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pantry room, which was located right on our floor. Together with Vika, we dragged the TV and put it on the same old TV, which obviously had been taken from another room. While still in the pantry, Vika closed the door and we were left alone. Her smiling look spoke for itself, I understood it without a single word. At this time, our neighbors were returning from work, and therefore in the corridor on our floor was quite crowded, steps were heard behind the doors. The possibility that we can be heard, and even worse - caught, greatly increased our sense of arousal. I don’t remember on what things we made love, but when I picked up naked Vika in my arms and holding her actively in my arms just like that, I thought that the whole communal apartment would run off on our moans and cries. When it was all over, we found that our “hype” did not produce the expected effect: the parents of young children did not break into our pantry, we didn’t have at least one eternally unhappy aunt (a typical woman of 50, with hair curlers, apron, rolling pin in the hands, grumbling for any reason).

The fact that our little prank in the pantry went unnoticed, even saddened us a little, but in any case we received a lot of positive emotions and were preparing for our first night in a new place.

At night, at the call of need, I closed in a shared toilet and sat on the toilet enjoying the silence of a sleeping communal apartment. About the house on duty, I tried not to think, writing off everything as a bad dream, although I understood that it was not so. Maybe with age, a person becomes more cautious, and any oddity, all that, at least a little beyond the scope of the “ordinary”, is painted in his head with emotions, becomes bright and conspicuous ...

Without finishing the thought, I was alarmed by the noise from the corridor: plop, plop, plop! Knowing that it was half past two in the morning, I swore to myself and added: “What the fuck is he doing now?”. Giga was in the corridor, he walked slowly, and huge slaps beat off his every step. When he was already quite close to the toilet door, I once again made sure that I closed the door on the latch, but for some reason, I still grabbed the handle, as if fearing that Giga would open it. I definitely didn’t like this type; moreover, I even felt a certain fear, a picture was drawn in my head: the heck flies out into the corridor with a door, the doorway with all its gigantism fills the figure of this monster, and with its huge hand grabs me head and drowns right in the toilet ...

When his steps caught up with the toilet doors, I even held my breath for a moment, but then I calmed down immediately when I realized that Giga had passed by.

The day after work, we met guests. The guys from the next room came to our room, their names were Julia and Gena. Yulia, like Vika and I, found low-cost housing here after the university, and just a couple of weeks before us decided to stay in this communal flat, as she herself said: “until better times”. And Gena was her new boyfriend, and occasionally drove by to Julia.

We had a great time then, Gena brought a brandy with him, and Vika and I prepared a light snack. Zakhmelev, I even wanted to give Gene in the face for periodically staring at Vika, but at the last moment he restrained himself when Yulia suddenly started talking about our house attendant:

“The first time I was even scared,” began Julia, “you know, when you have such a big man in front of you, at that moment you feel like a little defenseless mouse. But when I saw him clumsily holding a pencil in his hand, I immediately realized that he was like a harmless child! - here I remembered his fist the size of a cinder block, and wanted to insert something in opposition to the words of Julia, when Vika suddenly spoke first:

- Yes, Julia, you are absolutely right, I felt the same. Giga only seems big and scary, but in fact it's a sweetheart!

- He is so nice to grunt his nose, well, just like my youngest tribe Grisha. - added Julia.

The girls talked for a long time about how good Giga was, compared him with the child, and even were going to go downstairs to treat him to a snack, but Gena and I persuaded the girls to stay. I was extremely glad that Gena shares my point of view regarding this freak.

When we were seeing guests, I was even surprised to learn that Julia was seriously offended by Gena because he cursed a couple of times around us at the house attendant. As a result, Julia went to her room alone, and Gena was forced to leave for her home.

That night, I was woken by a noise from the corridor. It seemed as if in one of the rooms in the middle of the night the neighbors started shifting furniture or something heavy. After dressing in a bathrobe, I went out into the corridor and tried to understand where this noise came from. My first surprise was that I was alone in the corridor, and no one else from the tenants bothered to “calm down” this nightly fuss, the second was that this noise came from Julia’s room. "Maybe Gene decided to return?" I thought to myself. I decided to go to the door of Yulina’s room. And at the very door I suddenly heard moans coming from the room. It was a female voice. The fact that it was Julia, I did not doubt, but her moan was strangely muffled, and all this noisy fuss in the room led me to bad thoughts. I wanted to knock, but the door opened slightly from the light touch of my hand, and the heat coming from the room hit my face. It was very stuffy inside, as if several men in this room had been doing intensive fitness all day long. The light was on in the room, the first thing I saw there was the wooden bed of the bed, which was moving back and forth like a madman, and under the bed lay a carpet that also “traveled” along the floor along with the whole bed. He was lying in bed, rather not even lying, but galloping like a mad bull, Giga. He was naked, and completely wet from sweat, and beneath him our friend Julia was barely visible. Her disheveled long hair was wet, as if only moistened with water. I wanted to make a fuss, but then I noticed that Yulia did not resist at all, being under this mammoth, and was not trying to call for help, she showed with all her appearance that she was enjoying herself so much. Meanwhile, Giga picked up the pace. He thrust his dick into Julia so quickly and so deeply that it was more like the work of a well-established mechanism, it is amazing how Julia could stand it all. Then Giga suddenly froze, plunging into Yulia at full length, and began to abundantly fill her with his seed. At that time, saliva poured from his open mouth. In general, the whole bed was ugly crumpled and wet, and it was already impossible to understand what the origin of this liquid was. Giga for some time was as if in a stupor, Julia without opening her eyes stroked his chest. So it took about a minute, then Giga again began to create the rhythm of insane jumps. After a couple of minutes, Giga pulled out his penis, and his sperm began to pull out like a tide, filling Yulia’s stomach and face, and the girl, as if insane, stuck out her tongue and began licking herself. Then she took the still-standing member and tried as much as possible to “milk” him, hoping to get at least one more fresh drop of male semen.

What I saw in Julia’s room caused me to have a severe vomiting attack. Miraculously gone unnoticed, I ran to the toilet, I vomited just as powerfully as the sperm escaped from his penis!

When I was gone at night, in the morning it seemed to me a nightmare, and only the remnants of vomiting on my dressing gown said that it was not a dream. Incredibly, Vika, the girl with whom we were in such wonderful spiritual relationships, did not believe my story:

- Cyril, you're a fool, right? Yesterday we drank brandy, you drank the most, Gena took you to the toilet twice and vomit! - then I really drank more "norms", but I could not remember how Gena would accompany me, much less dragging me to the toilet. It seemed to me that I remember yesterday evening very well, but how could I forget that? ... Read more →

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