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Burn your back, making you curl.

- Yes, sir!

- When you are not busy with anything, you can sit like this: on your knees, hands behind your back. Clear?

- Yes, sir.

- Good acquisition, Oleg. Not thin and not fat. Will you serve?

- Yes, I want to look at her in the case. - Oleg detached from the collar of Ladislavy, leaving her standing on all fours and joined his brother. - You will be a dog. Affectionate, very affectionate. To me!

The girl obediently went on all fours to Igor. It was all strange, unexpected and unpleasant. The boyar was not yet humiliated to a dog state. But she decided to go to the end.

Igor took the grape and stretched it out on the open palm.

- Eat, come on. Good bitch tribe. - and with a ringing slapped on the ass.

The skin burned, leaving a palm print on it. Ladislava obediently took the grapes from her palm with her lips. Igor grabbed her face and squeezed it with force, making her bare teeth and open mouth. He put two fingers into his mouth, touched his tongue, ran it to the root, almost causing a vomiting attack.

- Good mouth. Oleg, what do you want for her? Let me give you a couple of hens to give.

Such an assessment by Ladislava clearly did not expect her to rate a couple of hens, this is an obvious overkill. She was almost indignant, but she restrained herself in time.

- Not. I'm not selling it yet. I also want to use it. Do you want her? - Oleg looked at his brother.

- Perhaps, yes.

- Take it as you like.

Ladislava looked at Igor getting up and lowering his pants.

- Hey, crawl here and lick my feet. - Oleg lounged on pillows and stretched his legs.

- Yes, sir. - Ladislava approached on all fours and reluctantly, suppressing disgust, slowly began to lick the toes.

Igor came from behind, fell in and quickly entered her. Ladislava did not get any pleasure from such a combination. There was something wrong, not combining.

- Everything, stand up. - Oleg jumped up. - I have one more present. - and went out.

- Here, look who I brought you. Your little bride, Elisha.

Elisha saw Ladislav, fell on his knees and crawled toward her. Muttering indistinctly that he is her slave, that he can do anything with him. It was hard to understand. He was clearly not in his senses.

Ladislav's stomach rebelled, the contents rose up ready to spill out, everything turned dark in the eyes.

Ladislava awoke in Oleg's hut, leaning on the table and holding a leather collar in her hand. No carpets and pillows, no Elisha, everything disappeared, as if it had not been. And maybe the truth was not. She sighed in relief. It was clear that she was given everything is not easy.

- This is a wraith. - Igor explained. “Now you know that being a slave is not your destiny.” Your fate is an unbroken mare who wants to take her rider. Sit down

He sat the girl on the bench next to Oleg, sat down next to him, on the other hand. Gave her a mug of broth. My head immediately cleared, fresher. Heat spread throughout the body, penetrating into every corner.

“You are not a slave,” continued Igor, “and you will never be to her.” But you are not a lady. It is not yours, to command in the pleasures of the flesh.

It was nice, warm and calm with them. Ladislava, hugged Igor, pressed her cheek to his chest. The even, clear sound of his heart gave confidence. She reached out and kissed his neck, then their lips met. But this was not enough, she turned around and also stretched out to Oleg, and he answered her kiss. The heat in her chest slowly turned to fever. Passion inflamed with every minute, she could not tear himself away from one or the other. Apparently love games in three became a tradition.

Oleg and Igor have already taken off their shirts, Ladislava has untied the strings of their pants. Oleg stroked his elastic hips, his excited flesh easily penetrated the hot body of the girl. Igor contentedly snuffled in response to the boyar’s work with his hands and tongue. Without going to the end, they changed. Igor, holding her leg on his shoulder, moved vigorously, making him moan and moan.At the same time, Oleg did not let the girl’s language go idle. Slipping on the floor of Ladislav with her hands and mouth helped both men to finish. First one and then the other splashed out a jet of sperm on her face.

An hour later, everyone gathered in the luminaries for a meal. However, the former serenity broke elusive tension. The word traditionally took Gordey.

- There are seven of us here, we are all different, but equal. There is no senior or junior among us in affairs and in service. We are not simple, not simple. - he thought. “There will be no offense, among others, if you choose one of us.” Maybe someone else.

Proud look in the direction of the front door and Elisha appeared in the doorway. In a smartly embroidered gold caftan, sable cap, and red boots. His unexpected appearance took Ladislav by surprise.

- Ladislava, my star! My heart sought you out and found you! The stars wove my silk road to you, and the flowers carved my way! - Elisha stretched his hand forward, as if he wanted to convey something. - Be with me, my month is clear! Be my mistress and goddess!

Ladislava felt how everything inside sank and gagging spasms are ready to break out. However, overpowering herself she spoke.

- I love you all to me, there is no one among you better or worse. I can not choose anyone, but I can choose you all. Let me live with you, than I can help and help. Let me share the bread and shelter with you. - she leaned in a deep bow.

The brothers looked at each other and each nodded. Again got up proud.

- So be it. Our house is now yours too.

- Only a request I will have. Rooster is dressed up banish your back so that the spirit of his trash was not there!

The brothers laughed together and drove Elisha away.

So they lived, happily ever after.

  • driver Micha (a guest)
    June 30, 2016 13:51

    very best! as if Kuprin had read the unpublished! very high quality work!


    • Rating: 2
  • July 4, 2016 18:32

    Very grateful for the unexpected comparison))


    • Rating: 0
  • July 3, 2016 1:32

    Really wonderful story! A man should be a man, not a dog. Ten points!


    • Rating: 1
  • July 4, 2016 18:30

    Thank you for your appreciation!


    • Rating: 0

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