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In the North and at home, the watch is not bad at all.

Mishka got registered, went to the city and arranged to work in the North, signed a contract for three years. Mother did not want him to leave, crying, but he insisted, convincing her that he wanted to become independent, not dependent on anyone, that he would definitely return to his permanent place of residence in the village, but for that he wanted to learn and work and think in modern, and make money, too, will not be superfluous. He met with Sveta all the time, but talking about marriage, they decided to postpone together until good times.

The month passed quickly and, having met, one day, he went to the city, from where he went by train to the North, to Nyagan.

In Nyagan, he, as a young and liked by the head of the mehkolumn, was registered as a driver for a jeep - Toyota, to carry this very boss. He was not given any choice and had to do exactly this job. By the way, he had rights for all types of transport; he received him in the Army; he, like his father, knew and loved the equipment. The work, in itself, he did not like very much, but he had nothing to do, he had to cope, sometimes working for almost a day.

The facilities serviced by the mech-column were scattered throughout a fairly large area. Overlays and inconsistencies enough. There were also days of almost complete “idle time” when the big bosses came from the region or even from Moscow, which the local bosses cared, watered and fed, soared and slept in the saunas and bathhouses with the local “girls.” not so often what Mishka was pleased with.

One day, finally, he was very lucky. At one of the construction sites, the crane operator died, serving a large twenty-five ton crane on the pneumatic passage. By drunk fell into the river and drowned. They found him only the next morning, they called the mechanized convoy, and Mishka, with the chief and two other representatives of the mechanized convoy, drove to that site, located fifty kilometers from Nyagan.

The head of the station met them, spoke about the case, showed the corpse, which now had to be buried and inform the relatives of the deceased. But this matter was already behind the mechanized column, and he urgently needed a new crane operator to meet the construction deadlines. The leaders argued, even quarreled, but could not come to any decision. And Mishka, at that time, was watching the crane, got into it, quickly figured out the buttons and levers, the crane was powered and worked from electricity.

I decided to try it in action, especially since he had to deal with similar cranes in the Army, while hovering pontoon crossings, across rivers. True, he did not have certificates for this, although he could also get it. He touched the button, including the crane, the second one, to turn it to the left, checked how the load lifting engines and booms work.

Everything was in perfect order, turning 360 degrees, stopped movement, leveled the crane and boom, sighed, thinking:

“This is where to work,” and turning off the power, got out of the control cabin.

Both chiefs already approached him, looking at him in surprise.

- And you say, Petrovich, that you do not have a specialist for this crane. Here he is.

- This is my driver, Ivanovich. Why are you in the crane climbed Michael? Familiar with cranes?

- I know, Nikolai Petrovich, I had to deal with them in the Army, on the crossings. Certificates, however, did not guess then get. And so, I know how to work on them. You can check.

- Hey, Petrovich, can and precisely, check? How do you manage to move the column, for example to the place of installation and install it?

- Yes, Michael, surely you can or not? Maybe just decided to boast?

- How to boast that ?! I can, of course, have had to do more difficult work.

- Then, come on, I will look, personally. Ivanovich, who will be mounting the lead? It is necessary to call the installer and welder.

- Why are they called, here they are, in trailers and live for a fortnight, watch. Now there will be a welder and installer. Adjust while Mikhail Crane, in five minutes we will start and see what kind of crane operator we have here.

Ivanovich broke off and ran to the trailers, Mishka again settled in the control cabin, turning on the electricity and turning the boom to a stack of reinforced concrete columns. Seeing his unhurried and precise actions, the head of the mehkolonna shook his head, thinking that he would have to look for a new driver.

So it turned out. When the column was captured and raised up, the Bear gently and accurately, following the installer's instructions, which were made by hand movements, led her to the place of installation, and also, accurately and gently installed, without loosening the sling tension. The installer raised his hand with a bulging thumb, showing everyone that there is no better.

The bear grinned, remembering how their company had been terrorized until it achieved an accurate supply of pontoons to each other, so that the attachment points for the bolts would coincide. It was much more difficult to install on a fixed place of the column.

Then there was a second, then a third, column, until Petrovich protested.

- Everything, men, tie! Convinced ?! And what will you tell me to do now? Yes, I see that you are a crane operator from God. Well done, did not disappoint mehkolonnu, but now Ivanovich does not dislodge from me. Should I leave you here? In addition, you yourself said that you do not have a certificate, and the mode of operation here is different. Watch for fifteen to sixteen days. Do you think so? In, and Ivanovich, right there. Well, why are you laughing, old horseradish?

- Petrovich, dear, you give him to us. Gosh, that drowned, and he is not suitable in the litter. I have installers, hesitated to work with him. And he succumbed, besides firmly and often. Misha, this is an extra class crane operator. Yes, with him we will cover all the time. Three columns in forty minutes. Do you even understand, Petrovich, what it is. Even with Mikhail, mate Goshin, we spent on one column from twenty minutes to half an hour. All, give, Petrovich, man.

- Ivanovich, he does not have a certificate. We can, of course, issue a temporary one, but only for a month, and his consent is also necessary, and it must be reissued.

- So reissue and certify, issue a temporary, then think of something. Well, Michael, do you want to work with us?

- To be honest, I just wish. Not my, the boss to carry. A certificate will also be within a month. Do you have a mobile connection here? Please, give me your cell phone, I will call my former commander right now and decide this question.

- Here, take it. You see, Petrovich, you need to let the boy go to us. You will find a chauffeur, many will gladly go to such a job.

The chiefs moved about two meters in order not to interfere with the telephone conversation, but Mishka shook his head, showing that their presence during the conversation would not be superfluous. The number dialed by Mishka was in touch and now such familiar bass of Captain Marines from far Primorye was heard.

- Hello!? Who is in touch?

- Mikhail Dyuzhev, comrade captain. - Mishka turned on the speakerphone and the bosses came closer.

- Hello, lost soul, I was waiting for your call before. Have you forgotten our Marine Corps? What is your call? Sorry, I'm on the test site, now I will let the boys go for a smoke break, then we will agree.

Commands were heard from the phone, the sounds of scuttling marines, then the captain's contented voice came again.

- I'm glad you called Misha. I often recall your call. You guys After all, many have passed together. What is your call connected with? Help is needed?

- Probably, comrade captain. I work in the North, in the Tyumen region. I was a driver, now I have to switch to another job, as a crane operator at MKP-25, but I didn’t get a license in part then. You can help?

- Required. Do you remember, Misha, did I persuade you, ...

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