1. Three friends sunbathed. Part 1
  2. Three friends sunbathed. Part 2

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The idea of ​​not going to a resort, but hiding somewhere and taking a break from husbands, children and the kitchen was mine. I had to solve a lot of problems with work, with families. But everything was settled, and the three of us were in this deaf village near the Aunt's Machine. Aunt Fields - God's dandelion was very happy about our arrival and did not deny us anything. And we did not need anything. We enjoyed the freedom of a carefree life.

That sunny day, as always, was met on the river. Bathed and sunbathed naked. And who is shy? For ten miles one village with three old dibs.

After plenty of splashing and getting ashore, we began to settle on the sand that had already managed to warm up under the bright sun.
- Good here! - Masha lay on her back, blissfully spreading her arms.
“Only boring without men,” Olga sat down next to her.
- That's how? - I was surprised:
- And who wanted to relax without husbands, without children?
“Without husbands, but not without men,” Olga laughed.
- Olya! You what You and Viktor are such a beautiful couple, ”Masha turned to her.
“He took care of you so beautifully,” I joined.
- He loves you.
- Yes, he loves! - Olga, as burst:
- Only command and love. And he himself, with his work, affairs, will soon cease to perceive me as a woman.
- How long have you been like this? - I sincerely felt sorry for Olga.
- Already more than a year. We live together. And, as strangers. I thought I might get a little distracted here, ”she sighed.
- So what do you want to change him? - frightened looked Masha.
- Of course not. I love him, - Olga has grown sad, but after a moment she threw up her head and smiled:
- Girls! Let's go swimming.

Somewhere far away in the woods there was the noise of a working tractor.
- Where is it? - Olga got on her knees, straightening her hair.
- Aunt Paul said that some builders arrived yesterday. The bridge will be repaired, - basking in the sun, Masha turned over on her belly.
“There are probably many men there,” Olga smiled. Her eyes sparkled. She raised her shoulders, swinging her breasts from side to side. And her breasts were beautiful. Elastic, poured with large ovals nipples. But she still admired Masha, whose breasts were huge. Moreover, unlike Olga, Masha was a slim girl, from which her bust looked even more impressive. I always envied them a little - my breasts were inferior in size, but they were very good shape and very strong, and did not hang down like Masha.
- Masha! Give tits touch, - Olga slapped her naked ass. She obviously wanted to frolic.
- Lost her mind? Leave me alone! - she was indignant.

Suddenly, a branch cracked behind the bushes.
- What is it? Girls! There is someone there, - Masha threw up her head in fright.
- Yes, who should be here? - Olga rose to her feet.
- But you heard? - Masha did not let herself go.
- Okay. I will go, I will see, - Olga got into her shoes and resolutely went to the forest, wagging her full hips.
- Olya! Get dressed! - Masha shouted into her trail. But she only gave up and soon disappeared behind the trees.
- Still, a good figure at Olenka, - again Masha lay down on the sand.
- Something she is very long. I worry for her, - after a while Masha got worried, jumped up and ran after her.
- Here is a fool! Also naked rode away. Also barefoot - I smiled and stretched blissfully on the warm sand.
- There is not a soul on ten versts. What are alarmed? - I did not have time to think about how a female cry came from the forest. It seems, Masha shouted. I jumped up and, not having time to figure out what I was doing, rushed in that direction.

Immediately behind the bushes, I stumbled upon a group of young guys crawling in the sand. The terrible unreality of what he saw made me numb. Masha was crucified on her back, and the two guys held her tightly by the arms.A few more, squatting with burning eyes, settled around. Between her legs divorced to the sides and bent at the knees, a man jerked with his pants down. His naked, not tanned buttocks rhythmically moved forward, backward.
She was brutally raped. Hands spread wide, she squirmed and jerked her whole body. The breasts spread out and strongly sagging to the sides randomly swayed to the beat with powerful jolts, thick hair spread over the sand. Shuddering under the onslaught of the rapist, she moaned, ready to scream.

Once again, arched back, she saw me. With a plea in her eyes, she wanted to say something, but could not. Only her lips moved silently. And then she moaned even louder. Drawn even harder. And, suddenly, crying out a plaintive cry, she exhaled loudly, limply dropping her back to the ground. I relaxed. Deep breathing. Her cheeks were covered with a blush of orgasm.
She found me again with a look. Her face became somehow guilty. Like a child who has just been caught by the hand for doing something forbidden, impermissible. Her lips pouted like a child. She was ready to cry. Finished and her rapist. He wearily fell off to the side. His place immediately took another. He hastily spread her legs wider, lifted them, laying on his shoulders, and without any preparation entered her so abruptly that her huge breasts flew up. Hoisted her sticking up the heels. She gasped. The rapist caught her jumping breasts and, squeezing them, he moved even faster. Her gaze lost its meaning. She moaned again.

Very near. Literally a few steps on the grass Olga stood on all fours, and behind her naked man quickly and hard raped a naked man, putting his hands on his buttocks. Her beautiful full body trembled with frequent jolts. With a kind of detachment, closing her eyes, she sighed softly, sometimes groaning, dropping, suddenly, sharply throwing up her head. Her breasts sagging down shivered finely.
She meekly stood cancer and surrendered. Otherwise you can’t tell. No one kept her. Having exposed his magnificent ass, arching and pushing away, his whole body was fed back towards the next member who was the boss in it. Standing around men, clearly enjoyed what was happening. The guy who was raping Olga, did it abruptly and monotonously, apparently trying to quickly end so as not to delay the rest, impatiently waiting for their turn.

Olga sighed louder. Cheeks reddened. She opened her eyes, looking around with a crazy, unseeing glance. She screamed in anguish and dropped her elbows on the grass. And the rapist did not stop everything. He moved faster and, suddenly, transfixed, he pressed himself against Holguin's ass, clutching at her buttocks. She trembled all over. It lasted about a minute. He would have kept her still, but they began to rush him from all sides.
Finally, he left her. With a satisfied smirk he rose from his knees. She did not even have time to straighten her back, as she grabbed her thighs and was already placed on the next member.
I stood as paralyzed. I could never dream of any worst nightmare that someday I, a married woman, would stand naked in front of a crowd of men and with some unhealthy interest to watch my friends being raped. Of course, it would be useless, but, probably, it was necessary to shout. Call for help. Instead, I continued to stand as a pillar, feeling, as against my will, I was beginning to be pounded in some strange chill. I am ashamed to admit to myself, but the sight of my unfortunate girlfriends not only frightened, but also kindled something in me. But I did not have time to realize what was happening to me. I was already surrounded from all sides. So, there was no way to run. And where?
- Here is the third one!
- Naked!
- Also she came! - it started from all sides.

One of the rapists came close to me:
- Help your friends, but they can not cope.
He reached for his chest, and with his other hand he unceremoniously reached into my crotch.I screamed from the unexpected and such a rude touch to such a sensitive place and involuntarily bent, trying to push him away. But they grabbed my hands and started to paw everywhere. And, having expressed a few obscenely enthusiastic phrases, he began to stroke my stomach, dropping my palm all ...

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