1. Professor. Chapter 1
  2. Professor. Chapter 2
  3. Professor. Chapter 3
  4. Professor. Chapter 4
  5. Professor. Chapter 5: Oral credit
  6. Professor. Chapter 6: Subsequent Settlement
  7. Professor. Chapter 7: Settlement in field conditions
  8. Professor. Chapter 8: I Kiss You at Night Light
  9. Professor. Chapter 9: Love me love ...
  10. Professor. Chapter 10: For the sake of your loved ones
  11. Professor. Chapter 11: The Fan
  12. Professor. Chapter 12: The Confusion of Souls, the Intertwining of Fates ...

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The next day, at the university, Lenka stubbornly did not notice me, and I tried not to look at her. I did not say anything to Svetka about my sudden escape. And what will I say? What did my man change for me, but I still spent the night in his bed, because I can't imagine myself without him? What the local slut got her and pulled out the pleasure from under my nose? What threatens me the glory of the whole university, and the professor - dismissal? No, Sveta is too tender a soul to know about all this. In addition, her head is now filled with another — being in love with Mishka, and she does not notice anything (and no one) around her.

After the couples there was a rehearsal for a graduation concert. Sorry, not ours, we are only in the third year. I'm leading there. Lenka, as if on purpose, was spinning around Vova, the operator of a local laptop, from which all broadcasts were broadcast to the big screen of the assembly hall. It constantly seemed to me that she was about to persuade Vova to put one familiar video into the overall presentation. Or she will replace. I was angry, lost my enthusiasm and concentration. I was constantly ruled and asked to take myself in hand - and in these moments I snatched Lenka's vengeful gaze from the hall. Bitch!

Went out of the assembly hall angry and upset, and did not immediately notice that a man was going to meet me.

- Hi, Nastya!

- Hello, Denis Aleksandrovich ... - I got up, not immediately realizing that he was standing and smiling at me.

“I was asked to let you down,” he reminded me of our agreement with Sergey Borisovich.

- Oh, yes, I'm sorry. Hard day, completely forgot that you will give me a lift.

“Nothing, I understand,” when he smiled, he seemed to be of the same age as me, and his brown eyes were carefully watching and seemed to notice everything. I was even a little afraid that he knew about me and the professor. - Let's go?

“Yeah,” she nodded uncertainly.

He gave me an elbow, and, a little surprised at this movement, I still grabbed his arm.

- How is the concert? It will be fun? - he communicated as if we were old acquaintances. It bribed.

“I think so,” I already smiled at him too. - Similarly, more fun than the previous prom. Have you been to a concert last year?

- Just come on "you", at least when we are not in the university. Well I'm still a boy ...

I watched him closely: his eyes laughed.

- Boy Deniska? ..

- Well, if you want, so be it!

I laughed, all bad thoughts somehow immediately dissolved. The man also looked at me and laughed.

“Not Denis Radish, ok?” And in no case - "pipisk", it will lower my self-esteem.

I was already laughing, hanging on his elbow, but he seemed to be admiring the effect produced.

- Ok, ok, Denis. So you were at a concert last year?

We already got into his car.

- You know, I do not really remember, to be honest. I just remember “Freshman's Day” well, when you, a freshman, performed in a fun scene ...

I froze in surprise.

- Remember? Uh ... remember?

- Well, yes, then I notably neighing.

“You surprise me, Denis Aleksandrovich,” said with an assumed severity. - Are you the secret admirer who sent me a bouquet of flowers that day? ..

He smiled and, with a wink at me, glanced again at the road.

- Anything can happen. If it wasn't me, then I had to do it!

- Thank you, Denis, very nice. True.

For some time we were lost in our thoughts, but a couple of times I felt his eyes on me.

- And you for a long time to Sergey Borisovich? - suddenly asked. I suddenly became confused, what to answer.- Just thought maybe you wait and take home?

- Thank you, Denis, but not worth it. Sergey Borisovich promised me a taxi ...

He looked intently, frowning slightly. I hardly raised my eyes to him: for some reason I was ashamed if he guessed about the purpose of my visit to the professor.

- Ah, okay.

- And what, Denis, did you want to arrange a date for me? - I decided to joke, thereby defusing the situation. But he did not answer for a long time, looking stubbornly before him.

- Yeah why not? - he quickly turned his head, threw a feigned, cheerful smile. - I like you for a long time, Nast ...

Like a bolt from the blue. That, damn it, not a single young man, then several at once, and a couple from the teaching staff. We arrived!

- II ... I don't know what to say. Suddenly.

“And don't,” he shrugged.

- Do you know why you are taking me to the professor? - nevertheless decided to ask after a minute of silence.

- I guess ...

- So why?!

He paused again, wondering whether to tell me something or not.

- I am obliged to the professor. To many But come on, let's not talk about it.

“Okay,” she shrugged, once again amazed that I didn't know anything at all about Sergey Borisovich.

- Yes, I can not decide for you ... Although I will not give up hope to please you, - he smiled playfully again.

“I like you,” I smiled at him, although my “like” was a little different than he wanted. Denis was pleasant to me.

- Nice to hear.

He is a really nice young man. Expressive dark eyes, a pleasant smile, hard muscles are visible under the clothes. Young, bursting with health, bursting with testosterone, guy. He could have liked me very much, if the feeling is not a squeezing heart - I am already in love. In a man much older than me. I do not belong to myself when he is near - I am his. I just love him. Despite his age, wrinkles, graying hair, not so elastic skin ... All this is such trifles, if you are already sausage from one of his eyes. Yes, that look - the words. Yes, just sms! If she is from him - the heart rushes at a gallop, the smile goes away by the ears. How little we need to be happy!

I did not notice that I was sitting smiling, looking out the window. And Denis was looking at me, with hope.

- We arrived.

- Thank you, Denis! - and in this thank you was both gratitude, and surprise, and pity that for some reason he was forced to take the girl she wanted to another man. This is akin to masochism. I did not understand him.

- Until.

Sergey Borisovich was waiting for me. And right near the gate. And when she came, he grabbed his arms and dug his lips. He caught his breath from the kiss, but there was something in him about him. And only when Denis's car screamed behind the back brakes, taking off, did I realize what all this ardor was for.

- You are cruel, Sergey Borisovich!

He loosened his embrace slightly and kept his eyes on my face.

- You still know very little about me, Nast ...

- And what?

He sighed and lifted his head, pulled him aside.

- Why do you need to know about this, my girl? - he smiled. - Suddenly you run away from me without thinking ...

- You do not say! Do not wait ...

He smiled, stroking my cheek with his thumb, and smacking his lips.

“I hope not soon,” and immediately slapped the pope, dismissing bad thoughts. - Let's go to the house, today we will go to dinner at the cafe.

- Can I have a quick shower?

- You can, just keep in mind: the professor is very hungry!

I giggled and ran to the house. The man walked slowly behind me.

“Put on the dress,” he called after me.

... Soon we were in a cafe. The professor persuaded him to wear the dress he had bought for me. I do not like dresses with a deep neckline - there is nothing to show, but the professor apparently thought differently. Well, at least not mini - after all, the professor has a taste, and not a bad one.

The cafe was cozy, with a muffled light near the high sofas. Some tables were completely curtained and looked like separate cabins. In such a cozy "office" with red leather sofas our table was reserved. The cafe was lively.

The waitress came as soon as we sat down, friendly and competent, she quickly helped us decide on food.

- Sergey Borisovich, and why it is here, in a secluded place? You do not have enough comfort ...

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