students.

- Then today I will put the tests in the records, and tomorrow I will return ...

Students noisy crowd leave the audience, leaving the professors their records. It seems that today there will be no more tests.

But on the third pair, it turns out that another teacher is ready to score based on the results of an already written test paper.

- Nastya, where are the records? Where are our records? - my fellow students chatter me. Of course, who else to beat, if I have a warden.

That began for me fun days - I run to the department, hoping that I would find Sergey Borisovich there. And encounter at the exit with him. Again, this stern thoughtful look from under his glasses. Does he dislike me? With all smiles, friendly and good-natured, but always looks at me cold and detached. Even insulting. The headman of a parallel group simply blesses him, says he calls her “baby” and winks. Goat! Anyway. I'm not some kind of beauty to flirt with teachers to me, besides, twice as old as me. An ordinary girl trying to appear brighter - I am painted with a blonde, bright eye makeup, tight-fitting clothing. Maybe that's why it is annoying that they do not notice me - I rush into my eyes, but they look at me like an empty place. And I am also the headman! You can at least a little more respectful to watch.

- Sergey Borisovich, we still have credit now, I will take the records? - I exhaled at once, looking up at him.He is a tall, wiry man, and I am a thin person of medium height. The professor gives me a thoughtful look, as if remembering who I am. - Did you have time to put tests?

“No, Nastyush, I wanted to take them home, I don’t have time,” his voice is soft, although the gaze from under his glasses is equally piercing. - I have all the classes for today. Other things ...

- How to be? - I take a breath, looking around in the empty chair. I do not want to look into his eyes - some strange feeling overcomes, embarrassment and resentment. - I was told by other elders that you put other groups in ...

- And you do not ...

He seemed to be waiting for my reaction, and I looked up, slightly receding, so that it was more convenient to look at him.

- Why? - I ask a question and suddenly I understand how silly it sounds. This is reflected in the lenses of his glasses, his lips ironically curled. He stretches his hand and suddenly gently strokes my cheek, removes a strand of hair from my face. This difference in the look and the actions completely knocks me down. - For what? You do not like me? - I give out with a shaking voice, and, suddenly realizing how ambiguous it sounded, I was inundated with paint. I feel my cheeks burning, I lower my eyes and want to fall in place.

- Like! - he simply answers. And this also sounds ambiguous. His hand slid down my neck under the back of my head and tightened, as if in indecision. I suddenly thought that the professor wants to kiss me, and for some reason this frightens me.

I looked up at him, and he frowned, apparently reading the fear in my eyes. But the man quickly took himself in hand, his hand on my nape relaxed, and his eyes again poured cold.

- you? I ... - babbled quietly. I suddenly felt hurt that I involuntarily offended this wonderful man, and was angry with myself that I was scared of something, taking the spark in his eyes for desire.

- Take the records. They are on the table, ”he nodded detachedly, thinking of something. I fell silent and rushed to the table in order to quickly escape from this awkward situation. There were tears in my throat. But the records of our group were not on the table.

- This is not our ... Parallel group, - I turned around. He still stood at the exit, looking at me with some kind of cold indifference.

- Take them too. Isn't it difficult to distribute ?! - it was not a question. Rather, the order. But I said nothing, just nodded, swallowing tears of resentment. Where does this neglect and anger come from in a usually kind and cheerful man ?!

He approached and, leaning over me and slightly pressing down with his body, opened the top drawer of the table. For a moment I felt the heat of his body through his shirt and open jacket, and suddenly I realized that I was concerned about the closeness of this man. Now, he decided to kiss me, I would not refuse ...

Sergey Borisovich kept a stack of record books in expectation that I would take it from his hands, but I stood, slightly pressed by his body to the table and the back of the chair, and listened to the reaction of my body.

- Take ...

I looked up at him, turned to the records in his hands, again in the eyes. He suddenly froze, as if he understood my thoughts. I did not have time to decide anything, how to get out of this strange game of excursions again, where no one knows exactly what he wants from another, but only guesses. He suddenly gave a short sigh, as if deciding "was-was not" or "eh! Persuaded, devil! ”. The professor's hand once again dived under my hair and dramatically pulled the neck. His lips, dry and demanding, dug into mine. Under such an onslaught, my mouth opened, letting in an unexpected, hot guest. I gasped, suddenly completely drawn to the male body, and did not have time to restrain a quiet moan from suddenly covering emotions. The unexpectedness and expectation, the reluctance of something unusual and the desire of these thrills, the inaccessibility of the object of dreams, and suddenly a rapprochement with it all suddenly covered. I didn’t want to think about anything, just enjoy the moment. Only here and now, about the rest I will think later. If they give me time to think ...

I responded to a kiss, pressing my chest to his chest. In one hand, I held a pile of record books, the other hand only covered his hand with a second pile of records. I opened my eyes, completely distrusting my feelings.He also looked at me, as if wanting to read me from cover to cover, while I did not fully understand myself.

The professor broke the kiss as suddenly as he began. And he retreated a little, putting in my trembling hands a pile of records from our group. No hugs or words. As if it happened by chance.

- I'm in a hurry ... - he said deafly, peering ...

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