1. Everything happens in life ... Part 1
  2. Everything happens in life ... Part 2
  3. Everything happens in life ... Part 3

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in a hurry thrown dress. - I'll open.

Yes, be good, open, I thought with irritation. I pulled on my pants and collapsed on my bed. Yes, this is Xenia returned. He and Zhanke were discussing something lively in the corridor. I put on a T-shirt and crawled out of the room. Past me proudly defiled Xenia.

- Hello, Ksenia Alexandrovna! - I grunted.

- Hello, Sasha.

I'll fuck you for sure, I thought, looking after the retreating figure. Jeanne shoved me back into the room and closed the door. Put my arms around my neck:

- You did not finish? Do you want me to give me a quick mouth now? ..

- Yes, no, Jean, I already have a visor fell from calling this ... Then ...

All evening I secretly glanced at Ksenia Alexandrovna, trying to guess what she was thinking. Yes, she was thoughtful beyond measure. The Thinker. Socrates, Democritus and Epicurus together are inferior to Xenia in the thought process and nervously smoking at the fence. She seemed to want to talk about something ... Yes, in principle, it is clear about what. Okay, we'll talk tomorrow.

Soon Ksenia retired to her. Zhanka was lying on the couch with a laptop. I approached her, ran her hand through her hair, she smiled at me.

- Jean, I am going to sleep.

- So too early.

- Yes, there is nothing to do anyway ... I will go, - I wanted to be alone.

- Well, go. I later, ok?

“Good,” I smiled at her.

- Love you.

- And I love you.

Having lain in bed for an hour without a hint of sleep, I already wanted to get up, as Jeanne arrived. Undressed and got under my blanket.

- San, are you sleeping?

- Nah

Zhanka, having nestled on me, having embraced and having thrown a leg on me, in ten minutes already peacefully snuffled, sometimes lightly scratching my breast with her marigolds. For another half an hour I honestly tried to sleep, until I finally got tired of lying around. Carefully freed from the embrace of my little girl, I got up, got dressed, and started smoking on the balcony. Something began to smoke a lot, it's time to throw. And the Ministry of Health, again, warns ... I stand, I smoke.

The balcony door opened, revealing Ksenia Alexandrovna in her doorway in her still pink robe. Does she have any other people?

“Wu what people,” I mumbled.

- Do not sleep? She asked, standing by her side.

- Well, apparently, like you?

- I wanted to smoke ...

I kept silent, looking at the almost already darkened sky. Again Ksenia, again a pink robe, again cigarettes ... I snapped the butt out of my fingers:

- You, like, wanted to talk?

- I wanted ...

- I have all the attention.

“I'm leaving tomorrow for myself,” she said.

- And what about the repair?

- Nothing, and when I do. I didn't have to go to you at all ...

I silently sank on the sofa.

- I don’t know what to say to Janna ... How to explain that I’m going back out ... I, you fool, asked for you myself ... That's what I wanted to ask you.

My mood finally fell somewhere in the region of the core of the earth.

- Yes, what's the problem then? - I muttered. - Say that the future son in law is tired, and that's all. The simplest explanation.

- And yet ... All that happened between us, let it remain between us. Well, it was and it was ...

“No, tomorrow I will tell Zhanke everything in the morning,” I grumbled.

“Okay, then we understand each other,” said Xenia, she drew on cigarette smoke and was silent for a long time.

I also kept mum. Hundreds of separate thoughts flashed through my brain at once, not one of them forming a definite phrase that could be uttered without risking to look like an idiot. And to hell with her, let him go ... But what then is it so desirable to grab her and not let go. But something somehow it all went too far ...

“Ksyush, don't go away,” I said quietly.

“Damn, Sanya, well, we have already agreed on everything,” Ksenia said somehow in a forced way and angrily threw the butt into the darkness.

“It’s you, I haven’t said anything yet ...” I got up from the couch behind her. He pulled her hand and turned to face him.

- Sanya, do not ... - she whispered, opening her eyes.

But I did not listen to her.Tried to kiss her lips, but she turned away from me. Then I began to kiss all over her face, stroking my back with my hands.

- Well, what are you doing? ... - Ksenia sobbed barely audible - All this will not end well ...

“I don't care,” I said, looking at her. Ksyusha, without blinking, looked into my eyes.

- Do you at least understand that our relationship has no future?

- But there is a present.

In her gaze something quivered, and she dropped her eyes and clung to me. We kissed to aching lips. I forgot about everything, including Zhanke, who was in the arms of Morpheus in the bedroom. Having pulled up a dressing gown on Xenia to the waist and, with one hand hugging her around the waist, I put my other hand into her panties, having climbed my hand into the hollow between the buttocks. Ksyusha hugged me tightly, bit my lip and hurt her face against my shoulder. I whispered in her ear:

- Go to you.

She nodded finely, not lifting her head from my shoulder. Reluctantly, I took my hand out of her panties and, putting on her robe, pushed her out of the balcony. We silently leaked past the door behind which Jeanne slept, and dived into the next room. Xenia closed the door, and, leaning her back, silently stared at me. Her robe was on a zipper, which I immediately unzipped, freeing her from unnecessary clothing. Throwing back her robe, I pulled down her panties down her hips, she shifted from one foot to the other, allowing me to take them off. While I was pulling off her panties, she herself had already freed herself from her bra. Unbroken full breasts slightly dispersed to the sides and looked at me with large stiff nipples. Kissing each one, I pulled the object of my passions onto the bed. Falling on a soft mattress, I was on top. Ksenia spread her legs apart. I did not bother to undress myself, fearing to waste precious seconds on it, just took out the already aching member and quickly found myself inside Xenia Alexandrovna. I moved my hips, fumbling with pleasure, and the realization that she had become mine; that she now lies beneath me, with her legs spread apart, and biting her lip, so as not to break into a cry, publishes quiet moans from each of my pushings into her. I had a silver chain around my neck, which, pulling out from under a T-shirt, was now evenly clicking on Ksenia Alexandrovna’s nose, swaying in time with our movements.

But apparently I somehow furiously fucked the gods and they decided to finally finish me off with their evil jokes, because while I selflessly knocked my dick into Ksyusha, I suddenly heard some kind of clap. Applying my remarkable deductive abilities, I realized that this was the door to our room with Zhanka. Ksenia Alexandrovna, having also heard the door slam, often repeating: “Damn it, damn it, damn it, damn it, damn it!” Crawled out from under me and hid under a blanket. I slid to the floor and listened.

- Pancake! - again whispered Ksenia.

“You are quiet,” I also whispered at her in a whisper.

Having tucked an unsatisfied comrade in my pants, I went to the door and listened again. Probably, if the award "Auditorium of the Year" took place somewhere, at the moment I would take on it, if not the first place, then anything else is not lower than the second. But be that as it may, I heard that Zhanka is shaking somewhere in the kitchen.

“Do not be afraid, all the garbage except for the bees,” I whispered to Ksyusha and quietly slipped out of the room.

In the corridor I stumbled upon Zhanka.

- Where are you going? She asked me.

- Yes, I was in the toilet ... - I blurt.

- Yes, I sort of passed by, the light was not burning there, - Jeanne yawned.

- Maybe I was engaged in masturbation. - He added Jeanne and pulled into the bedroom. - Let's go to sleep, huh?

“Let's go,” she yawned again, risking dislocation of her jaw.

We lay down, Zhanka again threw her arms and legs around me and put her head on my chest. I hugged her and only now I felt how my heart was being dug ... It became ridiculous. Words from an old Soviet song surfaced in my brain: “I’m not so lucky in this that it’s just trouble.” Oh well, it's all garbage, except for the bees ...

  • February 25, 2015 21:53

    well))) the second story and both were INTERESTING))) I will not say that a masterpiece but 70% of the “hacks” are far from local to you))) minor improvements, a little more realism, more psychological games and will be chic))))) ))))


    • Rating: 0
  • February 26, 2015 10:10

    Thank you for your positive feedback. On the masterpiece of this creation, I do not pretend, the rest in the future I will try to take into account. Thank!


    • Rating: 0
  • February 26, 2015 12:53

    Loved the story. Waiting for the continuation.


    • Rating: 0
  • Th1nk (a guest)
    February 27, 2015 3:02

    You are good!

    You notice a lot.

    And experience, the son of difficult mistakes ...
    This phrase is about you.
    Be venerable.


    • Rating: 0
  • February 27, 2015 5:45

    It is still interesting and good, and 10 points, but just do not tighten too much, please.


    • Rating: 0
  • February 27, 2015 6:26

    Thanks for the advice and rating.


    • Rating: 0

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