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all together began to leave the village in search of the source of the sound. Meanwhile, Kesh, resigned to his fate, continued to stand chained on all fours, and sperm from at least a dozen members oozed from his backside. He did not even immediately realize that I had cut off a huge cobblestone from his neck.

- Kesha, come to your senses! - I said, continuing to cut the ropes that were bound by his hands and feet. “We urgently need to get out of here.” They will soon realize that I pinned them and come back here!

I have never seen such a Kesh, he was completely broken, at that moment he could not say a single word. He continued to stand in this stupid shabby pose even after I removed the last rope from him and freed him from the shackles.

In the depths of the forest, from where came the roar of the motor of our boat, and where the villagers went, there was a crash and a mass rapping, after which the engine coughed and finally died. Then we heard the joyful hubbub of dwarfs who defeated a terrible mechanism.

- Kesha, rise! They will come and decide us with you!

Kesh began to rise to his feet during which from his broken-down ass to the ground, as if from an open faucet the water poured thick sperm.

Kesha, hold the rifle, we will move into the forest!

Feeling the weapon in his hands, in a magical way, Kesh seemed to be reincarnated as a hot and steadfast man. His face became fierce, his back leveled, and the barrel of his rifle began to look for his first target.

- We need a princess! - said “updated” Kesh.

- Kesha, are you out of your mind? What else is a princess? We need to run, rather! Hear, they already come here!

- I have to find her!

- Whom, Kesh?

- Tsarevna! Which I caught this morning, and which you so stupidly missed! - Kesh said the last words with a special anger directed in my direction, by some miracle he did not at this moment shoot at me with a rifle.

Kesha, completely naked, limping on his wide-spread legs, walked up to the largest of the available houses in this village. Not paying attention to the door, Kesh punched a passage through the wall of the house with the rifle butt and, like a bear, penetrates a defenseless chicken coop, so Kesha penetrated inside this house. From inside came the romp and crunch of household utensils, mixed with Kesha's expletives. After a couple of seconds, Kesha got out of the same hole in the wall from the shoulders of which the body of an unfeeling dwarf hung down.

- Run to the beach! - Kesh growled and, with his valuable cargo and a rifle in his hand, rushed into the overgrown forests.

The noise behind did not abate, but only increased. Cheerful savages who came to the village discovered that their giant prisoner had disappeared, and the leader's house was broken, as if a mammoth had flown on it. The savages of these savages knew no bounds; they howled like wild animals and rushed after us in a pursuit with a hiss and a shriek.

Making my way through the forest to the shore, I probably stumbled and fell about twenty times, but every time I jumped up and ran to my dreams and ran after Kesha. The fear of approaching death drove me better than any dope.

When we jumped ashore, we found that the sun was already approaching sunset, our boat was still in place and was waiting for its owners. Kesha and I did not consider it necessary to waste precious time collecting items, but simply threw the princess into her and popped up ourselves. Then they began to feverishly row: Kesha rowed with oars, and I just used my hands for a dog, just to quickly sail from this damned shore. A second later, several dozen nasty dwarfs boomed up to the shore, they shouted like cuts, threw sticks and stones at us.

They shouted different curses in their incomprehensible language, but not a single dwarf ever got into the water.

- Glyadika! - said Kesh! - Pidarasy water fear!

When we sailed to a bezlopastno distance from the island, tired of the chase, we lay down on the bottom of the boat trying to finally catch my breath.Kesh immediately pulled up to himself the insensible body of the dwarfs stolen by him and immediately began to shove his dick into her mouth.

- Let suck my dear, today was a hard day. - with these words, Kesha opened the princess’s mouth and stuffed his dick into it.

- Leave it to yourself?

- Well, yes, my grandmother will live in the country. - after a short silence looking at the setting Sun, Kesha added. - The main thing on the chain is not to sting, the rope then it quickly gnaws through.

  • Pencil (a guest)
    May 28, 2018 16:34

    Kesha this joker! The ending finally demolish the head! Woha ha ha! 10+


    • Rating: 0
  • May 29, 2018 12:18

    not bad!


    • Rating: 0
  • Serge (a guest)
    May 30, 2018 16:08

    Bombov, is it possible to continue?


    • Rating: 0

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