1. School flour. Part 1
  2. School flour. Part 2
  3. School flour. Part 3
  4. School flour. Part 4
  5. School flour. Part 5
  6. School flour. Part 6
  7. School flour. Part 7

- This is a thrill. Filled Sonya almost the entire face - said Yegor.

Realizing that the episode was over, I immediately began to clean the face of unpleasant masses. Groping for a rag, I rubbed my eyes and with a quick step went to the side mirror of the car. After completing the procedure, I found that the face remained uncomfortably sticky. Then I went over a flask of water to the guys, who were already full of baits about school life, sharing the latest news from the yard and even had time to add annoying jokes to everything else. Anton kindly agreed to pour on my hands so that I could thoroughly wash.

“Thank you,” I whispered, barely audibly.

- Sonya, come and drink to us! Look, besides, a new portion of kebabs from Sanka arrived. Come on, stop being shy. We have fun! - Anton lured me.

“Yeah, that’s fun for you ...” I mumbled under my breath, and went after the boy. And what remains for now?

Sitting on the bedspread next to Vadim, I pulled up a plate of kebab and ketchup. The guys did not allow me to see the bottom of my glass, but I did not particularly resist. So it took about an hour, maybe more - I do not remember. Under the influence of degrees, the language was unleashed and I easily managed to enter into conversations. I did not manage without vulgarity in my address, but I pretended that I could not hear and continued to speak. He even had to enter into a verbal skirmish with Yegor, blocking out the chemistry teacher and giving a few examples of where he dealt with the class in a fair way.

- Yegorych, can we punish her? - then suggested Vadim. - I had a rope in the trunk after repairs with the bat on the last object.

- Listen, this is a great idea! Drag Now have fun.

- In the sense of punish? What is it? Guys, you are completely insolent! - I blurted out.

Egor deftly picked me up and raised me to a thin, but long tree a few meters away from us. Everything happened very quickly - I did not even have time to mention it.

- So what are you thinking again? - I turned to the audience, with one hand on the waist. Although the question was clearly intended for Egor.

- Now you see everything yourself. More precisely, you will feel - he grinned. Egor put me face to the tree, and he came on the other side and tied my arms around him. The knot turned out to be tight and my attempts to untie it, of course, were not crowned with success. The boys began to surround me and there was a ringing slap on the pope. I realized all the helplessness of my position. "It will start now" - flashed through my head. The second slap. The third slap. Everyone is tougher than the previous one.

- Ay, and quiet? It hurts me!

It was evident that they stopped responding to my requests. A moment later, the guys bent me with cancer and pulled the sundress up to my chest. It reminded the situation in the elevator. But the thoughts and memories faded into the background when this upstarting member of the leader found himself near my mouth.

- Open your mouth wider - he said calmly.

I obeyed, and he casually leaned forward, sticking his unit, which is difficult to breathe. At the same time, Egor lowered my panties from behind and asked me to raise two legs one by one in order to get rid of the underwear completely, throwing it somewhere to the side.

- Oh, for a long time I have not enjoyed Sonya from this angle! - Yegor licked his lips and began to work on my hips. The guys have joined. The leader sometimes took out the whole member, allowing me to breathe. Although, perhaps, he liked this method more: taking out the member and holding it with one hand, he looked down and sent him back in a couple of seconds, thus I had to catch him with my mouth. From the side it looked probably funny.

- Yegorych, come on, fuck her first. Is there a rubber band? - there was a mischievous voice of Vadim.

- What other gum? Everything suits me without her. In addition, she is clean, and I’m ready to argue with her first - the boy answered, smacking the bottom of the priest and not deeply penetrating her pussy with your finger. - Hmm, almost not wet ...Now fix it.

Egor spat on his hand, wetting my crotch and slightly lubricating his penis. At the moment when the necessary preparations were completed, I felt its unit inside. He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling her over with every thrust, which allowed me to create the effect of a “pendulum” - my butt was placed on one side and my mouth on the other. The swing, the seat of which was, apparently, me, returned to its original position with minimal intervals. Within five minutes, maybe ten, I was pretty shook. When the leader decided to take a break, Anton replaced him. His movements were slow. It was obvious that he was inferior to me and was not set up for a fierce “swotting”. Frowning forehead, I took a dick in my mouth for every impulse of Egor from behind, which was accompanied by my not entirely arbitrary “heating”.

- Yegorych, if you stop, just don't give it to her. We still have to tear this slut.

- Now, wait, bro ... Oh-oh! Heck! How is she all there is cool! - Egor admired and instantly switched to the place of Anton. With one hand he held my head, and with the other he hastily dug out his penis exactly against my face.

- Stick out your tongue - ordered the boy. I performed. He slightly put his head on him and continued to masturbate. Then he wrapped his hair around with both hands and made some quick jogging movements inside, after which he returned to the starting position. I did not have time to realize how a stream of Egor's sperm began to fall on me with lightning speed, and without stopping, they mostly flowed from my face towards the laws of physics. I was surprised that no one had joined in the back, apparently the guys liked to watch the “cum show” with Yegor and me in the lead roles.

The leader undressed entirely, smeared his head with his own saliva and began to enter. Surprisingly, there was almost no pain, if only at the very beginning. Apparently, in Egor, too, the diameter of the member is not small. In front came sober, but not modest Vadim. While the leader was messing with the pussy behind, he reactively hammered my throat, despite the fact that I tried to expose the barrier in the form of tongue. When the pressure was especially strong, it was necessary to simply give up. Forces left me. As it turned out, to stand in the bent state, even 20 minutes, requires normal physical fitness. Then I swore that I would start going to the gym. In addition, my girlfriends, Sveta and Marinka, from a parallel class, bought with their eyes, the boys were preparing for replacements again. A pause came as no wonder the way, and I took the floor.

“Listen, I’m not a horse to you so harness me at the end.” Have a conscience, I'm tired! And now for sure I will collect things and leave!

The boys even opened their mouths from my statement.

- Well, so you say, Son! We do not know when it is convenient for you, and when not!

- Yes, really, do not be silent!

- Let's get over to the bedspread, maybe?

Together, the guys agreed on a more benign option.

- Talk to you ... - I thought to myself. Egor untied my hands. While the guys went to hide behind the trees at a distance to relieve themselves, I got to the panties hanging from the branch, and moved in the direction of the car to get to the treasured handbag. A couple of strokes and I'll be as good as new. But for how long?

The guys freed the blanket from unnecessary items on it now. Egor, like a mother leading the arm of her child on the first of September, led me to the gathering point and pulled the sundress down with my help. I was completely naked.

- So, how next? - I had to look at the embarrassed eyes of the guys, after no further action followed.

Anton lounged on the bedspread and gestured where to go. It is clear that the invitation here was superfluous - the boy has prepared for me a riding pose. Only here a kind of aggregate was sticking out of the saddle and of considerable size. Standing between the legs of the boy, I began to gently lower myself and help myself with my eyesight, in order to place a freshly raised member in a famously moist pussy. The next second, I felt like he completely disappeared inside. Anton, like a newborn, clung to my chest, pushing it to swing on it. When we picked up a pace, Yegor approached from the side, turned my head and began to force through his sexual organ, which had lost its former grip after urinating.But the taste has changed - now it can be safely called rotten. Of course, there was nothing cool about it - a mixture of viscous sperm and droplets of urine is now darting around the mouth. I wanted to get used to this nasty taste, but not everything is so simple. The dick grew stronger with every friction, licking and twitching. I glanced slightly up to read his facial expressions. Why did I need this? Not because of great love. Probably tired of looking at one point. Egor, noticing the movement of his eyes, smiled and clasped my head tightly at its upper and lower points. What happened next is not difficult to guess. Through the throat again began to pass less than the usual amount of air. The current situation brought discomfort: I had to fidget about Anton, who was constantly putting off my breasts, squeezing my nipples, and periodically spanked on the pope, urging to accelerate; In addition, Egor fucked my face turned to the side, weighing tiny slaps in the face. But there was one plus. Swaying on the boy, the clitoris rubbed either on the stomach, or on some other part of the body, which gave an incredibly pleasant sensation to the body.

- I can’t hold my neck like that anymore - I used the stop during the transfer of the relay by Yegor to my teammate.

Vadim got up right next to Anton on the bedspread, and without words entered into the process. The smell and taste turned out to be surprisingly normal, although, perhaps, the already adapted receptors destroyed all emetic urges. I just opened my mouth, and began to move towards the member Vadim, causing increased friction of the clitoris. Pleasure treacherously increased, and the sounds began to slip more clearly and more often. Anton noticed my condition and became clumsy to knead the clitoris with fingertips. But at the peak of excitement, such movements could well be enough to end.

On the chin, drool spontaneously accumulated by themselves, smearing from time to time with a veil. Pops from the 90s in the car was replaced by modern electronic music of famous DJs. Despite a good weather forecast, clouds were rapidly gathering from the east and the sun was about to hide.

Opening my eyelashes, I saw that the leader quickly replaces Vadim at the “machine”. I did not even manage to really close my mouth, as he began to eagerly push the penis inwards, at the same time brushing my hair back from my forehead. Unconsciously, I shifted one of my hands closer to my pussy, but I was afraid to make sharp movements - just stroking. It became hot and pleasant. Egor whispered something to Anton and Sasha, but now I did not pay any attention to it, trying to focus on personal enjoyment. Given the circumstances occurring in my mouth, it was difficult, but doable. The guys seemed to read my thoughts, and the picture immediately changed: the leader stepped aside, when, as Anton, he pulled me around the waist, putting it on me and wrapped my arms tightly around my back. He entered the pussy now himself, because I was in a slightly constrained state, and in the literal sense of the word. Biting his earlobe, he whispered something short, such as "Sonya whore ..." or asked questions like: "... do you want me to drive him even deeper?". I did not answer, but only moaned.

Music gained momentum along with the clouds. The wind waved the tips of the hair. Alcohol and clit do their job now.

Behind me, I felt that one of the guys had widely spread my priests halves ...

  • January 5, 2018 20:29

    We waited a long time, surprisingly waited))
    When is the sequel about?)


    • Rating: 0
  • January 5, 2018 20:43

    Soon)) sure not like last time.


    • Rating: 0
  • January 5, 2018 20:44

    We will wait, thank you for the answer and the continuation)


    • Rating: 0
  • January 5, 2018 20:46

    You're welcome ;-)


    • Rating: 0
  • January 5, 2018 23:21

    Kenny with the return, for a long time you were not)


    • Rating: 0
  • January 5, 2018 23:28

    And hello to you)) There was a period of complete creative stagnation)))


    • Rating: 0
  • January 6, 2018 1:18

    On real events ... That is, everything that is written here actually happened exactly with you, Author? Or somewhere else is your fantasy?
    And how long has it all been?


    • Rating: 0
  • January 6, 2018 1:21

    Yes, with me, I already wrote about it earlier. There is fiction in history, but mostly truth.


    • Rating: 0
  • January 7, 2018 2:05

    And where is fiction, I can be curious?
    It’s just one thing to fantasize about such a thing, and quite another to allow this to go with you
    Now nobody uses you?


    • Rating: -1
  • January 6, 2018 1:23

    Some years ago.


    • Rating: 0
  • January 6, 2018 2:03

    Hooray!!! The long-awaited continuation of the "School agony"! Thank you for this New Year's gift!


    • Rating: 0
  • January 14, 2018 19:10

    Hi Kenny. And when the sequel?


    • Rating: 0
  • January 14, 2018 20:42

    Hello) it is written) soon)


    • Rating: 2
  • January 16, 2018 14:52

    Yes, Sonya’s seduction is going at an accelerated pace, her brother and his friend have already begun to try it so soon and all the other friends will take note of her, and why the hell do they pass examinations because there will be no way out of saunas and what’s the most offensive for her is that In general, we are waiting for the continuation


    • Rating: 1
  • February 3, 2018 13:04

    Usa, They killed Kenny (


    • Rating: 0
  • February 25, 2018 20:57

    Kenny come back)


    • Rating: 0
  • March 14, 2018 16:06

    Apparently, the sequel will be in 2019 (


    • Rating: 0
  • September 2, 2018 22:49

    There will be no continuation)


    • Rating: 0
  • Eugene (a guest)
    September 5, 2018 18:45

    For what and from where infa?


    • Rating: 0

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