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wanted to. No, man, us in the swamp.

“Is it so easy for me to take and let you go?” I, in Chechnya, heard plenty of such promises, foolishly, released one chuchmek, then I had to kill five instead of one.

- Let go, we are not Czechs, after all. I give the word that you will not see us here anymore.

- No, my dear. Do you have documents with you? Well, let's look at them first. Clear. And buddy, who is this? Students, and decided to do such a dirty trick. Okay, I'll do it for you, now, so that I can move, and let my friend sleep more. Himself dragged him to himself. Got it? If I see again in these places, do not judge too much, I will not regret anymore. - Matvey fixed the guy joints and said, helping him to get up.

- Everything. This is the only thing I can do for such shitheads. Take it and go.

 — — -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The girl was sitting by the fire and was already in good condition. Matthew crouched beside him.

- Did you let them go, uncle? What is your name? Uncomfortable to call uncle.

- Matvey, I, and come without uncle. Let go. Healthy dragged the second sleeper, more, a friend, I think, the more they generally will not approach the girls. Overtaken fear on him, for order. Will your long be here? Let's go spend you, most do not find the road, and there is no her here. It was going to spend the night here, it is not necessary, it is visible. Did you eat

- Yes, Matvey, very tasty ear. And my name is Lena. Come on, or else they lost me, already.

“Tell nothing to yours, then.” Say that lost, by chance. No good

- Well, Matvey, can I, then, stay with you here? Never slept in the woods.

- But who will let you go with me? And slaughter here, besides.

- And I will tell mamma that I will stay on Sunday with my girlfriend, in the village. I don’t have a folder, the mother and lover came here. Let go, and I do not worry, I'm already seventeen.

“Okay, I won’t take anything with me then, I’ll be back.” Come on.

Matvey led Lena, led directly to their place. On the way, they caught up, dragging a friend, a big man, but walked around them, at the request of Lena, who did not want to see them anymore. Mother, however, Lena did not lose, yet, and she did not have to explain anything. She talked to her, took a skewer with kebabs and, waving her hand to her mother, went towards the village. After a hundred meters she turned into the forest, where Matvey was waiting, grinning, and they moved in the opposite direction. Matvey had to catch two more pikes, one on the ear, the second for toasting in the pan, which he had. Bread and everything else, too, was. He poured the stolen stopper Lena and she drank, then eagerly lashed out at the fish. There were few mosquitoes, Matvey, when the sun went down behind the forest, I lit up some thing that chadil, and there were no mosquitoes at all. They were, but aside, and they did not even fly up to them.

Ate dootvala, as stated by Lena, after drinking another hundred grams of vodka. She suddenly became thoughtful, sat with her back to Matthew, and thought about something, looking at the dawn spreading across the sky. Matvey gently hugged her shoulders and gently stroked her redhead. It was nice to feel her body next to her. Women had not been in his bed for a long time, and, unwittingly, an excitement, exciting blood, arose.

- How good, Matthew! And your name is unusual. I have never heard before. Do you live in the village? When I had a folder, we also lived here, at school I studied until the fifth grade, and then the folder went to another woman, and we, with mom, moved to the city, she worked there and she was immediately given an apartment. And the folder also left later. I did not see him anymore as we moved. What did you do in the forest today?

- I rest here, Lena, and work, too, in the forest, the huntsman. I look after animals, beasts, I do not allow poaching. And I live in the village, not so long ago, really. Five years, probably, therefore you cannot know me. I was not here when you lived.

 — — -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- Matvey, and mosquitoes do not bite us, at night? And where will we sleep?

- Hut see, under the pine? There and sleep, I have a sheet and a blanket.Together we will not freeze, but mosquitoes will get that thing, freaking, will scare away, mosquitoes will not eat us.

- Matvey, and I want to truly sleep with you, with sex, first.

- Lena, are you a girl or a woman already?

- Girl, Matvey, but I still want this. As soon as you came, letting go of those who wanted to rape me, you wanted to. I'm seventeen, Matthew, I'd rather do it with you, since I like you, than with someone else.

- I am very pleased your faith in me, but you will not regret? After all, it is forever and nothing, then, can not be fixed. So think, until you go to bed.

Matvey took out a sheet and a light, but warm, soft, wool blanket from his bag. I covered the grass with a sheet and threw a blanket over it. Looked at watching Lena for his actions. With a call and a smile, she answered his gaze and stripped naked. I had to undress and Matthew. They lay down and embraced. Lena was beating a chill, nervous, all the same she. Matvey began to gently and tenderly kiss her, trying to calm her down. Caressing her small breasts, kissing her lips, sucking them, then switching to nipples of breasts and kissing for a long time and sucking them, gently stroking her whole body. Lena calmed down, the trembling passed and she began putting her breasts under kisses, responding to kisses already passionately, when Matvey kissed her lips again. Her hands were moving all over Matvey’s body, she stopped being afraid, she already wanted him, clinging to him more and more.

- Matvey! Do it! I can not, from your caresses and kisses. Wet became down.

- Well, Helen! Now, I, too, barely hold back, feeling your body as mine. It will hurt a little, but not for long. Now, honey.

Matvey spread her legs and lay on her. A member is located at the crack, ready to break the barrier to get to where it will be so hot and pleasant to him. He kissed Lena once more and moved his hips slightly, trying to get into a small hole. He fell, entered the barrier, stopped for a moment, and abruptly moved his hips. The member fell to the end, and a painful cry screamed from Lena’s lips. Matvey's hips began to move, and Lena closed her eyes and squeezed her lips, waiting for a new pain, but she was no more. After several pushes in her penis, her eyes opened wide, and there was surprise and joy in them.

- Matvey! I do not hurt at all. And, even, it's nice how he moves there.

- You're lucky, Lena. This rarely happens. I am pleased that I could make you a woman, without much pain. I feel very good with you, honey. When is your period?

“Two days were over, Matvey.” Oh, how good it became! More, dear! I'm so pleased!

- Everything, baby, I finish. Oh, how great it is!

They, often breathing, pressed against each other, releasing each their own juices, then relaxed, not splitting. Matthew, however, knew his weight and, pulling a member out of her, lay down beside him, stroking her breasts and body.

“Are you well, Lena?”

- Yes, Matvey, yes! Better, probably, does not happen, darling. I am happy today.

- Got out, then, briefly, my good. You need to wash there. Be sure not to hit anything. Then you can continue if you want. I’m exactly going to want you.

- Hee hee. And I already want, but once it is necessary, then I get out.

Matvey went and brought, in a washed pot, warm water and helped Lena to wash. He washed his penis and thighs spattered with blood. Wiping, they climbed back into the hut.

It all happened again. Weasels, kisses and sex, already without pain, but with the fullness of all the sensations, from the movements towards, and several pleasures for Lena. Pleasure, from the second time, Matvey got stronger. No longer thinking about breaking Lena’s virginity without pain, he abruptly and strongly entered her, feeling the young and exciting body beneath him, and finished, feeling the quivering contractions of the penis with the vagina, immediately losing all strength and blissful from it, filling it with his seed. Lena, too, was exhausted, completely, but smiled, not letting him out of herself, hugging her arms and legs.

- I'm so happy with you, Matvey! Lie down on me a bit. I feel so good when it pulses inside. Here, it ended and it decreased immediately. Now you can get down. I have no strength at all and wanted to sleep. Come on, sleep a little, then repeat.

- Come on, honey, lie down on my chest and sleep, Helen. I, too, was a little tired.

- Good! I'm already sleeping, Matvey ... - And Lena really fell asleep, hugging, and arranging her head on his chest. Soon, Matthew fell asleep.

 — — -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Author: Bealfed. August 28, 2010 For now.

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