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and Tasia quickly breathed and leaned towards his movements, feeling as he runs into the uterus during the invasion, causing little discomfort.

Mishka accelerated movement, feeling that the penis is already almost freely moving in the vagina, rather narrow, resting against the most intimate part of the woman. They adjusted, finally, to the rhythm of the eternal movements of men and women, and began to enjoy only these oncoming movements. Yes, the hole was very narrow, enveloping Mishkin's member completely and he already felt that it would not be enough for a long time. Tasia finished three times, squeezing, almost painfully, his penis with the walls of the vagina and after that he was discharged. Strongly clinging to her with her whole body and while trying to enter into it even deeper, although it so again caused her pain, hitting the uterus, he froze, pouring out.

- Well, Misha! This is really power! No wonder Ksyushka kicked her ebchik, Now I understand her. And envy. You're still not giving up on her, even testing me?

- I will not refuse, Tasenka, Ksenia, was rather unhappy, soldering muzhiks, who, however, could not satisfy her. We have complete comfort with her, I give pleasure to her, and she delivers it to me. In addition, she is very affectionate and kind woman. I'm good with her too. I like you with my sexuality and assertiveness, I feel good with you in bed. I seem to have satisfied you, too, and again I want to, and then I’m afraid to just make up even.

- I understand you, so do not guess anything. Just fuck me today, as it should, since I came to you myself, and we will live on.

Mishka fulfilled her request and really fucked so that she left him, naskaryaku, Feeling the pain in her pussy, but still pleased that she had achieved her. More she did not come to him.

In the evening Ksenia came. She sniffed the air and laughed, speaking in her singing voice and gazing merrily at Mishka:

- It smells like sperm and woman. And I, fool, from where I think this Taska is coming, narashkaryaku?

Here she was mean. What are you Misha so izrahratil her? After all, I know that you are very gentle and affectionate in bed. Did she hurt you badly?

- What are you, Ksenyushka, there is not yet such a woman to hurt me greatly. The first time I was with her affectionate and cautious, but then she began to hint that I should, after having sex with her, leave you. I said that you and I are very good together and this is excluded. She, in my opinion, was offended slightly, but she didn’t file a view, but told me to fuck her properly, since she came to me and we had already fucked once. I simply fulfilled her request and fucked her as I wanted. She finished off and overdid it, getting what you saw. But she had only to say that it was enough.

- Oh, Misha, I feel sorry for her all the same. Me then you will not be so, I hope?

- I love you, my hohlushechka and I feel so good with you, knowing that you love me now too. Isn't that right, honey?

- Oh, Misha, what is your right, cunning and suck to the same. You love me, you say, and Taska then fuck it, all the same. Yeah, well, anyway, I love you, goddamn womanizer. And if you are not enough for me, so fuck at least everyone on the lot, if only with me, always, I was so gentle and gentle as you know how, in my opinion. Do we drink vodka today?

- With you at least poison, honey. Of course we will drink. I'm still yours then.

Come to me, let me kiss my sweetheart. Here, now you can drink a glass.

The bear got it and poured it into the cut glass of the moonshine, put sliced ​​pickled cucumbers and sausage, cut off a couple of pieces of bread. Ksenia sat on his lap, they drank and ate. Mishka managed to, moreover, hugging, gently squeezing her friend's breasts, she liked it and she just laughed. Once again they drank and the caress became mutual.Xenia clung to his lips and caressed his shoulders and back with her hands, but he did not release her breasts.

- Well, again, I started up and, already wet, from your caresses, Misha. Let's go to the bed too, yours also sticks out in full, right in the ass I rests. We will fuck and not fuck, we are not Americans what that. You are Russian, I am Ukrainian, or Ukrainian.

And Bear, undressing, laid her down, he also undressed himself and lay down first, kissing and caressing her khokhlushechka, until she herself dragged him towards herself. After that there was one pleasure. The movements of the embracing bodies, passionate sighs and groans, hoarse breathing, then Xenia's joyful cry and growl of Bear, they together received pleasure.

Two more times they delivered it to each other and this was enough for both of them.

 — — ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Violence and retribution for him. (Adventures in the west of the country)

 — — -----------------------------

Life on the watch at Mishka was full of little bit of everything. He also earned good money, intending in time to get himself a good car. He also gave money to his mother, but she took it from him twice, then refused, saying that she had enough of her own. Time at home and on watch flew fast.

Two years later, like in the spring, Ksenia brought with her her niece Oksana, beautiful black-haired and same vociferous, like herself and began to teach her to work in the kitchen, prepare a shift for herself, by issuing her a job, while her assistant. When the watch came to an end, she and Oksana came to Mishka in the trailer.

- Let's part, Misha. I decided to get married all the same. There was one more or less normal man. You cannot be compared with you, but I feel good with him too, Misha and he loves me. I will not come again, and this is Oksana, she dragged her here so as not to deteriorate at all.


- Do not blink, still I will tell Misha, this is the only person here who understands everything and, if necessary, will always help out, save you from harm, like that, a nephew. She finished school, Misha last year, she entered a technical school, a culinary school, she is really good at it, she can cook even better than me, but she was kicked out of it for moral behavior. She fucked in the city already with three lads, which her obryuhatil, God knows. She came to me in the third month already, did not go home, was afraid that her father would kill her for it, she cried, of course. They really have a hell of them and a decent psyche. Well, I went, I agreed, I paid, and she had an abbort. It went fine. I called my sister and said that Oksanka will have to work for a while, the discrepancy is that she has her studies and I take her with me to the North. Galka, her mother did not hesitate to approve, she would have three more than Oksanka. That's how she was here.

- The case is of course yours, Misha, but please, help me to this depraved. If you want, then she will sleep with you. She agree, I know. From the first day zyrkaet for you. I asked if I knew you. Hee hee! Why don't I know you? My lover is a nephew, I will leave, it will be yours if you can please him. Do not blush, I do not believe your reddened personage, I gave three in the city and nothing, they didn’t blush there, I guess.

- Ksenia, you and me, by their simplicity, enter the paint. What can we say about the girl. How can I help Oksanochka, but it depends on her, if she wants to accept my help. From our anxious fencing, of course, and they will not pester, realizing that it is under my protection. We will live and see how everything goes. Well, now let's get girls, let's drink something. I am sorry to part with you Ksenyushka, but life is evident. I'm happy for you, I want you to be truly lucky in family life. Give birth to your children and be happy, my good.

Ksenia began to cry, taking from the bag that she had brought with her, the moonshine and various snacks. Bear kissed and stroked her head, soothing. Poured moonshine into three cups, looked at Xenia, she nodded.

- Nothing, Oksanka can drink vodka, let's drink everything. Lift up ... Read more →

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