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Consciousness burst instantly. Pain pierced the whole body. The lungs burned with fire. In the eyes of a murky bloody veil. I scream, from inhuman pain. The throat was so dry that only a weak vulture escaped from it. I do not feel any hands or feet. Only force twisting joints brings a sense of their presence.

- The patient is awake. Consciousness confused. Telemetry works. - a female voice mints short phrases. - Pre-stock state. Analgesics are administered. Condition stabilizes.

With her words, the pain began to pass, but the dregs remained before her eyes. The red veil disappeared, but at the slightest eye movement the picture was smeared with a long train. Sounds floated and stretched.

- Begins the final activation. Introduced a stabilizer. - the female voice has changed and became like a howling iguanodon. - Activation through ...

Darkness. No light, no sound, no sensations. Nothing. And in this vacuum of feelings I, Major Ivan Dorokhov, callsign "Grozny", master pilot of an ultralight spin fighter of the class "Gadfly." Images and understanding of what happened appear in my head. As if in a strongly accelerated form, the video sequence is squandered, but already I recognize and recall these events. Familiar faces, feelings, thoughts flash. Shaving flight over the deck of the destroyer. Blinding flash and endless burning pain. Darkness.

- He wakes up only after 7 minutes. - suddenly sounded already familiar female voice. - Tell me what happened after the official part.

“Let's go to the club,” the other girl said. - There, as usual, walked, drank. When all our girls from psikorpus were already tipsy and began to shoot with their eyes, the paratroopers fell. They are certainly men of strong, but stupid. And their jokes are all flat. Some girls connected to them, but for a long time they were not enough. They say that they do not have brains at all, but the strength is enormous.

- Yes, that's for sure. Specifically to such gain. Managing this pile of iron does not need much brains. By the way, their exoskeletons are not so exo, everything is tightly connected with the body. So, with them you can only fuck through the virtual neuroshunt.

- Well, of course, where are the normal men now you find? Some cyborgs around.

- Yes, even now - our customer. Quite a guy. And he has a natural economy, not a neuro-plastic vibrator, as many now do. The same master spin-fighter pilot. Their life is calculated in minutes in battle. It makes no sense to make an armored colossus. Control implants, sensory, psychic sensitivity and a small lightweight exoskeleton. Otherwise, everything is natural, I tell you as a doctor.

- You know, I only had two normal men. And even then, only Lad Camp. Delight is not experienced, well, nice of course, but no more. No feelings and passions like in the movies. He stuck, took out, finished. Even with the landing is better in the virtual shunt.

- Most likely this is your specific perception. Not just the same you have become a psychologist. You need emotions, psi stimulation. The body is secondary, though no less important. For people like you difficult to find a normal man.

- And you? Do you have it?

- Actually, not better. - the girl hesitated, then continued after a pause. - The same professional information is only medical, I have little ordinary sex. No, everything is fine with him, but sometimes I want something brighter, stronger, tougher. At work, I myself am stronger than Kevlar and harder than keramovungram armor. Sometimes I myself want to feel the power and power in my own skin.

- Do not really understand. Could you show it? Before the end of the activation time is.

- Come on, - she playfully agreed. - Give the plug and see that you are not caught, normal men are now in short supply.

- Ltd! Whoa-oo-oo!

Vision appeared after the hearing. First, the light penetrated through closed eyelids. He came home control interface. He emerged from the fog and fell into place.Scales of health, sensitivity, empty windows of connections, running figures of indicators from internal sensors. Everything is painfully dear. I slowly opened my eyes. The light of the lamps was blinded and the neuron quickly reduced the sensitivity of the eyes.

I was fastened to a medical cradle, turned almost vertically. Hands to the sides, legs apart. Totally naked. He twisted his head. Behind the ear felt plug neyroshunta. I tried to pull his hands, squeaked titanoplastikovye tape exoskeleton, but the hands do not come off. With the legs - the same story.

To the right away from my two girls were kissing. In appearance, both are 25 years old, although who now can say for sure. One burning brunette with long braids caught up by a metal ring on the back of his head and falls on his back. Shaved temples adorn the moving tattoos and neural jacks. Mounted on the forearms smarts, and instrumental hip holster. From clothes only two strips of cloth. One reminiscent of a short skirt, or a wide belt that once flowed down to the hips. Others are trying to cope with the role of the bra and not much in it succeeded. A large elastic chest was covered only partially and strove to get out. Bottom out of the band were looking chic roundness that can knock out of the mind of every man, turning it into a lustful March Cat.

The second girl was a match for her. Tall, but not so skatery. White short hair combed to one side, on the shaven temple glitters gold connector with neyroshunta stuck in his cable. White topic hugs the body and emphasize the shape of the elastic chest with protruding nipples. The second piece of white fabric, also poorly coped with the cover of its bottom. Waving a huge tattoo of the archaic dragon at the hip and abdomen remained scarcely veiled.

Long kiss, his hands sliding over the bodies and neyroshleyf connecting their heads. They were clearly immersed in a common Wirth. Kiss - the body's reaction to an emotional picture. Kissing half-naked beauties firmly hooked my masculine. This spectacle attracted, enticed and excited. And this is despite the fact that I have not finished the recovery process. My dick slowly but surely poured blood and took a perpendicular position. I felt at ease. Chained excited man and two cyber beauty. Sorry, but this is not my topic.

As if he heard my thoughts, beauty broke away from each other, smiled and took out the loop.

- I did not know that it could be so exciting. - blond babe hardly contain their emotions. - I saw on the network ... Well, that would be so ... Right on so many ... Where can I find such a person?

- Yes, there should, I not only about the pilot. Do not worry, he has not yet regained consciousness. Pure physiological response.

Blonde came up and unceremoniously took me by the balls, in the truest sense of the word. Used car, ride in his hand. She wrapped a hand around her dick, several times moved the skin exposing her blood-filled head.

- I forgot how nice it is. - she was breathing deeply, her cheeks flushed, and the language tried to moisten his lips sharply.

Doc came up, knelt, and licked her bare head. Then again, he walked around the tongue, lips, hugged and took in the whole mouth. Sucking played with tongue.

- Try it. - it sent my cock toward friends.

She knelt down, grabbed with one hand at the base member and the other by the balls and eagerly pounced, as if trying to suck all virility. Her head was actively moving along the penis. My heart sped up, and my breathing got a little deeper.

- Oh, he woke up! - She jumped back and blushed.

- How do you feel? - Doc tried to pretend that nothing happened, but her burning ears betrayed embarrassment with his head.

- Thank you, fine, but it was even better. - unusual words tickled his throat. - Have a drink?

- Yes, here. - blonde filed tube hydrator.

After a few sips of water it became easier to speak.

- Vital indicators are normal. Implant sensors are normal. Tests passed. No problem.- Doc minted standard report, looking at the devices.

- The brain waves are normal ....

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