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I wrote this story especially for those who like action stories taken from personal life. Without stupid censorship and fictitious names, everything was as it really was, consider this as my anonymous confession with details about which I did not share even with the people closest to me.


I met Vika at university. Then, as a third-year student at the chemical faculty, I was firmly convinced that I could easily achieve everything I want from life, that successful studies would be the key to rapid career growth and prosperity ... It was then that Vika appeared in my life. Her appearance for me was like the invasion of a cheeky mosquito into the thoughtlessly open window of a sleeping room. All the hardness of my beliefs about studying was swept away by the beauty of this girl, but most of all I was excited about her inaccessibility.

The inaccessibility of the beautiful Vicky was related to a crime against humanity - everyone who would try to care for her would agree with these words. It seemed that it was impossible to buy her with humor, dexterity of mind, masculine charisma, and even a fat wallet. The impression was made that this slick to infinity frigid. No one has ever seen her in a pair with a successful suitor.

Like many others before me, I spent all my mental and physical strength to get Vika to me. All that I could think of and realize turned out to be in vain: “Kirill, you are the same as everyone! - Vika told me, - I see through you. You want me with the same stupid greed that the male wants the female, you are just an ugly hamadryup in the mask of a man. ” The worst thing was that the attempts to seize this girl completely thwarted my plans to successfully prepare for the exams. I was ashamed - I gave all my scholarship to the disgraceful "three" in his register. But I also paid for the exams just to stay at the university, so as not to leave Vika without my attention.

For more than five months, I tried to achieve the favor of Vika, in the moral sense - I beat my forehead against the wall. I and my “predecessors” did not understand the main thing - Vika, this is a person with an extremely developed spiritual world. Her gift from nature was a developed feeling of harmony with the outside world, to put it simply: she sobbed with ease over the insect accidentally crushed by her, genuinely laughed at the most primitive anecdote, it was a great pleasure for her to just drink clean water and lie on the grass admiring the blue sky .

I began to live her life and realized that I began to really like her sense of peace and found something of my own in this. When Vika noticed this, she also became closer to me: we walked, holding hands, I touched her shoulders and even with some apprehension touched her waist, all this very much amused Vika. I understood the main thing - with this girl, it’s impossible to get away with the rudeness of the lustful boar walking to the break. Many guys, by virtue of their self-confidence, are convinced that the most luxurious and sexy girls (we are talking about those few girls who only clearly stand out against the rest of their kind) like only Celentano-style guys.

I liked the idea that in reality I was not just a lustful boar, in fact, that was exactly what Vika needed. In order to win Vika, I acted the way the guy with a goal would seem to act - to fuck the girl thoroughly. But everything turned out to be much simpler - I became myself, and Vika did not have time to look back as she became my soul mate. I did not have time to look back myself, as Vika had already confidently unbuttoned my belt, and her nipples were literally bursting through the stretched fabric of the jersey.

After studying at the university, Vika and I found our first joint accommodation, it was a room in a communal chemist.Housing was modest, but most importantly - cheap and close to the location to work. I remember very well the very first day when Vika and I just moved into this house. It was a seven-story building, with a single entrance and a long corridor on each floor. The first thing I noticed was the windows to the basement, they were partially boarded up with boards, and partly simply tightened with sack cloth, and from the basement came a uniform booming knock, as if someone had thrashed a sledge hammer on the metal. I even stopped at one of the “windows” trying to understand whether this noise would disturb us further, but Vika was ahead of my thoughts:

- Cyril, do not worry, we have all the same sixth floor, so that they do not get up in the basement, for us it will no longer matter. - and we went to the entrance of the house.

At the entrance we were met by a tiny old woman, not only that this grandmother was small in itself, so also her back was bent by some old disease that her appearance was more like the letter G. Before our appearance, she diligently swept the floor of the corridor so short a broom that I didn’t even immediately realize that this broom had taken him for a paint brush.

Seeing the new settlers, the grandmother greeted her, and led us to the "attendant's window." But there was no one there. Then the grandmother told us to wait a little while she went to look for the duty officer. At this point, I noticed the desktop of this very person on duty. The table was as dirty as that of a locksmith who had forgotten about the hygiene, with pencils and ballpoint pens scattered and heavily gnawed by his teeth. And on the edge, near the floor lamp stood a stuffed animal of some kind. This scarecrow was so ineptly made that I did not immediately recognize him as a former cat. But I did not have time to continue my review of things on duty, when I heard the voice of the old woman, she was on the stairs and opened the cellar door loudly to someone who had worked there all the time, loudly knocking something heavy:

- Giga, my boy, guys have come to you! - after these words, silence abruptly reigned in the basement, something metallic fell on the concrete floor and approaching footsteps were heard.

- Giga? - Vika and I looked at each other.

“Maybe GIGA is the General Executive ...” Vika suggested, and she immediately became entangled in her assumption.

A certain Giga appeared in a minute. It is worth noting that this man was of enormous height, not less than two meters, his large body was terribly combined with a small, bald head in a large shape similar to the characteristic head of a baby. He wore wide jeans with suspenders, and giant slaps on his feet, which were deafeningly slapping at his every step — a slap, a slap, a slap.

Coming closer to us and sitting at the duty desk, I saw that Giga was covered in large sweat, and a stream of unclear saliva flowed from the edge of his mouth. Taking a mutilated pencil into a fist, Giga wrote us down to the magazine of new residents and, without saying a single word, gave us the keys to the room. In general, his silence alerted me a little, except for occasional noisy sniffing, I did not hear anything from him and I did not like it. Everything happening here seemed incredibly strange to me. If a deep concern could definitely be read on my face, then this was not at all related to Vic. She reacted to this "colossus" with a child's head, like a child. She, smiling, pointedly slowly and kindly said: “Thank you so much Giga!”.

When we climbed the stairs with Vika to my floor, I noticed that the walls in the stairwell were hung with children's drawings inserted into simple wooden frames of thin wood. Colorful pencils on each of the improvised paintings depicted animals: cow, giraffe, sheep ... It seemed to me strange that all animals were signed by female names and it looked like this: Cow Lena, Giraffe Marina, Sheep-Galya.The only thing that I didn’t immediately notice was that all the pictures were signed by the artist, they were written in clumsy letters “Giga”.

The rest of the day we were engaged in arranging our new housing. In our room was an old TV, he refused to turn on, and we decided to transfer it to the total ...

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