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What made him go to the forest today, he himself could not explain. As it appeared by itself, suddenly, this desire. He packed up, put on an encephalitis, took the bag over his shoulder and went to the bridge over the river, behind which this very forest began. It was the end of July, the weather was surprisingly good. It was not too hot, somewhere around twenty-five, Celsius, there were clouds, but the rain bypassed their small village.

Matthew was only twenty-seven. In the spring, his wife left him; she was tired of living in this village, as she called the village, got together and went to her parents in the city. They didn’t have time to start the children, she didn’t want to hurry with this and ate some kind of pills so as not to fly. Matvey worked as a huntsman and the forest loved since childhood. He knew every living creature inhabiting his site. He rarely took the gun with him, dispensing with a small-caliber Margolin pistol, from which he shot very accurately from almost any position. In the Army he was a sniper, fought in Chechnya, as part of the special. divisions, but pride, for participation in this forced war, never felt. He fought and all right.

In the forest he rested with his soul, feeling all the smells and aromas, hearing the quiet rustle of foliage and needles of trees, with the pleasure of breathing in the air filled with these aromas. He walked and rested, it was Saturday, the day when many went to the forest. Some of the berries, some of the mushrooms, the city came and roasted their kebabs, but these did not climb far into the forest, getting by the edges and small glades. Usually, they came in companies, had fun, danced to music from portable players and tape recorders, drank vodka and wine, had sex in nature, dispersed among the bushes, then gathered and left, leaving behind a lot of garbage, which they had to dig after

Many such companies Matthew already knew. He approached and warned them about the danger of fire and the inadmissibility of leaving behind debris. He was obeyed, not all, of course, but they were normal, knowing that it was his job. Today, the city was again pretty. He immediately noticed four companies along the highway, but did not approach, he, too, knew those already. Immediately I went to the side of the Sosnovka River, which flows through a powerful pine forest, to the pools, hoping to catch a pike and boil the fish soup from it, right here in the forest and relax. He took a bottle of vodka with him for this.

Coming out to a deep place known to him, first of all he built a hut out of pine branches and ate to spend the night, brought and laid grass instead of bed. He dug a hole and made a small fire in it, then he pulled out a line with hooks, hooked it to a short rod cut right there from a thin birch tree, planted a crucian on a hook-tee from a can and threw a fishing rod in the middle of the street. He himself filled the pot with water and hung it over the fire, knowing that it was an ear today, anyway.

Pike took the bait about ten minutes later and was pulled out. Normal, with a kilogram, approximately. More throw the bait Matthew did not, began cooking soup. He cut the pike, cut it into large pieces, added two onions, one potato, garlic and dill with a bay leaf. All this fell into a pot, where the water was already boiling, salted and waited. Fifteen minutes later, the delicious aroma of the finished soup spread through the forest and he removed the pot from the crossbar. I threw the boughs into the fire and got ready for the crucial moment, the sample tasted to the taste. He took out a bottle and a hundred gram cut glass, poured vodka and scooped the first spoon from the pot. Yummy! After removing the sample, he drank vodka, grunted with pleasure and began to eat his ear.

At such moments he felt happy. Wow, an acquaintance hedgehog granted a visit and is not afraid at all, he knows, a rogue, that they will not offend him here.

- What is to treat you, buddy? Milk do you want? Want, of course, I know.

Matvey took a plastic lid from the bag from the bag, splashed milk into it and carefully placed the hedgehog in front of his nose. He sniffed and, having pulled back, wept him in a few seconds. He snorted contentedly and stared at Matvey with his beady eyes, hoping for a supplement that was poured to him. Vlakal her again. Matvey laughed and took the hedgehog in his hands. He did not even curl up, knowing already the smell of the hands of Matthew.

“Okay, enough for you, come back in the evening, mate.” Give me something to eat fine.

The hedgehog, which Matvey put on the grass with his nose in the direction of the forest, snorted, ran away, but at that time there was a noise and a female cry, muffled, however.

 — — -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Matvey jumped up, turned to the side of the scream, listening. There was some sort of fuss about thirty meters away from him, behind juniper bushes. Carefully went there. About two pines, right behind the bushes, I saw two healthy guys about twenty years old, undressing a young girl. One held her, pressing her to him and covering her mouth with her palm, the second pulled off her panties from her jerking legs. Stole, striking the girl in the stomach, which is why she crouched in the hands of the first, grabbed and spread his legs to the side, taking out his cock from the fly.

- I do not advise you to do this, guys. You will fall hard. - Matvey was walking in their direction.

- Do not be violent. Release the girl or you will be bad.

- Who are you? Schmuck swamp! This will be very bad for you now. All the buzz broke. Hurt her, Gesha, so as not to run away and deal with it. Then we will be engaged. Well, bastard!

They did not think about the fact that they were not a kid who should be afraid only of their appearance and voice, and immediately rushed at Matthew. The first faltered, having received a sharp blow to the solar plexus, but he withstood and continued to shove, waving his huge fist. Passing it past, Matvey kicked his chest with the foot, knocked down the second one and while the first one turned around, he finished it off with a light touch on his throat. He decided not to cut down the second one and simply substituted the footboard, then took him to the painful hold. He howled, roll up his legs. Hitting him by striking the right places, Matvey got up from him and looked around.

The girl was still bent over, after hitting her in the stomach and crying. He went up to her, lifted, sat down on a stump.

- Who are they? And how did you get here with them?

- We arrived at shish kebabs with parents, and these have a different company, they made shish kebabs next to us and drank. I went to the bushes, in a small way, but they grabbed me, squeezed my mouth and dragged me here. Long dragged, about fifteen minutes, so that our did not hear. And then you saw it yourself. I do not know them, even, and my name is not Galka at all. Oh, he moved again, now he will rise. I'm afraid.

“They won't do anything to you anymore.” I'll talk to them now. To the police to hand them over, or what? So they will be released anyway, they did not have time with you, and you and the police will not want to have any business. Right?

- So, uncle. It’s better, like getting to me, but I don’t know where to go.

- Come to me, bye. You sit there, and I'll figure it out and decide what to do. Then I take you to yours.

Matvey took the girl to his campfire by the river, put her there, advised him to eat soup and went to look at the guys. The first, still, was asleep, and the second was already sitting on his ass, and he looked evilly at the approaching Matthew.

- What, the cops decided to surrender us? Hand over, it's for the best, not for you only. Understood, schmuck?

“You're a fool, boy, though healthy.” Why do I need cops. Here, the swamp is not far away, they will lose you, they will search, of course, but they will not find it. Put you to sleep, too, a couple of little things, like your buddy. Still asleep May not wake up, like you.

- Hey, what are you, man? Hand over the cops better.

- Who is better for? For you? And what is the matter for me, for you idiots, to worry? Not. Better in the swamp and ends in the water. And even want to take revenge, the trouble is one.

- Man, let go of Genka and me! We generally never come here again. By drunk, by stupidity, fuck a girl ...

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