1. Three friends sunbathed. Part 1
  2. Three friends sunbathed. Part 2

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Until the evening we tried not to look into the eyes of each other, throwing only short phrases. At dinner, too, were silent. They parted their corners early.
Just touching the pillow to my cheek, I immediately fell into the non-existence of deep sleep. The terrible tiredness and nervous tension of this terrible day affected.
Morning met with gloomy clouds and drizzling rain. Bad weather was most welcome. I didn't want to go anywhere anyway. And Aunt Paul did not have to explain why we were sitting at home.
She just entered the upper room when we were sluggish, chewed on breakfast.

- Girls! - she smiled from the doorway. Bad weather did not work on her. And our problems were not known to her:
- What are you so sour? Do not heat the bathhouse? I nalivochka in store.
The hassle of preparation was a little distracted from gloomy thoughts. We stoked the stove. Dragged the water. So in the cares of the day passed. Already in the twilight gathered and went to wash.
Mercilessly whipped brooms. Turley each other's backs. After the steam room they bathed in cold water tubs.
In the waiting room, lit by a small light bulb, Aunt Paul laid the table. And we are exhausted, weary, sat around, wrapped in sheets. Among the not tricky snacks was a large bottle of liquor.

Olga immediately took the initiative. Pouring glasses to the brim, she raised her:
“Come on, girls without toast, to the fullest, to the bottom,” and, like a man, she tossed her glass into her mouth, exhaled loudly and began to bite. I drank too. The pouring was pleasant to the taste. Masha, frightened, looked at such a large glass, closed her eyes and began to drink. I suffered for a long time, but finally, having done it, I also drank to the bottom.
“Have a snack,” Olga pushed a plate of cucumbers in the middle of the table.
Body heat spread. But the soul did not feel better. The topic that we avoided affecting the last two days was still a lead cloud hanging over us. The conversation was not to be avoided. And I started it:
- Olya! How could this happen?
- Yes, no way. Themselves to blame. What can be expected from a flock of starved males, when young, beautiful women come out to them one after another. Moreover, naked - angry, suddenly, Olga.
- Well, it all started with something? - I did not lag behind.

She stopped chewing and thought:
- I went into the woods, and there is a man. I immediately realized that we have long been spied on. I wanted to drive him away, shame and then suddenly realized that I was naked. He hatched. I'm running back. They turned out a lot. And I didn’t have time to take a couple of steps, as we caught up.
“Why didn't you call for help?” - I continued to ask.
- When I saw how many of them, confused. And they bent, the language was lost. My Vitka is like a pencil without a sharpener. And then the first one put it in such a way, if you do not believe the girl, immediately got to your heart, - she paused, looking at the table, as if reliving the incident yesterday.
- I was already the second time when Mashka came running, - she raised her head.
- And then, how many there were, and I can not remember. If it were not for you girls, you could break apart.
- Yeah! Girlfriends helped each other. Rested without husbands, but not without men - I smiled bitterly.
“They immediately organized a line for me,” Olga continued:
- And then, just, Masha. She screamed wildly. Burst out. I saw her knocked down. Then, from behind the back, there was nothing to see. Here I was again covered with an orgasm. Yes, such that in the eyes darkened. I would never have thought that I can be forced to stop all at once. To infinity. My Vitek really cannot bring me to orgasm once.

- And I finished my first time when Tanya saw you. The first orgasm was somehow wild. I thought I would die, - Masha entered into the conversation.
“You could have escaped.” Why stay? - She carefully looked at me.
I chose words for a long time, and, suddenly, I felt a shaking start in a chill, the same as when the first rapist stroked my stomach. As if everything was coming back. I squeezed my legs under the table. That something like this is starting to happen with the girls, I could see for a long time. I would never have thought before that this, and even more so the memories of this, can cause me so much excitement.
“I could not leave you,” I replied, and was silent. There was silence. They looked at me with wide eyes. Their cheeks, flushed after the bath, turned crimson. Masha breathed deeply. Olga fidgeted in the chair.

The first violated silence Masha:
- I was very scared when I saw what they were doing with Olya and how many of them. I was holding hands. Burst out as best she could. The chest was very painfully crushed. And when they pushed the earth down, there was nothing more to be done. I remember the first one well. He was very big. My Lyoshka is much smaller. He did not immediately. Probably wanted me to get excited. And I could not. It was very scary and, at first, painful. When fear and shame, the perception of pain changes. She quickly passed. When it didn't hurt, I decided that I would not resist anymore. Still useless. And to stop breaking. I tried to relax. Even start excited. And he is further and further. To get the uterus began. Here you do not know why you scream. From passion or from pain. I already had to throw. And when she saw Tanya, she didn’t understand anything at all. I thought about one thing, if only my heart would not jump out of my chest. Still, girls, this is bad when a man has a big dick. If it doesn't hurt, it's still very hard. And then another asshole stuck in his mouth. Yes, right away so deeply that she choked. I almost choked. Then she herself began to do everything with her mouth. So at least it was possible to breathe. All the time asked to wait a little. And they all climb and climb. Everyone piles on, as if he wants to crush. Only one light was. Thin such. Very young. He could not do anything. Scared. He just lay on me, he raised his belly in the stomach, held his chest, and dragged him away so that others would not delay. I even had a little rest under it.

“When this innocent child was brought to me,” Olga interrupted her:
- He's all about the ass I rubbed. So from fear he did not succeed. Laugh only all.
- Do not worry. He still could lose his virginity, - remembering, I smiled.
- You, it turns out, we also have mother Teresa, - Olga got angry:
- So, this jerk, whom you helped to become a man, after you became so bold that he came back to me when all the men moved from you and Masha to you. I already stand alone. I pull the neck to see how you are there. But he still wanted to try from behind. I pushed him so hard that he flew head over heels. So he came back with some big man. He immediately put me on cancer again and made me suck this jerk. And he himself at this time again for my ass began. So much so that I lost consciousness. She woke up with you when they were no longer there.

“Everyone got it,” I stopped Olga.
- What happened next? - nodded Masha.
“At first I was very afraid that it would be painful,” Masha continued:
- This is all I thought. But with each other it became easier. When she couldn’t finish anymore, she almost completely stopped feeling anything. Relaxed completely. Just lying and waiting for it all to end. Only when the legs were raised became difficult.
- Lubricant abundant, - Olga interrupted her again.
- What? - turned to her Masha.
- You got a lot down, and sperm - good lubrication. So you did not feel anything, - explained Olga.
- Yes, - Masha nodded:

There was a lot. Almost drowned. I do not take my Lyoshka into my mouth, although he always asks. And here at once I ate so much sperm that I swallowed all my life. I will return home, I will suck every day. I feel sorry for him.
“I’ll abandon my Vitka,” suddenly Olga got angry:
- He constantly sticks with my pencil with his pencil. And then also send. I heard you scream. I think she yells like that. I, too, soon ceased to feel. Simply, I stand cancer and on the sides ...

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