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I truthfully, she herself probably wanted it, he did not force me, he was very gentle and helpful.

I woke up at three o'clock in the night, on the weight of myself. It turns out I was completely naked and Igor, also naked, lay on me and slept. A member was in me, and in fact I was a virgin.

And so it happened, I did not even remember how he deprived me of her, did not remember any pain or pleasure. She remembered nothing. Scrambled out from under him, looked at her thighs spattered with blood and went into the bathroom, where having set up the shower, she washed herself. Then she stood changing water, then hot, then cold. I vomited and became easier, wiping myself with a towel, went to the kitchen, put on panties and his bathrobe on his naked body. On the table were two bottles of brandy and one was even more than half. Three chocolate bars lay, there was a bit of lettuce and sliced ​​smoked sausage.

Looking at all this, I poured myself a full glass, drank it, turned it on with a circle of sausage, sat down on a chair and roared. He yelled, apparently to the full, went back into the room and sat down on the sofa, next to sleeping Igor, examining sheets that were spattered with blood and sperm, which he could see when he was messing with me drunk. How many times he visited me I didn’t know, but sperm was everywhere, apparently he didn’t let me in, fearing that I could get pregnant. In me, when I washed, it was very small. I did not go to bed next to him, on the dirty bed, and going to the chair, I curled up and fell asleep until seven o'clock. I was woken by Igor, who got up earlier, washed himself, changed the sheets on the sofa and put me there. I woke up in his arms, he was just putting me on the bed. Realizing that I woke up, put me down and sat down beside me.

- Good morning Liusya! - he said cheerfully. - I understand that I am guilty before you, but I'm sorry, I could not help it. Besides, I never expected that at eighteen you would be a virgin. - He leaned over and kissed me, and I roared again.

- A cry is not necessary, I have already decided, even at night, that you will marry me. You are already a big girl and you can solve this question yourself. So do you agree?

What could I do, and what if I really get pregnant the first time. I'm still crying, nodded. He kissed me again and said.

- In general, today do not go to college. If you can, go to the hostel, take all your belongings and transport them here. We will live together, family. Within a week or two we will register our relationship. Here are the keys to the apartment, but I need to go to work by eight. I'll be back at half past five in the evening. - He kissed me again and left.

I was left alone, digesting the incident. I liked Igor, but I could not say that I loved him. I didn’t even know what it was, Misha, so I decided that let everything be as he decided. All the same, he is seven years older than me and knows better life.

I moved and we began to live together. We slept together too. From the evening he kissed me, then he spread my legs and inserted his tense cock into my vagina. Fucked me, relaxed a bit and fucked again. So three times, or even four in the evening. He finished quickly, I did not even have time to understand anything. For almost five years, he gave me pleasure only a few times, and even so, they don’t even write about them in books. This happened when he drank, at some presentations there and came home almost drunk. When he saw me, he literally attacked, tearing off his clothes and then fucking for a long time, because he could not finish in any way. Happened and fell asleep, not finished at the same time. It was then that I sometimes managed to feel something of a kind of pleasure, and I even tried to pry him at such moments, feeling almost pleased.

I finished the technical school and he helped me get the distribution here, in Nyagan, because he was offered the position of chief mechanic in our mechanized column and was also given this apartment. He booked an apartment in Yekaterinburg for himself, I wasn’t even registered with him, although I had a stamp on registration in my passport, and I still have his name. Two years later, we lived here, in general, it’s not bad, in my opinion, he met the same lady, she came to check in the mechanized convoy from Yekaterinburg, and that’s all. My Igor, as if replaced. Where are his kindness, affectionate attitude towards me and everything else that was good in him? He began to travel more often on business trips, to the administration, he came from there relaxed, but began to look at me as an empty place, and fuck me only after drunkenness in the office, often calling me not Lyusya, but Ninochka, Ninulei. Then you could see that he was angry and evil, almost raping, fucking me.

I roared, of course, but it could not change anything. Six months later, he told me that he was filing for divorce, since he had met another and loved only her. For half a year we lived together, but as strangers, we also slept separately, and when he drank at work, he did not come at all, sleeping at a mechkolonna in the office. Then he was transferred, with a promotion, to Ekaterinburg, and he left, leaving the apartment and all the furniture to me. Now she is mine legally. I like it here, I like my job, it’s just hard all by myself Here is my story. It seems to me now that Igor, like me, really disliked me, and got married, feeling what responsibility I could see. Everything.

 — — -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

- Yes. Obviously, both of you hurried, deciding to get married, although, the devil knows, maybe it's even better. He apparently found his half, you are also young still, Lucy and beautiful, besides. You must be lucky too. In addition, you have already arranged in life, you have a favorite work, apartment. You must be lucky, Lucy.

- Oh, Misha, your words, God would have heard. In the meantime, for more than a year I am still alone and nothing is foreseen ahead. You are here today almost tricked here led. No, I really liked you a long time ago, when I was driving my boss, I often thought of you. But if it were not for these "downtime", then you probably would never have appeared here. It is so?

- I do not know, Lucy, I noticed you too long ago, but you, after all, after all, are bosses for me. Indeed, it could happen that we would have remained just acquaintances.

- You see! Pour Misha more. We will drink for a happy occasion, for being here.

Mishka poured and they drank it, then Lucy’s future, then they just drank and Lucy was on his lap, kissing him and taking off his shirt. Teddy also did not sit in vain and already took off her blouse and bra and helping her to undress him, he managed to kiss her small breasts with perky nipples. The last things flew off and they firmly embraced both their arms and legs and fell on the sofa.

Feeling more experienced in the affairs of love, Mishka decided not to rush to plant his already standing young man in an open crevice and became affection and kisses to bring Lucy to real pleasure, deciding to make her today, truly happy. Suppose they do not have a joint future, that he could not even promise her, but to teach her to enjoy the man, this is in his power. And he tried.

With caresses and kisses, he brought her, that she groaned, wriggling, putting his lips and breasts to him, he went down lower, kissing and caressing every centimeter of her body. When he settled between her legs, wrapped her arms around her hips, touched her strained clitoris with her lips and tongue, she screamed a little, bending, lifting her hips towards him, such tender and exotic caresses. Juices escaped from her almost stream and she lost consciousness. Mishka paused, waiting for her to come to herself and continue the job, kissing and sucking the protruding process of the clitoris, waving her tongue along the crevasse and sticking it into the vagina.A minute later, a second orgasm followed and Lucy arched again, screaming and pressing on Mishka's head ... Read more →

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