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Summer has come, and with it the time for outdoor activities. I can not attribute myself to the fans of fishing, but as a variety of my summer time, going to the river to fish, seemed to me a great alternative to going bowling or to the movies.

For this idea of ​​mine, to go fishing, I clung tightly and with all my seriousness inherent began to develop this topic. At this point, I noticed that a person would most carefully and deliberately take up planning his vacation rather than planning his own destiny ... so it’s not surprising that my original idea was to sit with a fishing rod on the shore staring at hanging a blunt float expeditions on a boat to any wild island, which are so many in our huge reservoir.

I decided to take my old friend Kesha with me. It was extremely difficult to call him a decent, polite, erudite young man; rather, on the contrary, the main traits of Keshi’s character were rudeness, incontinence, and lustfulness. His last trait was quite brightly developed and often played a cruel joke with him. Probably, there was not a single girl in our school whom Kesha would not offer him to suck. And surprisingly, he sucked! Some did it voluntarily and even with enthusiasm, while Kesh actually forced others to suck. It got to the point that once a long-haired high school girl jumped out of the school toilet, in the middle of a lesson, with noise and crying, who snot interspersed with keshenoy sperm with fatty drops hanging from her chin ... then from the police. It was always a great pleasure to watch all this, and now I decided to take Kesha for fishing just because I was sure that Kesha would be using something this time.

For a trip to the reservoir, Kesha and I took an inflatable boat, we bought the cheapest Chinese motor for it. From entertainment we had a brazier, masks with flippers, a bottle of brandy and a Keshi gas rifle for shooting steel balls. And just before the departure, they remembered that it would be nice to buy fishing rods, since they were going fishing. I myself took a brand new spinning, and Kesha looked out for a whole roll of poacher's net.

Early in the morning, having arrived on the shore of the reservoir, we loaded all our belongings into the boat and pushed off from the shore.

- Fucked engine! - with undisguised malice Kesha grumbled, glancing as the Chinese motor grunts and chokes.

“The main thing is that it is unnecessary to plow with oars,” I tried to at least somehow cheer up Kesha’s tainted mood.

- Pidarasy Chinese! - Kesh did not let up. - Such rubbish do! Now the devil knows where to swim, the engine will die, the ass will be us, it will carry it to the dam itself, no oars will help when they suck in the locks!

However, despite the sad buzzing of the motor, our boat floated quite quickly and coped well with the flow. The coast where we left the car gradually began to disappear over the horizon. Our boat went around the islets, overgrown with forest and reeds on the shore of which since the night, were sleepy fishermen.

- Kapets, Gandon arranged the best places! - said Kesh, and took up his gas rifle.

- Everything will be fine, Kesha, you'll see! Now swim away to the wild islands, there are all free places!

- Can zhahnut on bold that now stare at us from the shore? I don’t like his physiognomy, it’s too much like a Chinese, I’ll hit him in an egg, he will know how the shit engines do! - after these words, Kesh directed his rifle towards the fisherman on the shore and began aiming.

- Kesha, you calm down, I am sure that this is not the Chinese that your motor collected. - From these words, Kesh did not think much, and looking at me said:

- If we do not catch anything, on the way back I will squeeze it ?! - either by asking my approval, or by stating the fact Kesha said, and threw the rifle into the boat. To myself, I promised that on the way back, I would lead a boat to bypass this coast with the Chinese.

About an hour later, we swam so far that no fisherman could be seen around. The local islands did not seem to know the person at all, it is not surprising who will come to mind for the sake of fishing, the devil knows where, having spent for this a cloud of gasoline.

- Look! - I said, pointing to the shore of a large island to which our boat was approaching. - This is a virgin forest!

- I mean, virginal? How is that virgin?

- Something like that.

- The main thing is that there are no Chinese here, otherwise I cannot vouch for myself! - Kesh grumbled menacingly, and to show his determination he again took up a rifle.

- Come on, what kind of Chinese can there be, Kesha? Look what a cool island, there probably was nobody there before us. Imagine the whole island will be ours!

Soon we came to the shore with a sandy beach. Without holding back his emotions, Kesha with a rifle in his hands, first jumped ashore and immediately began casting on the nearest bushes, apparently thereby clearly demonstrating that he would deprive this forest island of virginity.

The island was really good, it was so big that it had its own impassable forest, which could take hours to research, it even had its own small river - a thin cool stream running from somewhere in the depths of the island to our sandy beach.

Having laid out all our equipment on the shore, Kesha and I began to fish. While I was standing on the shore and casting spinning, Kesha, meanwhile, got into the boat and paddled away from the shore so that it was more convenient to stretch the net. Although Kesh sailed from the coast for a considerable distance, his ears were still heard about my new disappointment:

- Here's a bitch! This is not a grid, but shit! And then screwed up, freaks ...

I did not have time to sympathize with grief, as I realized that my bladder was already quite full and it was time to cast. When I approached the bushes, it was as if I doused with boiling water - footprints were clearly visible on the sand. Obviously, these were human footprints, although they were some kind of small, seemingly childish, and very fresh. It seemed that someone unknown from the bushes, spying on me with Kesha while we swam to the shore and unloaded our belongings. Imagine how this news does not like Keshe ...

- What a crap! - Kesha roared, peering into the tracks on the sand. - What the fuck is going on here?

- Maybe it's fishermen? - I suggested. - Also, as we sailed to this island to ...

- Not! This is not fishermen! - Kesha interrupted me in half a word. - It was a woman!

- How do you understand that this is a woman, you can read in the footsteps?

Kesh did not explain anything more, but just went to our improvised camp, took out his rifle and returned to the place where I found traces:

“For the time being, you jerk off with your fishing rod,” Kesh began busily, “and I will go hunting for this bitch!”

Most of all, I didn’t want someone in our absence to manage with our things, so I had no choice but to agree and stay on the beach waiting for Kesha to return. Kesh himself with a rifle to the edge quickly disappeared into the thickets, and I was left completely alone. However, I was not discouraged, it seems that a new fun adventure began, and the main thing Kesha got into the taste. Without thinking twice, I sat down on the shore, and took out a bottle of brandy. Something in everything that happened pleasantly agitated my thoughts: this wild island, on which Kesha had arranged the hunt for an unknown girl, now began the cognac. “I wonder if Kesha still catches this spy, what will he do with it?” - the wildest scenes and images connected with Kesha and his manner of communicating with the female sex started rushing through my head, from which my shorts stretched to the limit erections.

An hour later, I was thoroughly intoxicated, and fishing completely ceased to interest me, most of all I was worried about Kesha’s fate, where did he get lost? But I did not have time to think out my own ...

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