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ohrenel, on the one hand, I knew how evil this fool could be, Keshi's bloody nipple immediately came to mind, but, on the other hand, I did not know where to aim at her gorgeous body, because this rifle could spoil this woman’s sexuality.

- Well, you do not rock the boat! - I tried to calm the awakened woman. My voice was indecisive, and the rifle barrel trembled a little.

Her eyes ran around, she quickly assessed the situation, at first she looked towards the water, where, a hundred meters from the coast, drunk Kesha was dragging a tangled net into the boat. Then the woman turned her eyes on me and the rifle in my hands. It took a second to see my confusion and indecision. After a moment, naked, she jumped up on all fours, looking at me with her angry eyes, while she howled muffled like a angry cat, over which the fool holds her hand. It seemed that she was about to jump on me and with her teeth this time would get to my nipple, then Kesha already would not have time to help me. But the girl had her own plans, she got to her feet and rushed to the forest at a trot.

- Fool, shoot this fucking! - shouted from the boat like a steam train furious with anger Kesh.

I was sorry to hurt this charming wild woman. I saw what gas rifle shots do to sparrows, a sparrow like a glass New Year's toy scattered into pieces. I shot after the fleeing woman with the expectation that the steel balls would fly past, causing harm only to trees and shrubs.

The girl has long disappeared in the thickets, and I continued methodically, and at the same time unsuccessfully shelling greens growing near the shore. Kesha landed on the shore, and without saying a single word, he flew into the undergrowth with a tiger jump, and breaking everything in his path rushed after his prey.

I stayed myself again on the shore. I had no doubt that Kesha was upset that his woman ran away because of me, however, I didn’t particularly grieve because of this, because I had a rifle now, I knew that Kesha always treated an armed man with respect, and it played into my hands.

More than three hours passed since Kesh and the runaway left the shore, but I was still alone and did not receive any news from Keshi. At first I explained this long delay of Kesh to myself by the fact that Kesha apparently caught up with this woman and now somewhere in the forest she is actively fucking her, thereby punishing an obstinate female character.

When I passed the fourth hour without Keshi, for the first time I became seriously worried, and not only for Kesha, but for myself. But what if Kesh could not cope with this naked dwarf, maybe she outwitted him, and Kesha got into a trap ?! God alone knows what this crazy thing can do with Kesha! And when she finishes Kesha, she will surely remember me and return to this beach ... From these thoughts I felt uneasy, I climbed into the boat, pulled my rifle closer and looked with horror towards the forest.

When my mind was completely cleared of alcohol vapors, I decided for myself that I would not sit on the banks of the folded legs and expect revenge from the evil dwarf. I myself will go to the forest, find and save Kesha, and everyone who gets in my way will get a bullet.

With me on a dangerous path, I took the first-aid kit, rifle, and the entire supply of metal bullets. About five o'clock in the evening I moved to the depths of the island.

More or less, I understood where I should go, because after the recent Keshina's running around, there were a lot of trampled greenery and broken bushes in the forest. This forest turned out to be much larger than I expected. I walked not less than a kilometer, I still saw traces of crippled Keshi nature, and Kesha himself caught a trace.

After a while, a muffled noise began to reach my ears, it was coming from somewhere in the thickest bushes, and I can swear that then I felt the smell of smoke in the air, such a smell as if somewhere near barbecue. My heart turned cold, the first time I began to worry about the fate of Kesha ...

Carefully approaching the source of the noise, I stumbled upon the wall of a small wooden house built right in a deep forest, and next to it was another and the same house. There was hidden a whole little village in the center of which there was a strange scuffle and a fire was burning. I tried to be as inconspicuous as possible, so I lay down under a wolfberry bush and began to carefully look at what was happening in the village.

There were people here, though they were all dwarfs and all as one were ragged. Garbage and rubbish served them as clothes, apparently they found him on the bank of the reservoir and “sewed” clothes from him.

And here is the source of the sweet smell of kebab - from stones and earth, these people made something like a brazier, on which they cooked frogs pierced with sharp sticks, which due to the summer heat divorced a great number in local reeds.

All the people here were dirty with randomly disheveled hair, which made me all look the same. If some were busy preparing frogs on a fire, others, about 20 dwarfs, gathered in a dense group in the very center of the village and discussed something loudly there. It was absolutely impossible to understand what they were talking about, they all made noise at the same time, sang, and just whistled.

One thing was clear for sure, they had some kind of celebration here, it could be understood by the fact that these bellied freaks began to hang wreaths of dandelion flowers and coat themselves with frog entrails.

All the village men were so merry that the little men from the cracks of the unclean clothes hung their erected members hidden behind them, with which they cheerfully twisted in all directions and plentifully daubed them with some kind of fat oil. Only when the crowd parted a little in its very center did I see Kesha. He stood absolutely naked in mud on all fours, Kesh was chained with wooden shackles hand and foot, and a large cobblestone was tied to his neck on a short rope. In this position, Kesh could not move, he just whined piteously and blew big snot bubbles from his broken nose. But on this torment Keshi nebyli over. Dwarfs, taking advantage of the comfortable Keshi posture, actively pounded him with their cocks in the ass. It looks like they did it with him so long ago, because when another aborigine, tired of fucking, departed from Keshi's backside, the last hole in the ass seemed to me incredibly huge, and if you look closely, you could see how there is sperm splashing deep inside Keshi's asshole .

But what happened next made me mad. Not far from the “main action”, two dwarfs crumbled with stones and grind an oblong wooden object, incomprehensible at first glance. Looking closer, it dawned on me that these bastards were preparing a huge wooden falos, and apparently, they were going to drive Keshi into his ass.

What I saw in the village struck me to the depths of my soul; it was necessary to save the unfortunate Kesha as soon as possible, otherwise these motherfuckers would finish him off. To attack them at once would be foolish even with my powerful rifle. Firstly: there were too many reptiles, and if they hit me all at once, I just physically would not have time to shoot them all, and secondly: I had a plan in my head that would help me divert most of the inhabitants of this village so that I could get to poor Keshi, and save him.

First of all, I returned to the shore to my boat and took off the Chinese engine, which Kesha disliked so much. Without losing time, with the engine under my arm, I returned to the village of dwarfs. Somewhere in 50 meters from the nearest houses, deep in the thickets, I laid the boat motor on the ground and started the starter. The engine howled and raised a lot of noise around, including in the village of dwarfs.I quickly hid in the thickets and quickly began to make my way to the hamlet on the back side, from which I left the engine.

Reaching the first buildings of the village, I discovered that my unexpected attack plan was starting to work. The residents of the village, having heard the devilish engine noise nearby, gathered in one battle group and ... Read more →

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