1. Three friends sunbathed. Part 1
  2. Three friends sunbathed. Part 2

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lower and lower.
- Let go! Ay !!! - I screamed, feeling him at my place there.
- Already wet. Also wants, - he concluded with satisfaction.

No more preparations followed. I was thrown into the sand. The head was thrown back, the body strongly arched, her nipples sticking upward.
- Not! Do not! - I begged, knowing full well the futility of this.
Eagerly burning male eyes looked at me from all sides. I lay in front of them all revealed, putting on display all my innermost places. From burning shame, I wanted to cover my face, but they held me by the hands. My mental suffering did not go unnoticed and, apparently, gave them additional pleasure.
- Look ka, blushes. Shy. He pretends to be wholly - my legs are spread widely.
- Take your time, men. Let it warm up better - a lot of hands groped my whole body. Squeezed chest. Cramped belly I stroked the inside of my hips, rising higher and higher, until I felt my fingers penetrate inside.

Before the eyes floated male faces distorted by animal passion. I turned my head, and I saw a tense, bumpy penis with a big head.
- Well, bolder, - demanded a voice, and a member unequivocally rested on my lips. I doomed to open my mouth. Holding her tongue against her palate, she tried to hold her back. But he inexorably moved on until he entered the very throat. It became difficult to breathe. I wheezed. Suddenly, his mouth filled with sperm. I choked, coughed, but finally managed to sigh when the poured member left her mouth. And then the fingers inside the clitoris found, forcing the whole body to shake.
- Stop torturing a woman. It is already flowing all, - said someone loudly. Either she was over-excited, or scared, but when I felt someone, I didn’t even feel anything at first. I was lying under a man with a mouthful of sperm, not knowing what to do with it. Then swallowed.

While the first rapist, twitching at me, was breathing hotly in his ear, others were noisily arguing over who would be next. In addition to me, he immediately took up the line at the same time to my friends. Elozil he for me not long. Or from fear, or from over-excitement, but I almost did not feel anything. What he finished, I understood only because he left me.
Meanwhile, between my legs, the next one was already arranged.
The second rapist was in no hurry. Leaning and barely touching my body, he began to slowly introduce his penis into me. From the first touch I felt the size of his body. She involuntarily spread her legs wider. She pushed her pelvis, trying to find a more comfortable position. Everything! I am filled to the limit. I can not anymore. And he still entered and entered into me. Finally, having collapsed with all the weight of his body, he immediately began to move. To remain passive, as with the first, there was no possibility. Treated every cell of my body. Never in my life have I experienced anything like it. I myself began to rush to meet him.

- Oh ...! Oh ...! Aaaaah! - loudly moaned and under the stormy enthusiasm of those around. Twisting under him and twitching in all directions, after a few seconds I was on the verge of a second orgasm. This is the ultimate sensation, when you, apart from your will, are forced to stop time after time.
- Aaaah! - the second orgasm was longer, but no less turbulent than the first. And he continued. I was afraid that the third could not bear it, when he finally pressed against me, froze. He pumped me with sperm for a long time. Then he slowly pulled his penis out of me and knelt between my divorced legs. I could not catch my breath. The excitement just experienced did not leave a trace from fear or shame. Not before it became.
- Oh, good! Bitch! - contentedly he slapped me on the stomach with his palm:
- Temperamental! - I was lying aloof, coming to myself.It seemed that I simply had no strength left.
- Let's! Who was behind me? - he rose:
- And, then my turn to the fat-ass approaches.
“I’m next, but I’ll skip,” someone shouted.
- Just cousin in mouth mouth. Too cool bitch. I'll smoke for now.

No one was holding me, because I did not resist. And before the third got on me, I managed to move aside. It became more convenient to lie.
I heard Olga moaning. As Masha screamed, begging not to torture her anymore. As she asked, to give at least a break.
- Beautiful! Now it's my turn, taking the knees of my knees, the third rapist spread my legs wide again. He entered me by jerk. I clung to his shoulders. And then Olga shrill. From fragments of hysterical phrases it was understood that the rapists got to her priests. Suddenly, she suddenly fell silent. And although I was a man, by an incredible effort I managed to throw my head back and look. She was still cruelly tortured from behind. But the face was not visible. Shielded naked male ass. At the same time Olga did someone blowjob.

Under the third rapist, I did not finish. But just beneath him, a shiver passed through my body from the realization that a terrible sexual desire begins to embrace me, which I cannot resist. What happened to me is beyond description. Already after the fourth and fifth, I was shaking from endless orgasms. The agony of this incessant horror, or pleasure, overwhelmed me completely, and I felt that if I was not stopped raping, then because of the intensity of my feelings, my heart could not stand. Gradually, everything swam before my eyes.

I woke up because I was left for some time. I opened my eyes. Someone was holding my head. And I got a very young rapist. Almost a boy. He was so skinny that I didn’t even feel his weight. He did not succeed. He fussed under the mocking advice of others.
- Pinch her boobs. The women love it - rushed from all sides.
- Me, me her boobs. They are cool. Twist your nipples with your fingers, - holding him to my head:
- Help the boy. Do not lie a log.
I did not care.
“Don't push your breasts so hard,” I pushed his hands away.
“You haven't had this yet?” - she took his limp member
- Not! - from excitement, he licked his lips.
- Do not be afraid, - seeing his rosy cheeks, I felt the dick in my hand pouring, hardening.
“Take your time,” she said to herself. But, barely having had time to enter me, he could not restrain himself and quickly, quickly began to move.
- Do not hurry, - bent at the knees, spread her legs wider, rushing to meet him. I hugged him, pressed to his chest.
- YOU !!! - He moaned, shuddering in a fit of orgasm.
- Here, clever! I made a guy out of a boy, ”said the same voice, shoving his dick in my mouth.
- Only not deep. I myself, - I wrapped my head around my lips.
“Suck,” he lifted my head. They continued to rape me, and I did not stop working with my mouth. From all this, I fell into oblivion.
- you what? Fell asleep? - I strongly pinched nipples.
- Ay! Painfully! - I clung to the hands of me.
“Do not lie like a log,” he finally left alone my breasts.
- We still have to work hard! - I climbed down and, grabbing my arm, tried to lift it.

They helped him by grabbing under his other arm. I thought that I, like Olga, wanted to be put on cancer, but on the ground I saw a man lying on his back. Me, slapping on the pope, pushed closer and began to stick on his penis. I did not resist. She even helped them, and slowly began to sit down. Someone sharply pressed on the shoulders, planted me completely. I screamed loudly, but coped with it quite easily. And I was already pushed in the back, forcing me to bend down. Lying beneath me, grabbing my hands, dragged me toward myself:
- Come here, beautiful.
I fell for him. It was very difficult to contain his huge organ. I pushed my hips, trying to get comfortable. And then I forcefully spread my buttocks.
- Wait! Do not be so hard! Wait! I myself! - I tried to persuade the rapists.
- Get down! - who was behind, having seized by hair, threw back my head.
- Aaaa !!! - I screamed from a sudden pain in my throat.
- Aaaa !!! - I felt the second member pushing a wave of horror in front of me, ruthlessly entering my ass. Enter unbearably deep:
- Aaaa !!! I can not!!!

From behind, clasping, he squeezed his chest tightly and pressed himself against my back. They moved simultaneously. The pain began to recede and quickly passed.
I groaned and wheezed, unable to utter a word from the sensations and emotions that overwhelmed me. My breasts were crushed roughly, painfully pulling at the nipples. They were pushing from all sides. I did not have time to catch the lips members who one by one thrust into my mouth. And the rapists, blinded, furiously moved in me at once by two members. From extreme stress, I came to a state of complete frenzy.
- Yes! Yes! Do with me anything! Fuck me together, three of us! Still! Still! Stronger! Stronger!
pounded in the brain. In the morning I could not even imagine that I was capable of such. That I may have such thoughts.
Already almost losing consciousness, I myself do not know how I could finish again. In this case, the orgasm was very hard. Not at all the same as the previous ones. After that, the lifeless doll continued to jump on two members at once. Finished rapist behind. Lying beneath me, too, shook in orgasm and unexpectedly threw me off. I fell on the grass in a bag.

Fully satiated with us, they left us. Left as is, and left, vigorously discussing each separately. Some good-natured goodbye said:
- Thank you girls! We really enjoyed. Come again.
I lay with my eyes closed, completely exhausted. Masha's voice brought me back to reality. She called us.
I opened my eyes, raised myself and looked around. Rapists and a trace of a cold. The inner side of the thighs, belly were sticky and slippery. I touched myself between my legs. Some kind of anal discomfort. In the mouth tart taste of sperm. And so special sensations were not. Emptiness.
Next to me was Olga lying on her stomach. Slightly to the side, lying on her side, curled up, wept Masha. I crawled on all fours and helped her sit down.
- Do not cry, Already everything is over, -
She began to free her from the stuck hair, cheeks and forehead.
- The skin on the face from the dried sperm is very tight, -
she sobbed, and, suddenly, throwing herself on my neck, she cried loudly. I hugged her and roared too.
- Why did you scream? We go to the water. Need to clean up, -
Olga screamed at us evilly, rose abruptly and went to the river.

- Well, and how are we now with this? -
I asked when we washed, packed our things, got dressed, and were already approaching the village.
- And what can you do? -
Olga mumbled.
- Girls! Just do not say anything to Aunt Paul, -
asked Masha. She was still sobbing.

  • November 5, 2014 5:19

    1. What dick builds bridges to a seedy village?
    2. Is this entertainment? Boredom. If it had been done, we would have weaved twenty potatoes and half a bent home.


    • Rating: -1
  • November 5, 2014 5:27

    Very valuable comment. Thanks for the decent rating.


    • Rating: 0
  • November 5, 2014 16:26

    Do not be angry Sergey. In the last series, I loved your Tamara, you know that. But I know how to be prickly when the plot gets across the throat, when a beautiful form comes into conflict with ugly content. What to do, I can not do otherwise.


    • Rating: 0
  • November 5, 2014 10:40

    Very interesting story, thanks!


    • Rating: 0
  • Bad luck (a guest)
    November 5, 2014 14:58

    Good story. Now the most important thing is not to make half a year breaks between the parts, and not to slow down the pace of the plot line;). Plus!


    • Rating: 0
  • BABUDUD (a guest)
    November 5, 2014 15:11

    in-in, I hope that the girlfriends will rest in the village with their feet))))))))


    • Rating: 0
  • Hydro (a guest)
    November 5, 2014 15:11

    offset)) A good story came out
    although, so that all three are so hot that they are half-dead and finished off even when they are dry in the ass.


    • Rating: 0
  • Jake (a guest)
    November 5, 2014 19:47

    Great story. It is interesting to read the continuation of the story


    • Rating: 1

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