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nephew, let's drink for parting me and Misha. Who knows if we'll meet again? Eh, if you loved him just as I did, then I would be calm for you here.

- I already like Misha, aunt and I want to sleep with him.

- What, right now? Well, you and boorish, nephew. I have not left yet and today he is mine. What are you laughing, agitated. Misha, let's drink one more, otherwise I will beat this infection. She wanted to sleep with him. Nooo! Only after me.

Everyone drank, and Bear poured. His mood was excellent, he already knew that today he would have both. Oksana and Ksenia pretty much got stuck already. Mishka winked at Oksana, pointing to the sofa near the far wall, and she, after drinking another glass with everyone, got up and swayed slightly towards him, where she sat down and then lay down and pretended, and maybe really fell asleep. Xenia, seeing this, giggled.

- Well, it will not be necessary to expel her. Come on, Misha, let's fuck for the last time.

She got up, she was also “stormy,” and began to throw off her clothes. The bear closed, dimmed the overhead light, leaving the nightlight, and also undressed. Having embraced they fell down on a bed and Mishka immediately put in his tense Xenia. She gasped, taking it and swaying, adjusting to the rhythm and hugging her back. For about ten minutes, sighs and the groaning of Xenia, the Bear’s heavy breathing and the sounds of the bodies colliding, their fluttering were heard. Then came the enthusiastic cry of a woman: - Ooh! Misha, how sweet! - Mishka also muttered something and it became quiet. Only the heavy breathing of both could be heard for a couple more minutes and the loud sounds of kisses.

- Oh, Misha, how am I going to be without you now? I am only with you, it happens so well.

- When that was going to happen anyway. I'm happy for you Ksenia, although I will also remember and miss you, honey. rest now a little, then repeat again.

- Misha, go, fuck more and a tribe, and I'll see, listen, as you succeed.

I will not be jealous, just very worried about this silly yet. I love her.

- Ok, I'll try if she won't scream. I will be affectionate with her. And we'll see there.

“Go, I know you want this.” He is still in me, but how tense I was, it cost me to talk about Oksanka. Insert it as you can.

Mishka got up and went to the sofa where she was lying and waiting for him already naked, Oksana stretching hands to him. He grinned, settling between spread legs. Oksana herself sent his cock into herself and groaned when he entered to its full length.

- Ltd! God, so what was the dignity of treating my aunt? I haven’t had this size yet. Oh, I like it, come on, don't stop! Aaaaaa! I'm already finishing!

Mishka grinned again, realizing that Oksanka would be an excellent substitute, for his aunt, and began to increase the pace. Oksana, seizing him behind his back, having rested a little, began again podmahivat to him, again feeling the sweet pain arising between the legs. She finished again, crying out almost like an aunt and pressed into Mishka. She was beating her, but she continued podmahivat and the third time, feeling that she would explode again, stood still. At this time, Mishka, too, approached the final and, pressing on the vagina to the end, he began to release sperm from himself, mixing with Oksana's juices and spilling out. They pressed tightly and Mishka passionately kissed her lips, cheeks and neck. Oksana kayfalova, realizing that she could hardly find another such one, and smiled blissfully.

Xenia, who heard and saw everything, understood that Oksanka had deceived her by pretending to be asleep, and that she would still have been under Misha today, no matter what. She liked her niece's assertiveness, liked that she got what she wanted under Misha, and that means that everything will be in order here.Ksenia got up and went up to the sofa, on which Mishka and Oksana were still lying in each other, crouched next to them and laughed with a hand Mishkin’s naked ass.

- What, did you like, Misha, my niece? Is she better than me?

Mishka laughed, they turned their heads in her direction, and said:

- You, it is you, and Oksana is Oksana. Both of you are good, each in its own way, and I already love you both. I am glad that she will stay with me. I feel good with her too.

- And I feel very good under Misha. True, he is heavy and I'm already a little tired under his weight. But now I don’t need ten such boys as the three who fucked me.

 — — ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- —

- I'm not all told you aunt. I didn’t give them that, they raped me in the park, took everything on my mobile phone, and then blackmailed me with these photos.

And nothing like that, I didn’t feel any joy when they fucked me. All the three of us. Once our head teacher saw it, they fucked me already pregnant, and I flew out of the technical school. That's how it was.

Mishka listened attentively, leaving Oksana and freeing her from his weight. He already knew that this time he would not go home, but to the border with Ukraine, together with Xenia and Oksana, and would count with these scum. Inside everything was boiling, Oksana, after the story, became even closer and dearer to him. And such bastards, like those three, should be imprisoned or die, and not walk freely on the ground, bringing only grief, such as Oksana.

- Forgive me, Oksanochka, forgive the stupid woman. You didn't tell me about it. God, why do you allow such creatures to live on earth? Poor woman, you are mine.

- Enough to lament, aunt, what happened, happened, I am afraid only that they will find you and me if they want, and again they will start for the former. And here I liked working and the salary here is good and, also, there is Misha. Everything will be fine, Xen's aunt.

“I will not touch you, otherwise I will set our men on them.”

- They generally never will offend you again, Oksanochka. This time I will not go home, but with you and deal with these scumbags. How I can do it, you know, Xenia. You shelter me with Oksana until the next watch, Kseniushka.

- Misha, why do you need this? Suddenly they will do something with you? I'm afraid, Misha.

- So you do not want to shelter, well, I'll settle in some sort of hotel.

- What a hotel, are you Misha. Of course you will live with me. I’m just scared, even though I’ve seen what you did with these four armed thugs.

- And there are only three, boys, not smelling, for sure, even gunpowder. Just reckless thugs, and they should be as it should be punished. I will do it, otherwise I will not respect myself. After all, they mocked the girl who will be with me. Will you live with me here, Oksana?

- I really want this Misha, but I'm also afraid. They are, of course, young, but very healthy.

“Let them fear, not the ex-sergeant of the Marine Corps.” And enough about that. I see that you are quite vigorous again, leave tomorrow, the time is not even midnight, so let's go drink your khokhlyatsky brew, and then ... ”He slyly sneered,“ I have not yet had enough of you.

Ksenia giggled, and Oksana laughed, kissing Mishka and getting up from the sofa. Slightly dressed, forgetting, of course, after a hint of Mishkin, about panties, and sat down at the table together. They drank two glasses each and began to look at each other, thinking who would be the first with Mishka. Mishka decided everything in his own way. He got up and spread out a large sofa, looked at the beauties and laughed.

- We will sleep together, like this. More grams and forward.

After a couple of minutes, he turned off the lights completely and the three naked bodies settled on the sofa. The bear was lying on his back, his cock bristled and two pairs of female hands stroked him. Their lips wandered all over his body. Mishka could not stand it and turned to Xenia, easily lifted her and sat down a cleft on his dick, forcing her to work with her hips, squatting and pleasing him. He himself, pulling Oksana to himself, began passionately kissing her breasts, drawing her nipples in, not forgetting to give her hips, helping Xenia.

Ksenia sustained two orgasms for three or four minutes, then fell on Mishka, kissed him and freed him, still standing, a hard member for Oksana. She laughed, settling down from above, but when she felt the huge member filling her, she inevitably began to be cautious, as she had never tried such a pose before. A member of priter, there was enough of his lubrication and Oksana, feeling already growing and approaching pleasure, began to rise and fall faster and faster, until her joyful cry came out and she piled on Mishka, shaking like a chill. The orgasm was strong and long lasting. When it was over, Mishka carefully shrugged her off, putting her beside her, and he leaned on top of Xenia, who was watching them, and who again giggled happily, starting from her heart to flip her Misha. They finished together again, which both liked very much. They lay for a long time without separating, kissing and caressing each other. And Oksana looked at it and a little envied, even, her aunt.

Then they still disconnected, lay down a bit, resting and the women began to get ready to leave. The bear also tidied up on the table and bed, spent his dear ones, kissed them and went to bed.

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