1. Professor. Chapter 1
  2. Professor. Chapter 2
  3. Professor. Chapter 3
  4. Professor. Chapter 4
  5. Professor. Chapter 5: Oral credit
  6. Professor. Chapter 6: Subsequent Settlement
  7. Professor. Chapter 7: Settlement in field conditions
  8. Professor. Chapter 8: I Kiss You at Night Light
  9. Professor. Chapter 9: Love me love ...
  10. Professor. Chapter 10: For the sake of your loved ones
  11. Professor. Chapter 11: The Fan
  12. Professor. Chapter 12: The Confusion of Souls, the Intertwining of Fates ...

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- He smiled, and I again felt the heat rush to my cheeks. He quite laughed. - I love when you are embarrassed!

He kissed me on the lips, gently and sweetly.

- So forget all these crazy thoughts ... This is me, the old libertine, I have no right to do this to you!

- But I myself ... wanted! - I was indignant. - And I want ... - added with a smile. He burst out laughing.

- Wow shy ... insatiable! - he suddenly picked me up and carried me to the bathroom. - I'll show you how to seduce an adult uncle!

How many promises in his words! How nicely it ached inside with anticipation ... Here's just something that keeps me from completely immersed in desire, but I dare not tell the professor about this. He wants me immediately!

Sergey Borisovich puts me in the bathroom and turns on the water. Takes off his pants, which he managed to put on again. I watch him, holding my breath - he's so cool! I get up under the stream of water and see how his gaze escorts rivulets of water gliding over my body. He is on alert! Takes off his glasses and gets up in the shower next, embraces from behind. And immediately penetrates me, kissing in the neck. Oh, how nice to feel it in yourself! I do not want to release it for a minute! I lean on the wall with my hands and move forward. Warm streams of water caress my body along with his palms.

I suddenly refuse on my knees and elbows, the professor is penetrating me more and more furiously. It hurts me a little: the knees from the hard bath and lower abdomen, where another physical desire accumulates, displacing sexual. The man seems to notice that my groans are not from pleasure. He lies down and puts me on himself, carefully looking into my face. I honestly want to return the excitement and continue, but the physical need is stronger. The professor stops.

- What happened, Nastyush? - his voice is genuinely concerned. - Does it hurt you? You do not want?

- No, no, everything is fine ... - I try to calm him down, but he shakes his head incredulously, waiting for an answer. - I just ... I want to write! - and pour paint. But he is not laughing. It seems that this seems to him neither amusing, nor, all the more, a problem.

“So write ...” he calmly replies, and his voice is becoming duller.

“I am now,” I get up and want to jump out of the bath, but he is holding me back.

- Not. Here ... - and the man, closely watching my reaction, palm points to his chest ... - This way.

I look from his eyes to his chest and back. Well, that's not at all funny! And I already want to write unbearably. Still water rumbles like that ... And the professor doesn't laugh. Only in his eyes the sparks of desire dance. Even lust!

- Nooo ... Are you kidding ?!

- No, Nastya. I want to! - and adds, seeing my confusion: - Yes, I'm a fucking pervert! - and the smile bends his lips. I'm ready to do as he wants, but something is bothering me again. Perhaps this modesty again!

- Not.

- Nastya! - now it is his order. - Come on ... Otherwise, I'll spank you. On wet skin it will be much more painful, I guarantee you! - his eyes flashed dangerously. And I decided. His orders act on me somehow in a special way.

Standing above him at the level of his chest, I slightly parted my lips and relaxed. And then she felt a double thrill: from relief and from contemplation of the burning eyes of the professor who was watching the warm amber trickle striking his chest. Dizzy from the incredibility of what is happening and the fact that this action can be fun!

After writing, I immediately pulled the cork out of the drain so that the water was glass.

- Come here ... - I heard the order of the professorial voice with hoarse. - Sit down.

I obediently sat on his chest, waiting with bated breath for his new incredible desires. His eyes ate my wide-open flower, slightly shiny amber dew. The professor suddenly slipped a little lower to lie horizontally, and moved my hips close to his lips. He greedily licked the petals and absorbed the sensitive bead into his mouth, playing with her tongue. I groaned, arched. The sensations were so sharp that everything floated before my eyes.

His tongue burst into me, deeper, deeper. And I moved towards the language, feeling the wave of pleasure catching me up, losing control over my own body. I fell backwards on the man, recovering myself, feeling how everything pulses inside, and the restless professorial language licks my juices. Under my neck in the hair throbbed lively and firm.

Sergey Borisovich finally let me go. We were kneeling across from each other and kissing. There was a sour-sweet juice on his lips. I was filled with gratitude for the incredible pleasure I had received, and I wanted to do it just as well.

“I want ... the same way,” I finally said to his lips. He pulled away, looking at me incredulously. And I silently tapped the palm of my hand. - You are welcome...

- Nastya, you do not have to ... - he frowned a little, but his eyes betrayed - he wanted it madly. - This is me an old pervert.

- So, I ... pervert! - I smiled. - And we are perfect for each other. - And added: - I want!

I didn’t have to persuade much - my professor is ready for any madness. He rose above me and, holding the member, sent it to my chest. With a slight twist, as if he was slightly hurt, he released an amber trickle that hit my chest. I looked at her as spellbound. It was not unpleasant for me, rather the opposite - I was tempted to try it. And I succumbed to this desire - I opened my mouth and, sticking my tongue as far as possible, caught them in a warm trickle. And she looked up - the professor's eyes were burning as if he wanted to devour me and eat me.

The trickle dried up, and I just pounced on a handsome member of the professor. Slightly brackish drops, but not to say so unpleasant. I licked the head in a circle, climbing the tongue into the hole, catching the bridle and just tickling it with the tip of the tongue. The professor snarled, and his palm covered my head. I knew what was waiting for me, and was ready to take it deeply.

But you can not argue with reflexes - you can only try to agree. Tears splashed immediately, eroding and so spreading mascara under the eyes, which arose in the throat did not allow to breathe, and I panicked. The professor let go. But I was not going to give up, setting a goal to deliver a man a crazy pleasure. And continued training. But the man did not want to finish long. His throat was already sore, his lips ached, bruises on his knees prevented him from quietly being in one position.

- Nastyaya ... - the professor was on the verge, and I waited with pleasure for the award.

Once again taking deep down my throat (this was almost without any unpleasant sensations!), I released a trembling penis from my lips.

- Open your mouth! - his order, as a reward. I catch white blots on the tongue. They fall on the face and chest. And from the highest enjoyment of my man, I’m catching the buzz myself, as if I’m justly being awarded. And, maybe, the truth is awarded - for diligence and excellent teaching.

So this May day ends, which began inconspicuously and casually, and at the end brought such enchanting emotions! But whether more will be. Ahead of the new day. “There will be a day - and there will be food!” - I think with a smile on my lips, soon falling asleep in the arms of the professor.

  • June 22, 2017 14:39

    Perfectly! Lots of emotions and sensuality!


    • Rating: 1
  • June 22, 2017 14:41



    • Rating: 0
  • June 23, 2017 17:23

    Cool happened, inspiration and success)))


    • Rating: 0
  • June 23, 2017 18:55

    Thank you, Dark Chekich. I just don't have enough inspiration)


    • Rating: 0
  • 23 June 2017 21:37

    Oh, as I understand it, I sit down at the head for the fifth time and can’t finish it off (((


    • Rating: 1
  • June 23, 2017 17:29

    Romantic and dissolute! How much in just one day happened.


    • Rating: 0
  • 23 June 2017 18:57

    Yes, like this, one day I learned so much. More such professors, teachers, gurus of sex;)


    • Rating: 0
  • Dima (a guest)
    June 27, 2017 4:25

    I have never had sex in short, a virgin ...
    When I read this story, I was so pleased as if I were rear and not a professor,
    Already 2 times I read dreams and dreams,
    How I wanted to meet you such a smart and bold girl


    • Rating: 0
  • June 28, 2017 0:19

    And I am pleased that you enjoyed it so much. Thanks for the feedback.


    • Rating: 0
  • November 7, 2017 18:46

    what wonderful bed descriptions! on the one hand, they sufficiently reflect the gross interaction and superiority of the professor. on the other hand, from the side of the girl - bright shaped epithets. and most importantly, the liveliness of the characters and the absence of scarce vulgar names pleases!


    • Rating: 0
  • November 7, 2017 21:34

    Thank you very much for the feedback!
    Glad you like it. Read with pleasure!


    • Rating: 0
  • October 3, 2018 12:38

    There was a similar scene in the bathroom) It is rather not perverse desires, but an act of trusting each other. Actually, like the first anal)


    • Rating: 0

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