1. Everything happens in life ... Part 1
  2. Everything happens in life ... Part 2
  3. Everything happens in life ... Part 3

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slid off and did not fall where necessary.

Still, apparently, she managed to touch her strings with a skillful hand, because Xenia groaned loudly and twitched under me. I even felt a member inside her some kind of cramps and vibrations. Or maybe it seemed to me, because he himself was already on the way.

But I didn’t expect any further ... Feeling that I’ll finish soon, I doubled up with my thighs, and was already looking forward to the final and the victorious fireworks, when suddenly my beloved Xenia Alexandrovna, either having caught another orgasm, or continuing to receive the first, with such force she kicked her legs, that her butt, after saying goodbye to my dick, flew up, and I was thrown back. Seeing such an injustice, I became absolutely furious. Ending into the air, like a fourteen-year-old bezusomu youngster, was not in my plans in any way, so I, like a kite for prey, again ran into an already weak-willed body. Thrusting my battle friend where it should be, that is, in Ksyushina's ass, and having made just a few more frictions, I released a sperm charge into the condom. He fell limply on top of Xenia, wet from sweat. I myself was all wet, even squeeze. It seems I shot, but it seems that they jumped from the Peter and Paul Fortress.

He slid off Ksenia and stretched out next to her on the back. We must catch my breath ... Her breasts, too, heaved heavily. She lay again, covering her eyes with her hand. I squeezed her hand in the palm of my hand, she squeezed mine in return with her tender fingers. We silently lay like that for a few minutes, after which Ksyusha suddenly climbed on top of me and started quickly covering my face with kisses.

- What are you, Ksyun? - I asked, hugging and hugging her to me.

She pressed her cheek against mine and murmured somewhere in the pillow:

- Nothing ... Just ... - then smiled and announced. - I'm in the shower first! By seniority!

- Yes, in fact, you can and together ... - I began.

- No, Sanya ... I have to leave a little.

Then we collected her bags together. All my persuasions had no effect. She flatly refused to stay and assured that it would be better for everyone, and that she did not want to hear anything.

- Well, okay, but what am I going to tell Janka? - I brought my last argument. - That her mom left out of fear, as if sin did not happen?

- I have already talked to Zhanna, she explained everything.

“What did you explain?” Enlighten that at least not to be confused in the testimony.

- Well ... she said that my presence is required, that I do not want to embarrass me, which is not very convenient for me here. She was not too upset. In general, everything is in order, you will not have to explain anything to her ...

Let it be, I thought. Who knows which solution is right in the wrong situation? And the situation is clearly wrong. In the end, I also need to digest and assimilate everything. Not going to the North Pole, just to another area of ​​the city, albeit distant. But for some reason my heart squeaked anyway.

Throwing Xenia Alexandrovna’s bags in the backseat, I got behind the wheel. She was already sitting in the front passenger beside me, dropping her eyes and continuously straightening her black skirt on her lap. I looked at these hips, waved my mane, driving away thoughts, and turned the key in the ignition.

“And you cheated on Jeanne,” it was rather like a statement, rather than a question, when we stopped at a traffic light.

“No,” I replied. - Do you want to believe, do not want to believe. I respect your daughter. She once helped me a lot. If it were not for her, I would now, at best, lie somewhere under the bukha's rags in the fence. I had a difficult period in my life ... and she was near.

“Well, yes, I heard ...” she answered quietly.

- And the fact that with you we got it ... Well, it turned out that way.

Dragging my bags to its fourth floor, I put them near the door. Ksenia stopped, turning over the keys in her hands. I wanted to reach out for a goodbye kiss on the cheek, but changed my mind. And suddenly a neighbor stares into the peephole ...We were silent and silence podzatyanulo.

“Okay, go to your Tajik,” I said, but stopped myself. Somehow it was rude ... I put my hand on top of hers, still sifting through the keys. - Until.

- Until.

I went out and got into the car, smoked with a nicotine stick. Some kind of rubbish turns out ... Okay, maybe I will come here again. Or maybe not. But if I come, it will be another story. In the meantime, back home, wait for Joan, and probably will not look into her eyes.

  • March 1, 2015 12:34

    The author, the story is good, but too simple a title, unpretentious. And what if we call it differently, for example: “Sweet Teschin anus”, or “Anal with a beloved mother-in-law”, something like that :)))


    • Rating: 0
  • March 1, 2015 12:48

    Well, yes, or "In the ass, as on a holiday") But seriously, the name really came up with anyhow, as it were. And now I do not want to change anything


    • Rating: 1

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