1. Professor. Chapter 1
  2. Professor. Chapter 2
  3. Professor. Chapter 3
  4. Professor. Chapter 4
  5. Professor. Chapter 5: Oral credit
  6. Professor. Chapter 6: Subsequent Settlement
  7. Professor. Chapter 7: Settlement in field conditions
  8. Professor. Chapter 8: I Kiss You at Night Light
  9. Professor. Chapter 9: Love me love ...
  10. Professor. Chapter 10: For the sake of your loved ones
  11. Professor. Chapter 11: The Fan
  12. Professor. Chapter 12: The Confusion of Souls, the Intertwining of Fates ...

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We also returned to the camp separately. Sergey Borisovich helped me refuel, put myself in order and sent me first, looking thoughtfully after me. I turned around several times - he was still leaning with his back against a tree, near which I had been slammed and had just recently been fucked, and was looking ... at me, or at myself.

Some strange euphoria spread in my blood. The priest was hot and stinging, but as soon as I recalled what the professor was doing to me, everything inside was squeezing sweetly and catching my breath. I stupidly smiled at myself and felt incredible lightness. I wanted to shout how I love this man! I now absolutely did not care if this man has any response to me. And what they are. I was overwhelmed with confidence that everything would work out.

No one seemed to notice my absence: everyone broke up in piles and discussed something, drank alcohol, hiding bottles in their bags. The fact that Sergey Borisovich was not for some time, the students played only on hand - they managed to get drunk quickly. Well, what a student trip without alcohol ?! In nature, you somehow get drunk in a special way, quickly and imperceptibly, you feel freedom and lightness and you feel yourself as a part of nature.

I looked around: Svetka was still in the company of Mishka. It seems that he, too, only today saw a woman in her: he studied her figure with his eyes and seemed to be very pleased with the visual feeling. They drank something from the Bear's bag and talked quietly, each time leaning towards each other. Yes, Bear does not lose time, he quickly forgot his big-breasted passion.

Lenka sat in the company of two guys who tried unsuccessfully to get her attention, and seemed thoughtful and even angry. Either from the fact that she did not like the company, or that Mishka lost the attention, or she missed Sergey Borisovich. “Here again now he will be pestering him, bitch!” Jealousy twisted me again, although a little softer, because he had just had sex with me. With me, and not with a curly beauty!

But, strangely, when Sergey Borisovich appeared on the glade, Lenka continued to sit with a stone face and only gulped down a plastic glass of wine and drew on a cigarette, looking at my man with a challenge.

- Well, you managed to get drunk? The professor asked cheerfully at the students. - And now we hide alcohol - the teacher has come. Enough, I already gave you time ...

I smiled at the cam: how, he specifically left! Lenka chuckled loudly and defiantly took a glass of wine from a neighbor, having drunk it too.

Sergey Borisovich brought a guitar, and all the girls, as if on cue, stuck it around, sitting up in a circle, arguing over the place next to the professor. I sat opposite him - it was the most advantageous place, as his eyes often rested on me.

He began to play. His voice, deep, fascinating, spread through the forest surroundings: “At the night fire, under a huge moon, the Dark Forest covered us with green foliage. I kissed you by the night light. I gave you a soul mate ... ".

I just flowed ... from his voice, from understanding that he sings for me. And about me, although the song is already very old, but it will never lose its relevance.

Many girls, lovingly looking into the professor's mouth, dreamed of great love, and some of Sergei Borisovich himself. I felt myself chosen, although he turned his gaze to different girls, from which they blush or in response playfully twitched eyebrows.

Seeing how the singer collects women's attention, the boys also expressed a desire to play and sing. Sing songs: both “Splin”, and “Gaza Strip”, and “Aria”, “Kino”, “Beetles”, and others. The students did not stop drinking, still hiding alcohol and getting drunk “from under the floor”. They sang along louder.

It was dusk, the gloom was covered by dusk, the faces of the audience were lit by a fire and coals in the brazier on which the kebab was prepared. "Easy" dinner for tired students, because in nature you always want to eat!

- And who dares to swim? - suddenly offered the most drunk girls.
- We! - supported by others.
“Just be careful,” the professor only managed to warn as the girls undressed. They seemed to be given a signal to undress, and they did it willingly, apparently wanting to see the embarrassment on the face of Sergei Borisovich and other boys. - Do not swim far!

It was quite warm outside, but in the evening the temperature was still falling. And May after all! But drunk students are always ready to open the swimming season.

A little further, where there was sand, there was a cry, a laugh and a splash of agitated water. Sveta and Mishka went off in the same direction.

I was just amazed at them, wrapped in my warm sweater. I was struck with a chill, whipping the butt with every movement made itself felt. Going to the bushes for need, I found that in some places the panties were stuck to the priest with bloody scabs, the ass was beating, and the fresh air was piercing through a large shiver. I was shaking when I returned to my place, chattering my teeth.

“Nastya, come here,” the professor’s intense voice suddenly heard. I walked around the rest, who were circling around a hot barbecue removed from the barbecue, and approached, leaning toward him. He put his palm on my forehead. - You have a fever! Go lie down, there is nothing to suffer here - he was upset.
“Go to my tent, an air mattress is laid out there, it will be warmer than in yours, on bare ground ...” he said loudly, so that everyone could hear why I would not sleep in my place.

I turned around: everyone had sad faces, as if they really were worried that I would not take part in this celebration of life.
- Eat first ... Having presented the food, I felt nauseous - I definitely did not want to eat. I shook my head.
- Thank you, Sergey Borisovich, I will go ...

Taking a blanket from my luggage, I stumbled into a distant tent of Sergei Borisovich. Still, having decided to take off my pants, as they rubbed my long-suffering ass, I wrapped myself in a blanket over my ears. My whole body seemed to be pricked with small needles, I was trembling. That's the reaction to spanking! Apparently, this is all because of the huge dose of adrenaline.

I fell asleep almost instantly, as soon as I got warm, regretting only that now I’m not embraced by the professor’s warm hands.

... My face was gently stroked - I opened my eyes, did not immediately understand where I was, but I knew by touch that nothing threatened me. Through the fabric of the tent, the fire spotted through the orange spot, and I immediately saw Sergei Borisovich sitting next to me.

“I was waiting for you ...” I smiled, rubbing my cheek against his palm. He grunted, like "see, see how you waited." I pulled back the edge of the blanket and extended my arms. - Hug me.

The cold immediately made me shiver. The professor's dark gaze ran over my figure, lingered on his bare legs and returned to his face. For a moment it seemed to me that he would now refuse. Who knows, all of a sudden, while I was sleeping, Lenka or whoever stole my man! But Sergey Borisovich suddenly got up and, quickly removing his pants, dived under the covers, closing me completely with him. I froze, with pleasure feeling the weight of his body on me. He put his elbows on both sides of my head and gently smacked on the lips, hanging over me.

- How do you feel? - genuine concern showed in his voice. - I overdid it with rods? I licked your skin ... I had better prepare the rods.
- No normal. It's just ... overstrain. “Okay,” he buried his nose in my neck and breathed deeply, with pleasure. - I miss you ...
“I, too,” pushed her closed hips into his groin, the hardness in his underpants did not make him doubt the firmness of his words.He suddenly licked my neck from the clavicle to the ear, I cringed from the tickling and laughed softly.
- I did not wash all day! - I said a little indignantly, inserting my neck again.
- You're crazy delicious! You drive me crazy, damn! - he licked me again and he giggled merrily from my reaction.

- Take off your panties ...

It was not necessary to ask me twice - having bent under him, I pulled the panties to my knees. Immediately his hand was on my pubis, a finger stroked cleft and penetrated inside ....

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