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o'clock in the evening. Maybe we'll meet again, like Lucy.

- Misha, stay, stay with me, my good. Tomorrow you will leave with me, at eight in the morning we will be there. You have time to work, especially since the plates, if brought up, only after lunch. The chief himself said so, and the fact that we will come together, no one will say anything. And who cares about this. Stay, Misha.

- Well, I will stay, but then today is our day and evening of love. Do you agree, honey?

- Misha, I'm all yours today. Do with me what you want, especially love as you like.

Today I am the happiest woman in the whole world. And it was only you who made me like this. So you can not ask about anything. Oh, Misha!

Yes, it was day and evening, too, filled with love and sex. Five times they merged in passionate embraces, from where only the forces were taken. Tried a lot of poses in front and behind and above and below. Already probably blocked all records for the duration. The last time fucked about an hour, but still both finished, and again together. Mishka was in the back and fucked Lucy with her last strength, drawing her to her hips. When finished, fell on her back, and they fell asleep, and not separated.

It was only ten in the evening. Both woke up at five o'clock in the morning and two more times fucked. At six o'clock we got up, went into the shower, had breakfast, and at seven were already near the office, where Luz was waiting for Uazik, who took her to work. A quarter to eight, Mishka entered his trailer, and Lucy went into a pro-slave. The plates were brought really after lunch, and Mishka still managed to sleep for three hours.

More in the Nyagan road as it did not happen. Occasionally he went to the pro-slave, where he greeted Lucy, they winked and that was all. He no longer engaged in sex with her, and after about three months, she herself climbed into his cock and, embarrassed, said that she was getting married in a month. Bear congratulated her and she left. Quite from his life. They didn’t meet again, and a new standard setter appeared on the site, a solid woman of about forty-five.

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Ksenia, after meeting with him, seemed to have become even younger, and finally, she saw off one preoccupied not with sex, but rather with a drink, an assembler of forty, who used to go to her and, obviously, eat her, without delivering the necessary pleasure.

In the brigade for a long time then they made fun of him, after Xenia simply threw this peasant out of her carriage, stating:

- You can not fuck, not dick and vodka translate. Fuck fucking, dick and then how should not even be, and go to a normal woman. More so that close even the trailer was not.

She came to Mishka now quite often, sometimes begging for this business herself. He, too, liked a lamb Khokhlushka and he, too, himself often invited her, winking in the dining room. Xenia bloomed right after seeing his wink, which Mishka also liked. The brigade guessed, and how to hide everything on some patch where there were only ten carriages. They joked lightly, but did not slander, knowing Mishkin's strength and his ability to fight.

They themselves saw how he easily laid down four ambals, who came from Tyumen and put them on their foreman. Bear then did not understand because of what all the fuss, but just put all four on the ground, taking away the two pistols and more knives. I wanted to call the cops, but the foreman said that it was not necessary, and those were released. He then gave the pistols to the one who arrived, who was apparently the eldest. It turned out that the guys were from some sort of security company, who wanted to have an income from them, because they were supposedly protecting them.

Since then, respect for Mishka has increased, especially among the female population of the site. The women were together with the cook and the nominee five people, one, the truth came to the watch with her husband, a welder of the brigade, and they occupied a separate wagon.The woman was cheerful, shaking up, much for taunts and ridicule, but she turned out to be not averse to groping when her husband, Gena, was drunk on Sunday's get-togethers.

She tried to poke something like Mishka, but he firmly, advising her to look for entertainment in another place, put it out of his carriage. These three women worked on a concrete-mortar unit equipped at the site, preparing solutions for mounting and sealing cracks and seams between the slabs.

Was there alone, about twenty, very sexy. Even her seemingly simple movements seemed seductive and she was quite pretty herself. She tried to court all the men of the site, even the foreman was not indifferent to her. To whom she gave and with whom she sinned, remained a mystery, surprisingly, but true.

Mishka, too, well, really, wanted to try her out and he decided that he would achieve her goal, but in her own way, and began to show complete indifference to her sexual walk and twisting her ass in public, pretended not to notice her, said hello, though , but that's all, just walked away to the side, giving others to show her signs of attention. This went on for three watches. And on the fourth, when everyone was busy taking alcohol inside, as usual on Sunday, after a short shift, Tasia, as she was called, drew herself in Mishkin's trailer. It was about four in the afternoon.

- To you it is possible, Misha? Tired of looking at drunken faces, I don't want to drink anything myself today. And you're alone, I look. Ksyushka is not going to you? Spinning in the dining room, the order suggests.

- Ah, Tasenka, hello, come on, of course, you are very happy. Boring one then. And Ksenia, if they come, then late. She is afraid to run to me in the afternoon. Although why fear?

“You mean you didn’t sleep with her?” You're lying, Misha.

- Yes, Ksenia and I sometimes fuck, drive away stress and tension, but do not sleep together. Why are you interested in this? You have the whole site in the fans. I also like your sexuality.

- Like? Something I have never seen you among those who stick to me.

- I do not want to be superfluous and look like a fool. Having sex with Ksenia, we provide ourselves, we have enough. Besides, you obviously don't like me, so why bother?

- You are a fool, Misha, however. I always liked you, but I wanted you to come up to me, smile tenderly, just like now, and tried to get me.

“Well, that's obviously not mine.” I'm a simple country boy, besides. Everything is easier here. We do not live for some kind of written novels. We met, liked each other, kissed a couple - three times and on the hayloft, to be loved. Here so, Tasenka.

- Misha, well, do not mock you over me. You see that I myself have come to you. I want you! Even to drink with everyone today was not because of this. Well, at least hug me, please! This is me, today, trying to get you.

Mishka got up, walked over to her, took her in his arms, like some kind of fluff, carried him to the sofa and sat down, setting Tasya in his lap and immediately glaring at her lips, kissing passionately.

- Ltd! How I dreamed about it! Finally. - Tasia whispered when he pulled away from her lips. She herself hugged his neck and began to kiss him in return. - Take me, Misha!

I really want this, I want to feel your power in me, dear.

- I want you too, Tasenka, have long wanted. Finally you are with me.

Less than a minute and they were stripped and lying on the couch. Tasia with his legs bred below, Bear between these legs, trying to find where to insert his tense fellow. Tasia took the dick in her hand, looked at Mishka with dumbfounded eyes, whispered: - Oh, well, size! - And sent it to her hole. The member hardly entered dry still vagina. Entering it to the end, Mishka froze, afraid to inflict pain, then carefully made several slow movements, waiting for the release of lubricant. A lubricant has appeared, ... Read more →

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