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Thank you - He said with a smile and a slight bow.

Next stood Nikita, also hugged her, kissed her. And repeated word for word for brother.

- And you love me. - Ladislava could not resist, hugged both brothers. - And I thank you.

Already stepping over the threshold, she turned.

“You have a good workshop, Ratmir.” Only I have not considered everything. Will you show me with your brothers the other adapters?

The heroes laughed together.

Bath was very helpful. The servants laid Ladislav on the shelves and washed, rubbed, steamed and kneaded. After the bath, the forces finally left the boyar. She went to her little room and fell asleep. She woke up in the morning, much later than usual, healing medicines and rubbing did their job. Nothing hurt, no traces of skin and strength in excess. The servants cleared out and smoothed the sundress. The shirt was new.

Ladislava went down and went out on the porch. The brothers were nowhere to be seen. Ogloblja fussed at a distant shed. Marusha came out carrying a mug.

- Use the boyar, boyar Oleg ordered you to drink. He says it will be useful for you. - She served a stein with a spicy hot drink. - He is so smart! Sage, the doctor. It is he who makes healing potions. All sorts of diseases heals, bloody wounds speaks.

Marusha talked about praising Oleg, and Ladislava listened to her feelings. Energy and power rose from the depths, and from where it came after yesterday, she felt how her arms and legs were being poured by force. She felt her mood improve quickly. I wanted to dance, sing songs, lead dances, run through the meadow quickly, quickly, overtaking the wind. Without even noticing it, she drank the whole cup to the end.

- And Igor? - asked Ladislava, with him and Oleg, she has not yet intersected.

- Oh, boyar Igor, boyarina, he is a sorcerer! Also smart, just different. He knows how to talk with the gods. Ask for what you need, and you look at it comes out. He sees all sorts of nonhumans. Well, there are goblins, goblins, house goons They can always agree with them.

- And what each of them is so special?

- Yes. Everyone has his own indispensable skill. Here is boyar Ratmir saddler and furrier, his saddles and horse harnesses are everywhere appreciated. The princes themselves wear leather belts. His leather podtospeshniki not every arrow takes. Boyar Nikita, the horses to horses. Groomsman, what he did not find. He talks to them, he understands everything. He will call any horse, and he will come to him as his own mother.

- Ratmir said that he loves horses very much.

- So it is so, tokmo boyar Ratmir as a horse rider, he loves, and boyar Nikita communicates with them as people.

- And the rest? Who are they?

- Boyar Gordey - the oldest. He feels the earth. Sometimes he will rise on his knee, put a hand to the ground and stand as a stone block. Then he gets up and tells him that where is he going on earth. Enemies immediately feels. Still can ravines and crevices on the enemy path to do. Still rockfalls or walls are insurmountable. Therefore, we are quiet here, not attacking, even though the border. He is also a noble blacksmith. He has a forge over there, ”she waved at the side,“ stands by the stream. All his brothers have bullet weapons. Yes for sale a little.

Marusha was a drunkard, aspiring, rattling, so usually in the bazaar news is shared.

- Boyar Vladimir - he is a werewolf. - Marusha lowered her voice to a whisper. - Well, when he wants to turn into a huge bear. Fearfully! - she pressed her palms to her face. - I saw it myself! Huge, when on four legs, it will be higher than any horse, but it will rise like two ... Terrible! Wool black with gray. Fangs and claws like bulat swords! Rumor has it that he himself serves Veles. The whole forest is in order holds, the master of all beasts.

- Boyar Bohdan shooter, which is no more. - continued Marusha. - From a bow can a squirrel knock down sazhens for a hundred, from a horse and at full speed! He can also turn into a falcon.Not himself, but as if he sees everything through his falcon. Flies up looking out, and the boyar shoots, always hits!

- They used to say that you and Helga were taken from the Pechenezhsky field. And now, what is the slave?

- What are you, ladies! - Marusha threw up her hands. - Something they Pechenegs dirty keep us in full ?! We are free. Themselves on their will to live with them remained. Love us here. Helga, won, refused to go to her Vikings. Stayed here.

- Ladislava, isn't it busy? - Oleg was standing on the side of the porch below.

- No, I am not busy. - with a slight nod of Ladislav’s head, she marked her greeting.

- Come with me, I want to examine you.

They passed around the tower and entered an inconspicuous hut. Mostly against the background of a huge house, however, it turned out to be quite spacious. In the center was a massive wooden table with thick legs. There are shelves and chests on the walls, shelves with pots and wooden caskets on the walls themselves. Many of them glittered with gems, but stood flush with the usual birch bark boxes. Immediately hung various bunches of herbs.

- Expose. Clothes can be folded on the bench. Come on, come on! - Oleg spread a white tablecloth on the table. - Now lie down here.

Ladislava lay down. Oleg rubbed his palms as if warming. He sighed deeply and put his hands on her forehead and stomach. He closed his eyes, froze. Ladislava had already started to get nervous when Oleg moved his palms: one on his chest in the region of the heart, the other on the very bottom of his stomach and froze again. A few minutes later he woke up.

- All is well. You are completely healthy. You can go.

- I can stay? - Ladislava was very surprised by this approach and dragged time.

- Stay if you take why. - Oleg closely followed her reaction, he clearly provoked it.

- Your brothers ...

- I know. - he didn't let her finish. - Scourge, belts, chains - this is good, but everything should be in moderation. You got yours from them. If I add will be too much.

- Maybe I can be the ones something useful?

- Not. Although ... you can. But for this you have to become a slave.

- I'm ready to try.

- Try it? - the voice came from behind and Ladislava turned sharply. Igor was sitting on the bench. - No here you can not try. Either you become a slave, a veshe. Or just go away.

- What do I need to do? - she blurted out unexpectedly, even for herself.

Oleg raised his eyebrows in surprise, carefully looked at the still naked girl. He got up and approached her closely. He was joined by Igor. The two of them examined her again. Fingered his chest, looked into his mouth, lowered his eyelids and looked at his eyes. So inspect the cattle on the market. A chill of fear ran down my back. These two seemed to her worse than the rest. They clearly needed not only the body, but also the soul.

- It fits. If you don't change your mind, put it on. - Oleg held out a simple leather collar with a copper ring. “From now on, you will become a slave, our slave.”

With trembling hands Ladislava took the collar. She had the last chance to refuse. Oleg and Igor waited. Inside, everything trembled and trembled. Fear and interest, a sense of trick and trust. Feelings mixed up not allowing to make decisions. Finally, she wore a collar around her neck, as if thrown into the pool with her head.

Consciousness faded only for a moment, but when she regained consciousness, she found herself in a close room without windows, chained to the chain like a dog. I tried to free myself, but I couldn’t manage to unbutton my collar. There were heard the approaching steps. Then the door flung open. Gave light to the eyes and blinded. Eyes quickly got used to the light and Ladislava was able to distinguish Igor, who was sitting on the carpet littered with pillows.

Oleg brought her on a leash. Attempt to get up stopped a sharp jerk.

- Remember. Now you are a slave, a thing. You have no past, no future. There is only the present and it is me. You will fulfill all my instructions. There is no “no” word for me. You can only say "Yes, sir" and "As you say, sir." If it is not at all in mogot, you can say, “Let me please you in a different way, Master.” Clear?

- Yes.

- Yes, sir! - stinging blow of a thin short whip with a leather tongue ... Read more →

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