1. Everything happens in life ... Part 1
  2. Everything happens in life ... Part 2
  3. Everything happens in life ... Part 3

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- What a good night tonight! - Ksenia Alexandrovna's eyes flashed in the light of a street lamp, and a slight smile ran through her lips. She easily rose from the old sofa that stood on our balcony, stretched her arms up, stretched, stood on tiptoes. - I don’t even want to leave this place.

- Who makes you leave here? - I asked, putting out a cigarette butt in an ashtray. “I can bring champagne here.”

- Bring, be a friend, Sash. - She smiled again and leaned on the balcony railing.

And I, like a fool, stared at her ass. But you can understand me, because there was something to see. Bend the waist, though not bee, wide rounded thighs, plump buttocks, which wanted to cuddle face ... It's a pity that all this wealth is covered with a pink robe. But even he could not stop to appreciate ...

- Sash, well, why are you asleep? - Ksenia Alexandrovna's voice brought me out of the stupor. - Someone like promised to bring champagne?

- Well, yes, this moment.

Keeping course in the kitchen, on the way looked into the bedroom. Zhanka, after two glasses of champagne, slept like a log. Alcohol has always acted quickly and strongly on it. Especially champagne. I covered her tightly with a blanket, stroked her cheek and went to the kitchen.

Here, probably, we should make a digression and explain that Zhanna is my girlfriend, with whom we have been living together for a year, and Ksenia Alexandrovna, who is standing on the balcony and enjoying a warm July night, is her mother. I'm seven years older than Joan, I'm thirty-one. I have a higher psychological education, but I work as a concrete worker at a construction company. I have been working in it since time immemorial. When I was still at school, my father arranged for me there for a summer job. Therefore, after graduating from the institute, I did not think of anything better than how to settle down to a permanent place in my beloved office, which I don’t regret. I have a three-room apartment, inherited from my father, and already bought a car and a garage for my own blood. In general, everything is pretty good.

Three days ago, Joan announced with a contented smile to me that her mother hired workers to do repairs in her apartment, and she had to perekantovatsya for about two weeks. And of course it will be kantovatsya it is with us, because there is nowhere else, and indeed ...

“You won't leave your future mother-in-law on the street, will you?” - Jeanne slyly winked at me in response to my timid attempts to resist. There was nothing to cover me after such words, and this morning we brought my future mother-in-law to our home.

I really liked Ksenia Alexandrovna. Our relations were more than good. She was always on my side. I do not know why. My other acquaintances in this plan were less fortunate. According to Ksenia Alexandrovna, I was always right, but Zhanna was never right, which could not help me. Yes, and the mother of God did not cheat Zhania’s appearance. A short brunette, forty-four years old, of pleasant fullness, not forgetting to follow. By profession the chief accountant, now at home leads several small firms. She does not have a husband, he left them when Joan was nine years old and dumped in another city. Since then, she was no longer married. But no matter how good the relationship, two weeks close to the mother-in-law is not very inspiring. Even as luck, I went on vacation a week ago ... If only I had warned earlier that repairs are planned in her apartment, I would not take a vacation.

In general, we dragged home, allocated a room to Ksenia Alexandrovna, helped to accommodate. Then the mother and daughter disappeared in the kitchen, they prepared dinner on the occasion of the meeting, I drove to the store for champagne for the ladies. I myself do not like champagne, so I took a beer. At about eight o'clock dinner was ready.

By ten o'clock Jeanne was already retiring to bed, referring to the fact that she got up early for work in the morning.I had nowhere to get up, so we were left alone with Ksenia Alexandrovna. They talked about this and that, I sucked the beer, it was champagne. Then we went to smoke on the balcony, where it was decided to continue the banquet, right on the old couch. I dragged this sofa to the balcony when Zhanna and I bought a new one. It was a pity to throw him out, because he was still quite capable of taking on the weight of human asses.


I went to the balcony, carrying in one hand a bottle of beer, in the other champagne and a clean glass. Ksenia Alexandrovna prepared for my parish - moved the old little low table that was standing on the balcony as unnecessary, moved closer to the sofa. Now here come in handy. I put the bottles on the table, pulled a chocolate out of the pocket of the light sports jacket and put it there too:

- The order is executed. More orders will be?

- I have no more orders. Thanks for the service. At ease! - Ksenia laughed

I flopped down next to her. And so close that he felt her thigh with his hip, but did not move over, it was really pleasant to feel her close. I wanted her. Wanted the whole evening. And to be honest to the end, I wanted her for a long time, only I drove these thoughts from myself. And at the moment she seemed to me the most beautiful woman in the world, and the fact that she is thirteen years older than me, and besides, my mother Joan ... about this, I tried not to think.

Apparently she felt something, because there was an awkward silence. I looked at her. The light from the lantern fell on the lower half of her face and eyes I did not see.

Ksenia Alexandrovna moved away from me, took a cigarette from the table, pulled out one, threw the pack on the sofa behind her.

“Give me a light, please ...” she asked in a hoarse voice.

Got a lighter, gave her a light.

- Something has somehow become hot ... - Xenia smiled tightly.

I stared at one point in front of me, my heart was pounding in my chest. In the pants terrible strut. Well at least in jeans, they are dense, not so noticeable ... I am in an excited state this morning. Zhanna boarded me with morning sekas, in view of the visit of the venerable Xenia Alexandrovna to us.

And to hell with him! Was, was not, live once!

I abruptly turned to her, snatched a cigarette from her fingers, and threw her into the street from the balcony. At five minutes I pressed my mother-in-law to me and pressed my lips against hers. She froze for five seconds in my hands, apparently digesting the event, and timidly responded to the kiss. I, realizing that it is best to forge iron right away and without departing from the cash register, I launched my tongue into her mouth. She pressed closer to me and hugged me. We kissed for about five minutes, our tongues penetrated each other in turn into my mouth, I sucked her lips like an opaque person. And what is most interesting, she answered me the same.

But as soon as I put my hand under her dressing gown between my legs and touched my fingers to her already wet panties, she abruptly pulled away from me and said, pressing her hands to my chest:

- So, the joke dragged on. Let me go.

But she said it somehow too uncertainly.

“And I'm not joking,” I replied, and, hugging her again, I reached for the desired lips.

Ksenia Alexandrovna with extraordinary agility wriggled out of my arms:

- Are you crazy? I am actually the mother of the woman you were about to marry!

- Do not now about the woman whom I was going to marry. She's not here right now. There is only us, and I want you.

- And I do not!

“It is noticeable,” I showed her fingers, wet with her discharge.

- Moron!

- Maybe an idiot. Why don't you leave then?

She jumped up and climbed through me towards the exit. On the balcony is narrow, on the one hand a table, on the other I am. Realizing that the prey will now leave, and tomorrow (or rather today) I will be completely fucked up on all fronts, I sensibly reasoned that now it’s just impossible to miss this prey. I threw her on the couch, pressing down on top of my body. Panting and snorting, Ksenia Alexandrovna hissed:

- So what?! Will you rape me ?!

“You still say you don't want this,” I replied, and again pressed her lips with a kiss.

She is ...

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