1. Everything happens in life ... Part 1
  2. Everything happens in life ... Part 2
  3. Everything happens in life ... Part 3

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sharply somehow all went quiet. Apparently resigned to his fate. Although, most likely she herself terribly wanted, I felt it ...

I kissed her neck, gradually lowering. She was wearing a thick pink robe with a zipper. Pulling down the tongue of the lock, he unbuckled it and pressed his lips to his chest, which was still locked into a bra. Lowering myself down, I licked her navel, she flinched. Licked more, covered the entire tummy with kisses. He himself was already kneeling on the floor, it was terribly inconvenient to stand like that, his legs were resting on the balcony railings. Pulled down her thigh panties, she raised her ass, helping me. Taking off her panties, threw them somewhere in the corner ...

Ksenia threw one leg over the back of the sofa, the second let down on the floor, opening in front of me her unshaven object of my erotic desires. The fact that this object was unshaven, did not bother me at all, and I fell to it with my lips. Damn, how delicious it is! I began to suck her clit, often twisting his tongue, licked her lips, tried to push her tongue as deep as possible into her pussy, then returned to the clitoris again.

Ksenia Alexandrovna was breathing heavily and loudly, her belly began to tremble slightly. I, realizing that she was about to finish, pressed her head between her legs and, faster and harder, began to pull at her clit with her tongue. Ksenia hissed, her stomach began to cramp, she began to howl and howled, somehow, fearing to switch to a cry, and began to cum. She finished for a long time, writhing on the couch and twisting her booty from side to side. She squeezed my poor head with her legs so that I heard a ringing in my ears, but I continued to stroke her tongue with her tongue, only not so strongly and sharply until she opened her legs.

I looked at Xenia from below. She lay with her hands behind her head and legs apart. Her belly was still twitching. I relish kissed her clit one more time, rose from the floor, and sat down on the couch at her feet. The neck was numb and sore. I shook my head, stretching my sore muscles. Ksenia moved from a prone position to a sitting position and hugged me.

“Thank you,” she said softly and kissed me on the cheek.

“Yes to health,” I replied. - What can not do for the future mother-in-law.

- Stop it, - she jokingly hit me with her fist in the chest. - By the way, for your information, the future mother-in-law knows how to be grateful. Though tomorrow I will regret it ...

She began to unbutton her belt, but I covered her palm with my hand:

- Ksyusha, let's go to the house, - the first time I called her by name. - Here is uncomfortable. And we do not live in the south of France, it's cold already.

“There, Jeanne can hear us ...” Her mood immediately deteriorated.

I hugged her and smacked her lips:

- Do not hear, she sleeps like a log. Especially after shampoo. Yes, and we will not make noise. Let's go to.

I got up and pulled her arm. She rose from the couch. Beautiful ... In the unbuttoned robe and bra. I hugged her and kissed her again. I wanted to kiss her forever. I had a special feeling for her, I wanted to be gentle with her, to cherish and cherish her. This is the first time for me. Even with Zhanka it was easier, not to mention my other women, to whom I had little experience but desire. Well, maybe not easier, but in a different way for sure.

We went into the room with her.

“You go to your room; I’ll close the door and come,” I said.

Ksenia buttoned up her bathrobe and headed towards the exit from the room. I closed the balcony door, hapnul water in the kitchen, looked in on Jeanne, made sure that nothing interfered with my plans, felt like complete shit, and went to Xenia.

She was sitting on the bed without a bathrobe and no bra. In the dark, only in the light of street lamps and advertising signs, which penetrated from the window past the curtains not drawn. I came close to her. My comrade, while I was shaking around the apartment, managed to fall asleep and become depressed, but now, being at the same level as Xenia’s head, he began to show signs of life, demanding freedom, affection and attention.Ksyusha was in no hurry, so I unbuckled my belt, pulled the zipper down and pulled out the member, who had already fully accepted the fighting stance. I have a medium size, eighteen centimeters, but rather thick and slightly curved sideways. Ksenia sat and looked at him blankly.

“Someone said today that he can be grateful,” I said.

She, shaking her head, and, see, throwing back the doubts, clasped the member with her hand, and took it in her mouth. She tightly closed her lips around the head and moved her tongue. Then slowly began to sit down on his mouth. I ran my hand through her hair, cheering on her. Xenia began to suck, all speeding up. Sometimes she took him out of her mouth and switched to the eggs, licking and taking them alternately in her mouth, not forgetting to jerk her trunk with her palm at that time. I already pressed my hand to her head, making simple reciprocating movements with my hips, actually fucking Ksyusha in my mouth. Damn, I feel, I will not last long. The fact that Jeanne was sleeping in the next room, and her mother was sitting naked on the bed with my dick in her mouth, certainly added spice and extreme. Sensing a quick outcome, I grabbed Ksyushin’s head with both hands, and she put her hands on my hips and leaned her head towards me.

- Ksyush, cumming! - I snarled.

She hugged my head with a tight ring of lips, started jerking off the barrel, and I shot her in the mouth. She grunted, but did not pull away, but even more tightly squeezed her head with her lips and sucked the sperm out of me. Having finished, I sat down exhausted next to her on the bed. Xenia pushed me in the chest, I fell back on a soft mattress, and she leaned over and again took the member in her warm mouth. I licked him again and smacked him in the head.

I breathed, as after running ... Usually I finish much calmer. Ksenia let go of her penis, crawled onto my bed and kissed me. I felt a taste of my own sperm. Usually I do not like this, and Zhanka already knows this, but my today's mistress could have been everything.

We lay and kissed, until suddenly Xenia looked up from me:

- Sash, and where my pants?

I lay back on the bed:

- I do not know ... I do not remember. Along the way, they stayed on the balcony, I took pictures of them with you there ...

- Damn, well, why are you? - She jumped up and began to pull her robe. - Jeanne can find it. I am now ...

She ran for her panties. I lay still for half a minute and went after her, I wanted to smoke.

Xenia was crawling around the balcony in search of her lost panties, highlighting herself with a lighter.

- Well, where are they?

I slapped her ass:

- It is difficult to look for black shorts on a dark balcony, especially if they are not there ... Right now we find, do not worry.

He looked around, remembered where he had thrown them and also illuminating himself with a lighter, fished them out from the farthest corner. He handed the trophy to Xenia. She sat next to me on the same sofa.

We sat silently and smoked, looking at the night sky, until Ksyusha broke the silence:

- Yesterday someone would tell me about what will happen at night, I would probably laugh for a long time.

- And I would not laugh.

- What would you do?

- I was happy.

- He would be happy ... Why do you need me, old woman? And what will we do now?

- Do not talk about the old woman, I really like you very much. And we will do ... And what will we do ... we have not done anything yet. By the way, let's go do it, I still want to.

She put her hand on my reviving member again.

- Ready again? - she smiled and removed her hand. - No, not today. Go to sleep, Sash. I need to digest everything.

- What is there to digest?

- Do you think there is nothing ?! - suddenly somehow cold and sharply said Xenia

“From your such tone I again want to call you by name and patronymic,” I smirked.

Ksenia sat for a minute in silence, smoked a cigarette:

- Good night.

I said nothing. She got up and went to the room. At the entrance to the apartment stopped:

- You know, I understand ... everything happens in this life and what just happens ... Today’s night is proof of that ... But answer honestly, do you love Joan?

I paused, got sick, thought, and answered honestly:

- Now I do not know.

- Have a nice dream, Sash ...

- Pleasant dreams...

The first experience of writing a story. Pleased with any constructive criticism.

  • February 22, 2015 23:08

    Great ... go on.


    • Rating: 0
  • February 23, 2015 10:53

    You convinced me and honestly earned your eight. The beginning was wiped off by the standard: a young girlfriend and an experienced friend, a delicious single mother-in-law, an apartment repair, a friend who is poor in alcohol, a vacation — you even created too favorable conditions for yourself. But nevertheless, the topic was not spoiled and rather authentically drawn participants of debauchery. You want to believe. A good debut.


    • Rating: 0
  • February 24, 2015 12:47

    Very well written. Competently and easily. Thank!


    • Rating: 0
  • Th1nk (a guest)
    February 27, 2015 2:50

    What is the eight?
    Almost 10.

    Especially for the last phrases about love.

    You are a smart, talented, sensitive, novice author.


    • Rating: 0
  • February 28, 2015 16:20

    If the truth is the first story, it is very, very worthy. The hero's feelings for the mother-in-law imbued her passion for him too. I liked it, even though the situation itself was sick :)


    • Rating: 0
  • February 28, 2015 17:15

    And I must preach) Thank you, glad you liked it


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