1. Everything happens in life ... Part 1
  2. Everything happens in life ... Part 2
  3. Everything happens in life ... Part 3

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I slept soundly and dreamlessly, and woke up only by two o'clock in the afternoon. Zhanna, of course, was at work. I checked the phone - no one called. He lay still ten minutes in bed, remembering the events of the previous night. Conscience reminded of itself painful poke somewhere in the chest. Before Zhanka, of course, is to blame ... Well, if conscience "pokes" in the chest, then at least it is. Well, or some of its remnants. Remains of the former luxury ...

In the bathroom, he stared at his reflection in the mirror for a long time. Something is somehow not so hot. Need to at least shave, or something ...

While taking water procedures, I remembered in detail the naked body of Xenia, and the fighter of the invisible front began to get up ready. It seems like to go around the house with a bulging member of the absolute moveton ... Although, now something to be ashamed of?

Ksenia was in the kitchen, washing dishes. She, because of the water running out of the tap, did not hear me approaching her from behind. I hugged her and snuggled up in her soft ass:

- Hello, Xenia Sanna. How did you sleep?

- Pancake! - she jumped with fright. - Why are you so scared ?!

- Well, I did not know that you are such a shy girl.

She pushed me with her ass:

- Leave me alone. Give the dishes home.

I pressed closer to her and kissed her neck. Xenia pushed me again booty.

“I remember yesterday when I went to bed, he was standing with you,” she said. - Now you have it ... He even sleep does not bother you?

- Yes, I’ll take it off for the night and wrap it in a rag, otherwise it is problematic to lie on my stomach.

- Yes? - smiled Ksenia. - And where are you hiding it?

“I won't tell you that.”

- Are you afraid that I will steal?

“You’re not laughing,” I said, climbing my hand under her robe. - Such good things on the black market in a hungry year can cost fabulous money.

Having put my hand into her panties, I realized that Ksenia Alexandrovna had learned a razor this morning, because now there weren't any in the place where her hair was yesterday.

“Xena-Sanna, I see you are prepared ...” I muttered in her ear, gently running my finger over the lips of a woman.

- Do not call me that. - Xenia for the third time shoved me by the booty, but already stronger. And much stronger. I flew off to the opposite wall and landed my ass on a chair. - And why did you decide that I prepared for you?

- And for whom?

- Actually, I have a man.

- Oh really? - I scratched my head. - And what is his name? Karl-Gustav Trachenbaum? Tell me where he is and I will beat him to death with a felt-tip pen.

- What are you kidding? To believe or not to believe is your right. - Xenia threw a towel, which wiped her hands on the kitchen cupboard. - Okay, I now need to tax. I'll be back in two hours. We will need to talk, Sash ...

- It is necessary - let's talk, - the mood has deteriorated specifically. Especially after the words about the man. I didn’t want to admit it, but it seemed that the worm of jealousy began to nibble at my spiritual apple. I wanted to say something disgusting, but I restrained myself. In principle, I have no rights to this woman, and so that she doesn’t read anything in my eyes, I climbed into the refrigerator. War is war and dinner is according to schedule.

Two hours stretched slowly. During this time he blew out a pack of cigarettes and three cups of coffee. There was no place to go, and I didn’t want to stick my nose out of the house. I looked at a couple of videos on YouTube. From nothing to read read the comments. There, as usual, srach. Schoolchildren call each other schoolchildren and face physical violence during a personal meeting.

Thoughts constantly returned to Xenia. Ksenia Alexandrovna ... Ksyusha. Hmm ... How now to be with Zhanka? You can, of course, continue to pretend that it does not exist, but this is not an option. And Ksenia ... She really sucks her daughter at all. We must probably forget about Xen-Sann, turn the page and continue to live, pretending that nothing had happened.Her repair will end, she will leave for herself and that’s all. Less intersect with it and everything will be forgotten. But in the pants with a stake at the mere thought of Ksyusha ... All day the pants are bristling. We must probably remember the date and celebrate this day annually. Day of empty membership. Though the shutter distort, the right word ...

By five o'clock, Jeanne returned. Razuvshis, jumped on my neck and kissed my cheek:

- Hello! Where's mom?

- She said she went to the tax office, - I also grabbed Zhanka by the waist and lifted her, hugging me. I looked into the brown eyes. Beautiful, just like her mother.

- I see, - meowed Jeanne. “What did you do all day?”

- Yes, I suffer from garbage ... - I said absently.

“Okay, put me back on the floor, sucker,” she laughed. - I'll go wash my hands.

It’s not two, it’s been three hours already, but Xenia hasn’t been there. Jeanne rattled the plates in the kitchen. I approached her:

- Jean, something your mom is long, can you meet her need?

- Honey, you, an hour, not sick? - she looked at me. - That is not to force an extra minute to spend with your mother-in-law, but are you suggesting that you already meet? Are you friends?

- Yes, we were not hostile ... No, no ... Just, you never know ... In general, forget it.

Scoundrel, and did not sleep long. Something you, Alexander, became quite bad ... Jeanne looked at me:

- Why is it sticking in our sweat pants? Apparently, you are very happy to see me?

- Not that word. - I pulled her to me.

- Let's go while she is gone? - Zhanka grabbed my arm and dragged me into the bedroom.

We fell in with her, kissing, in our room. I pulled off her blue homemade light dress from Joan over her head, she pulled off my T-shirt. She does not wear underwear at home. Biting his lips to the nipple, he sucked him into his mouth. Zhanka pressed my head to hers. Kissing my chest, I squeezed her buttocks with my palms and slightly spread them apart. Jeanne, something murmured, tore me from her chest, stood on my knees in front of me and pulled down my sports leotards along with the shorts, immediately swallowing the risen member. Her beautiful head quickly moved back and forth, giving me pleasure, comparable ... I do not even know what. It is easier to say - not comparable with anything. She raised her hands up, we clasped with her palms, fingers intertwined. Zhankey's tight, wet and warm mouth caressed every inch. She sucked fast and passionately. I put one hand between my legs and began to rub the crack with my fingers.

After releasing the penis from her mouth, and foaming her fingers in her crotch, she pressed her face to my groin and groaned:

- Sashka-a! ..

I grabbed her armpits, lifted to her feet and dragged to our box, tangling in pants, lowered to the ankles. She climbed on her and stood in the knee-elbow on the edge of the bed, arching her back and putting in front of me a neat rounded ass. I had no strength to endure, I quickly put the head to the entrance to the beloved and such familiar vagina and sharply moved my hips. Jeanne gave way to meet me. Having entered it completely, I paused for a couple of seconds, enjoying the warmth of her crack, and quickly moved in her. The room was filled with slaps of two bodies colliding with each other, my heavy breathing and Zhanchino's howling, which most of all resembled a drawling “and-and-and”.

Zhanna always finished quickly, and now, too, after a minute swotting, she finished a thin squeak by pulling her booty. Her knees buckled, but I grabbed her waist, put her back in the right position, and the hoop continued. I parted her buttocks, and staring at the tightly closed ankle Zhanchino, was already leaving the finish line, as ...

Dzy-s-s-nb !!! Doorbell.

Zhanka jerked forward, jumping off my dick, and jumping off the bed, dived into her dress. My heart sank from my surprise. Fucking call! When will I change it to hell ?! The call is so sharp, loud and rattling before itching in the teeth. If you don’t change, then I’ll definitely become a zaika-impotent.

- This is mom, probably! - for some reason, Zhanka told me in a whisper, correcting ...

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