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Women's composition. Nick was lying on the floor, breathing heavily, Mary hung on the belts of the cradle, not taking his eyes off the hunger of my erection. Cruelty is not peculiar to me, I could not refuse the lady.

A few taps on the screen of the remote control and the cradle autodoc took a horizontal position. I picked up Nick, untied, rubbed his numb hands. Her eyes drunk and attached forces. She surrendered to my will, not only with her mind, body, but with her whole soul. If I were slowly strangling her, she would not have resisted, and enjoy it. Her gray steel shine eyes expressed the most extreme degree of humility. She is a real woman, not spoiled by neuronics. Gave without reserve, to the bottom. I hugged her, hugged her, felt his inflated psichuvstvitelnostyu her fluttering, her fear. Merged with it in the general vibrations, then slowly began to calm them, to align. She relaxed in my arms. I rested my forehead in the chest, hugged and did not want to let go. I'm hard, hot and kissed her quick movement threw a loop trail freed her hand.

Wide ribbons of the loop clasped Nicky's wrists. Its other ends were fixed on the foot parts of the star of the lodgement. When I picked up the cradle at chest height and lowered its head end, the bottom part of his rose, lifting up his hands and Nicky forcing her to stand on your toes. She looked at her friend lying upside down.

From the instrumental compartment of the autodoc I took a test probe. Now this elektrotester itself was not very interesting. But it silicone knob derived from reciprocal contacts and inserted therein with the free bar meter electrodes will give fantasies.

Turning on the small dialing mode raised the end of the probe to Maria's nipple. Short electrical discharge, Mary cried. Yet, this time to his thigh. Again the cry. I can see how a predatory smile hanging Nick, her games obviously liking. My increased psichuvstvitelnost catches her pleasure.

I went to the head of the heavily inclined lodgment. Mary's head was just below my waist, head of the penis easily slipped into her open mouth in surprise. At first, he moved measuredly, giving getting used to the size. Then gradually began to introduce a member deeper and deeper.

Catching indescribable cocktail of emotions from the girl, unaccustomed to hard male affection, I brought the probe to her pubis. Clicking discharge and teeth Masha almost closed on my manhood. Leaving psychology, I focused on the doctor. Discharges of electricity on her body forced to bend and twitch. Nick clenched his teeth, groaned, but a wave of gratitude reveal the true essence of sensations.

Disassemble the stem of the probe handle, I got at its disposal interesting tool. size handle resembled a large phallus size. I gently introduced him to Masha and turned on the pulse mode. To do this, her bed had to be placed horizontally and untie Nick. The girls have already fully immersed in the process of our game and unconditionally accepted its rules.

I bowed and Nick entered her from behind. She was wet and hot. Her body responded to my slightest movements. She clutched at the edges of the lodgement with her hands, remaining between Mary's legs. He threw his head back with a bunch of black braids, bent, even more clearly demonstrating its luxury backside. I took her hair and surrendered to the process losing the sense of time and my own body. Emotional psiuroven was beyond. Everyone felt everyone. Masha caught and radiated orgasmic waves of monstrous intensity. After shaking the next wave of ecstasy her body, Nick learned from it upgraded pacemaker.

I caught her thought and with one movement on the control panel, removed the latches. Maria did not get up, she caught our feelings. My powers were coming to an end.Nick squeezed even more arched and exploded bright orgasm. She twitched, tightly holding on to the cradle and to publish and inarticulate sounds. Our Maria increased psichuvstvitelnost was dumbfounded Nakata bliss. We froze all together.

Nick just slid to the floor right where she was. I stepped to Masha. Wet, tired she wrapped her legs around me. I did not interfere with the passion and the girl broke into her hot flesh. Moving in a hot body, I barely restrained from the final. Nick even more contributed to this. Once at the bottom of almost half a lodgment, she played with my tongue scrotum. The girl apparently was waiting for the final approach.

Another couple of movements and I felt a rapidly rising stream of hot flying out. Half step back and a hot jet of sperm flies in the face Nike. She is pretty smiling and transmitting to us in the psi band the image of happiness. Masha is also below and licks the last drops from me. Everyone froze and enjoyed a total pleasure.

After 20 minutes, we sat in the chairs of the relax zone. The shower, bubble massage and caring hands of the girls were already behind. We sat donning robes and enjoyed unusual taste Barrayaran nutmeg. Sweet, with a pronounced fruity bouquet, but refreshing and invigorating. It was the best combination. I did not want to speak. We felt each other and words were not necessary. Bathed in this intoxicating bliss we were in no hurry to get out of it.

- Another pour, Major? - Nika pointed to the emptying glass in my hands.

- Ivan, just Ivan. Or Vanya. Yes, I would appreciate it.

Nick got up, brought the bottle and poured it to my glass. She knelt beside my chair, a puppy looking into my eyes.

- Thank you ... you ... Vanya ... - she squeezed the words out of herself. - It was ... it was ... Thank you!

I extended my hand, and she buried her face in her palm. Sweet girl, strong work, violent sex, sweet and gentle in life. Burning bright beauty covered with kisses my hand was kneeling beside my feet.

Masha did not keep up with his girlfriend. She sat on the other side of the chair and kissed her left hand. Very young girl with naive eyes and incredibly sensitive. Blond spark, she clearly gave herself all without the rest, burned and flared up again, sparking emotions in others.

- Thank you girls. You are the best. In the space is better you do not. I will not leave you. - I hugged and kissed them. We have for a long time could not break away from each other, but the debt service is already calling.

2 months later. Orbital hospital "New Vishera".

- Dr. Nicholas, I hope it was not your initiative! - on crimson with anger the chief of the hospital face was terrible to look at. He growled through his teeth, struggling to contain his rage. - Rejoice! You are being translated! Your divisional howitzer !!! Best specialists take! Who to work with!? Plazmogan them in pole !!! Here, admire!

On the screen above the table until the text of the document. The official entry, and then point.

... "Translate Cyber ​​Doctor Nick Nicholas and Mary psitehnika Peskov to the divisional hospital" Ivan the Terrible "group spin-Aviation, under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Ivan Dorokhov" ...

  • Maren (a guest)
    July 10, 2016 8:45

    Feller of the hall ... al dialogue! Do not excite. The story is nonsense.


    • Rating: -1
  • Sasha (a guest)
    July 10, 2016 10:11 PM

    I liked it, the world of the heroes of the story are drawn, and the external and internal. Thanks to the author!


    • Rating: 2

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