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Behind the pretended massive oak gates there was a big terem, in three floors with numerous extensions and an entrance hall. Folded from large, in two girth of logs and decorated with carved platbands. A spacious carved porch opened onto a spacious courtyard where chickens and turkeys walked.

Ladislava rose about the stairs. The door was not locked, a plate leaning against the doorjamb denoting that there was no one at home. However, she knocked. She called loudly several times. No one answered.

She opened the door and walked in, passed through the entrance of a straight light. It was light, spacious and clean. Although the guests here are clearly not expected. The decoration of the room did not feel a woman's hand, home comfort. Everything was strict, strong and reliable.

In the far corner there was a furnace wall and a staircase to the upper floors. In the center stood a massive oak table with two benches. Near the wall was a vat of water, which Ladislava used and scooped up a surprisingly cold water ladle and drank plenty of it.

I walked through the luminaries peering through the windows and did not dare go upstairs. She sat down at the table, folded her arms in front of her, put her head on them and began to quickly fall asleep. Fatigue made itself felt.

The noise that rang out in the yard, the neighing of horses, men's voices and laughter pulled it out of sweet bliss. There were steps on the porch, then in the passage. Ladislava rose, but with fear froze in place leaning on the table. Her heart was pounding, and she pressed her hand to her chest, as if trying to hold him.

Seven men entered the luminous room, talking loudly, laughing and sagging with iron and froze in amazement at the threshold.

- This is a marvel, so marvel! - broke the silence of one of them.

- In our room is red maiden. - issued another.

- How to call magnify you, beautiful? - the senior asked with a smile. - what fate came to us?

- Call me Ladislava. Accidentally hit you, stumbled upon a tower while wandering through the woods.

- Be our guest, Ladislava. - senior slightly bowed his head, continuing to scrutinize the girl.

See it was what. Tall and slender, she stood like a queen, proudly holding her posture, looking with interest at men. Long wheat hair was gathered in a thick braid. The red ribbon covered the head and was woven into the braid. The only loose curly locks fell to a thin neck, drawing attention to the dimples above the collarbone. The red sundress unusually tightly embraced the chiseled figure, emphasizing the large high chest and the contours of the steep thighs.

She smiled, looking straight into the eyes of the mighty, bearded handsome men. Plump lips stretched into a smile, exposing a number of pearl teeth. Sable eyebrows shot up, lighting up the sky-blue eyes' perky sparks even brighter.

- Thank you! - she stately bowed in a belt. - For the reception affectionate, for the kind words, but tell me, the red good fellows, where have I got, how should I call you, good people?

“You are beautiful at the border, maiden,” the older one withdrew his gaze from the girl's heaving chest with difficulty. “We are princes, we are defending the border with the Pechenegs.” This is our outpost. Here we live. I am proud, the eldest of the brothers. This is Bogdan. Vladimir, Oleg, Ratmir, Igor and Nikita.

When Gordey called their names, the brothers bowed their heads, pressing their palm to their chests. Ladislava bowed in response, noting the becoming, masculinity and mighty physique of the brothers, not forgetting to celebrate the features of each of them with her feminine look. I caught on myself evaluating, feeling and even undressing glances. From this, her heart began to beat even more often, and her cheeks turned pink. She liked the attention of young strong men, apparently for a long time not seen the female body. She bathed in this attention, involuntarily casting playful glances at the tightly knit figures of the warriors.

- Proud, it is not worthwhile to pester the girl with questions, first you need to feed, water, take a steam bath, and then interrogate you. - Vladimir came forward.

- welcome. - nodded Gordey.

Vladimir went out into the courtyard and from there he heard screams.

- Shark, where are you there? Naidu - tear off my ears!

- I'm here boyar! - from behind the shed jumped disheveled teenager.

- Prepare the bath and led to the table to cover. Alive!

A minute later, two girls with jugs, cups and mugs entered the light. With a bow filled and distributed to all. It turned out to be intoxicating honey. Fragrant, sweet and sparkling. After taking a few sips, Ladislava noted not only the wonderful taste, but also the strong intoxicating effect of the drink.

“We live with a couple of serfs and girls, who are liberated from the Polovtsian one.” - noticing a slight fluctuation in the look of the girl, said Bogdan. - On the farm help.

On the table began to appear dishes with hare, pies, pies, white salmon baked. Jars with kvass and intoxicating honey, cups were placed on the table. A few minutes later they were feasting, raising toasts for the dear guest, noting her beauty and becoming. Ladomila tried not to go over with honey, but the brothers constantly poured, and she could not help but answer their toasts. After a while she was noticeably drunk, and severe fatigue and worries affected her.

- Try a shot, Ladomila. His Oleg himself cooks on herbs and roots. The healing power in it, clears the head, raises the spirit, adds vigor. - Bogdan held out the cup. - Have a drink, at times the weakness will go away.

Having drunk a hot spicy and slightly sweet drink, Ladomila did not feel the difference at the beginning, only noted that the hops had flown off, as if there hadn’t been. Her eyes gleamed, her cheeks flushed, her fatigue gone. She looked at the brothers, thinking about who she liked more, but could not choose.

All of them are strong in body, tall and handsome. All face are beautiful, all beards, only beards are different. Older ones are bulky and thick, younger ones are short.

- In the bath, everything is ready, boyars! - Reported Shaken. - Girls with kvass and honey sent there.

- welcome. - Proud stand up, - Brothers, no one will object if we are our first guest in a bathhouse? - no one did not object.

- Shafts, spend boyaru, so make sure that the girls brought all the necessary.

Ladislava proceeded through the passage to the courtyard, and from there to the spacious bathhouse. In the waiting room stood on the table krynki with kvass and honey, herbal infusions and easy food. Two young girls helped to undress. Sami threw off their shirts and went all together in the steam room.

The steam room was spacious and high. The shelves went in two rows. Ladislava sat on the bottom, getting used to the steaming steam, smelling of meadow herbs and hops. Droplets of sweat began to protrude on the face and back.

- Boyarya, get on the shelves and lie down, I will steam, I will not leave a single bone. - one of the girls already got steamed birch broom.

Ladislava did not argue and gladly stretched out on a shelf, putting her head on her hands and closing her eyes. Immediately felt over the increased heat. On the skin ran burning branches of a broom. A hot bath after a hard and eventful day, a full house of handsome men and their lustful looks made her respond. A broom walked on the back, on the rounded bottom, on the legs, driving not only the heat of the bath into the body. Thoughts about these strange men, not only agitated and aroused, but also frightened. In the abdomen, everything tightened and tightened; it was urgent to cool down and get away from carnal thoughts.

“Okholonka, honey,” a male voice sounded, and after that a stream of cold water hit the back.

She jumped up, gasping for hot air. Relaxing under a hot broom, she was in no way ready for such a hard pulling.

- Yes, you didn’t become unsure, - Bogdan laughed - It is necessary to look after you strictly.

Now Ladislava recognized him, next was a mixture of Vladimir's beard.Standing next to them, they seemed even more muscular giants hanging over a naked, defenseless girl. Without any embarrassment, they admired the forms of Ladislavy. From such frank attention, the already soothing heart was again ...

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