1. School flour. Part 1
  2. School flour. Part 2
  3. School flour. Part 3
  4. School flour. Part 4
  5. School flour. Part 5
  6. School flour. Part 6
  7. School flour. Part 7

Lowering them to his knees, he stopped. I was well aware of how this could end. The procedure of deprivation of virginity, as a result of the inevitable, occupied an important niche in my thoughts. But I did not even imagine that everything would happen like this - with three classmates in his own apartment. Weak nature and fear of making bold decisions now exposes my body to exhausting effects.

While Andrei was enjoying the process, Anton, vigorously pulling on his hips, pushed me back from the sofa and with a slight pressure made me bend down in the lumbar region. In this manner, I had no choice but to put my hands on the floor. Andrei guessed the friend’s intentions and sat down on the very edge of the sofa so that I physically could be able to reach my member with my lips.

- Spread your legs wider - ordered Anton.

When there was no response, he loudly slapped my ass and repeated the request.

- Yes, I can not, panties mesh ... - I did not have time to finish, as Andrew put my face to his member and in a fitful temper began to fill him with sperm. I barely managed to cover my eyes, but I felt sticky falling into the area of ​​the nose, forehead and hair. "It is much easier to swallow" - I thought at that moment. He continued to drive a member along the cheekbones, going down to his lips and back, and then asked to hold it in his mouth. Squinting, I leaned forward and took the member again. Meanwhile, Anton deftly pulled the pink panties down the legs to the end, and now I'm completely naked on all fours in my own room. “When is it finally going to end?” Flashed through my mind.

- Sonya, legs ... - Anton reminded then, accompanying the demand with a characteristic slap on the pope. I tried to spread my legs as widely as possible so as not to provoke once again. - Eh, what a look! Dim, go, look from here. Finish jerking already there.

- Oh shit! Well, Sonya, with such an ass ... how could you hide her for so long from us ?! - agreed with the previous speaker approached Dima. The two guys sat on their knees on either side of me and, without thinking twice, began to caress my ass, stroking my back and periodically clutching my chest.

- Andryukh, there is no more strength to endure, let's wake up in places, eh?

Andrew did not mind and took a member out of my mouth, giving way to an overexcited Dima. Taking advantage of the situation, I asked for something to wipe out Andrei’s sperm, which managed to roll down the face to the chin area and, hanging down, intended to drop onto a dark silk carpet - a gift to parents for a silver wedding last year. The search for rags in the room was not crowned with success, and the guys obviously had no time for that before. Andrei found a robe for me in the place where he remained lying when he was dragged. With a long sigh, I wiped dry with his inside. Dima took the place of a friend and impatiently began to introduce a member into my mouth, holding his head with his hands. I could notice how he was tense - the head was fully opened and reddened. The guys from behind switched to more active actions: Anton managed to pull off his jeans and shorts and began to stroke my bottom hole for such a position, touching the clitoris; Andrei finished his T-shirt and now only black socks remained on him, and his hands smoothly slid along the back bend, shifted to his bottom ass pulled up and touched the dark ring of the anus. I tensed and tried to use the muscles of the backside, while squeezing my legs.

- Yes, you relax and enjoy - with a grin, Anton said then and quickened the pace with which the clitoris was shaking.It seemed to me that I was involuntarily excited, but it was not possible to prevent such frequent energetic movements of the boy’s fingers. Having relaxed, I was filled with a wave of pleasant languor and felt how "there" moisture began to come up. "Aah ..." - muffled moans burst out by themselves. Dima, it seems, was struck by the fact that I moved my head, sitting on a member deeper than usual. He even removed his hands for a while, giving the opportunity to act on its own, watching the process with lowered eyes. I felt ashamed of what I was doing, but what was happening in the room was above him and my opinion.

Suddenly, Anton brazenly spread the halves of my butt and promptly slammed the vagina with the sexual organ. And already followed by a sharp push penetrated inward by about a third, then stopped.

“Neet ...” I squeezed out, and then, freeing myself from the interfering member in my mouth, slowly added: “I'm still a girl, guys. Please do not".

But a classmate did not listen to my pleas and ruthlessly pressed harder. Fortunately, I was wet and kept from crying, but I really wanted to. The pain pierced the lower abdomen. The member completely plunged into pussy, making me swing my head up, open my mouth, and, on the contrary, close my eyes.

- Po-zh-lui-sta - in syllables I babbled to the beat on the exhale, when Anton pushed the pelvis faster. - It hurts ... no ... hush ... not so fast - some incoherent words continued to burst out. I let one hand down on the machine to Anton’s leg, trying to restrain his ardor, as if slightly pushing away, while the other one helped me not to fall to the floor.

- Dim, take it with something - Anton leaned forward with his body, clutching at my chin, and began to impudently expand my fingers to my mouth for the utmost amplitude. - Come on.

Dima immediately picked up the idea of ​​a friend. Standing up and finding himself at the same level with his mouth wide apart, he immediately inserted a member there. Under the influence of sudden movements, I swayed impulsively, setting my chest in motion. Anton, being busy, first asked Andrei to take some pictures from his phone, and then Dima to make a first-person video. The pain in the pussy subsided, but the muscles of the mouth are tired to impossibility - about half a hour has passed since the boys arrived. Swallowing accumulated drool became more difficult. About ten minutes we were experiencing a new way of penetration, when Dima pulled his head closer with a final jerk so that I had to run his penis down my throat, preventing pain. Before ejaculation, I tried to hold my breath. Most of the sperm was swallowed by me involuntarily, bypassing the oral cavity. Taking a little breath, I choked and coughed. Then the guys allowed a break: Dima took out his penis, moving to the side; Anton, in turn, stopped stretching his mouth and put his hands on my hips, also slowing down the dirty pace.

Freedom did not last long. Deciding that I caught my breath, the guys offered to change position and put me on my back. Anton threw my legs on his shoulders, and tired of waiting for the queue Andrew, deftly threw one leg over me, dropping himself on his chest, and a member attached to my mouth, ready to get inside - the next preparations were completed. The room got hot, but was saved by air conditioning. I sighed hopelessly.

- Give something soft under your head. I'm so uncomfortable - I insisted. Dima planted a pillow from the sofa, thereby Andrew’s member located literally a few centimeters from my lips. In the next second, everyone froze.

- Sonia, are you there soon? - suddenly came from the door mom's voice. - Dad returned from work, and together we are going to go to Aunt Ole. I wanted to take you with me. You'll go?

- No, Mamul. We haven’t finished yet ... - I looked around the children in a frightened way and immediately added: "We need thirty minutes ...".

- Well, we will wait - she replied.

“Let's go faster,” I whispered to the boys when Mom left. Anton and Andrey do not need to ask twice. One already drove the penis between the legs, clutching the ass with both hands, and the second, holding the penis, slid his lips a little and began to peck in his mouth. I succumbed to meet, bringing the offensive end. After five minutes, Andrew almost sat on me, stretching his legs at a distance, as if wrung out. He asked my hands to hold onto Dima, wrapping them around his head. I again felt the inconvenience in what was happening and, relaxing, naturally gave myself to the power of the guys. Anton accelerated the rhythm and excitement washed over me in a new way. Reflexively, I resumed groans.

- Look, she likes the campaign - Anton noticed, reaching for the phone. - Dim, now do you a couple of pictures.

Apparently, posing for the camera, Anton spread my legs wider and leaned over my body so that my butt lifted up and no longer touched the carpet.

- Dim, here take off - he called a friend.

I have already stopped paying attention to camera flashes, because I knew that it would not bring the desired result. Something needed to be corrected before. It is late now.

In the meantime, Andrew sat on my chest, which made it very hard, pulled my head up so that it was under the spray, and for the second time today I poured my face. As at that moment, I managed to close my eyes from getting hit in time. Much of the fluid, much to the disappointment, hit the hair. Andrei, full of satisfaction with tears, put on his shorts and pants, taking a place in the middle row on the couch. Dima finally freed my hands and followed suit. I felt that the end of today's “party” was near, the final stretch remained. Anton turned out to be very resistant to the tense atmosphere reigning in the room for two hours. Each of the friends has finished twice, but he has never yet. A classmate is allowed in a circle, so to speak, and Anton diligently tolerates and continues to increase speed. You can just envy such an extract. Piling up now with his whole body - Andrew has ceased to be a hindrance - he pulled my legs up to the stop, and lowered his palms on my chest, pressing them closer to each other and, clinging to his mouth for nipples, left shallow aspirations. Turning my head to the side, I managed to see how the guys were closely watching what was happening on the carpet. I just thought about how it might look like from the side, and Anton, firmly squeezing my chest, plunged the dick into the pussy to the ground. Immediately I felt his wild heartbeat and light shudders of the body, transmitted through the skin. It is not hard to guess - he finished.

- Oh, how cool! - Anton breathed out, and then brought the member to his mouth and asked to lick it. The mixed smell of excretions and sperm was present in him, but I obeyed, slowly moving my lips to the trunk and back, as if showing that I was cleaning him of the substance in which he found himself.

Anton got dressed and lounged on the couch next to his classmates.

- Well, when is the next time we are preparing for chemistry? He asked with a grin, looking around.

- I will definitely not be going to get more together - I interrupted their plans. I pulled the robe and went to the mirror to comb hair stuck together from sperm. Looking around the floor of the room, I did not find the panties.

“Isn't that what you're looking for, Sonya?” - Anton spit on their finger, using it as a fan and with a laugh exchanged glances with friends.

- Give it back! - I snatched the subject of underwear. Whistling, the guys watched as I pull on the ass panties.

“Okay, go, I have to go.” Parents are waiting.

The boys defiantly opened the door, and together we headed for the exit. Already at the door, mom asked us:

- How did you guys do it?

- Could not be better, Aunt Light! - with pride answered Anton for all, laughing.

Having guided the guys, I looked into the bathroom to check for blood in the pussy. She, fortunately, was not there. Fingering the events of the incident, I realized that I needed to urgently visit the pharmacy.

When I returned to the room, I was struck by the red speck drying on the carpet.

  • July 26, 2016 10:06

    A common mistake these days:

    "Returning to the room, I went back in sight dying on a red spot."

    GIRL is returned, not a speck.
    It means - “When she returned to the room, the girl saw a red spot”, or - “When she returned to the room, a red spot drying on the carpet caught her eye”.

    A plus! They spoke there in a voice, for sure they laughed ... They moaned - then anyone would understand. It is unrealistic for them not to be burned during all this. Relatives are not quite earless ...


    • Rating: 0
  • July 26, 2016 10:21

    The story is written in the first person, and you issued amendments from the third. And about the relatives here, the situation is simply not thought out. Firstly, it’s really difficult to restrain yourself during sex, although it is difficult;) and secondly, everything could be solved by expanding the environment by including music or video on your computer and as a result of a door with good sound insulation, all the same, a young girl is an exacting in terms of life. Another question is that such details overload the story, and this in this genre is fraught with a slide into nudyatinu.


    • Rating: 1
  • July 26, 2016 10:27

    You are welcome! Here from the first person:
    "When I returned to the room, I was struck by ..."
    "Returning to the room, I saw ...".

    As for restraint: hand on heart: do you yourself believe that three students, depriving a classmate of virginity, can not make a sound?

    Yes, one more remark on the plot ... Putting a member in the mouth of an unverified girl is a real extreme. All react in their own way - and you can simply lose a member.


    • Rating: 0
  • July 26, 2016 10:34

    I believe. They are on foreign territory, and they know that if everything is revealed to them a pitch-hardened zvizdets, it is very well motivated to behave quietly.
    Putting an untested girl in her mouth is dangerous. This is a common stereotype. In the previous parts, the atmosphere of the fracture of the psyche is very well conveyed, so yes, I think that this is quite real. And yes, your version is really better now.


    • Rating: 0
  • July 26, 2016 11:25

    One and a half hours of foursome sex (which I don’t really believe in myself), the girl was moaning, the guys were talking, they were answering questions ... And all this time no one suspected anything at all?

    All this is strange.


    • Rating: 0
  • July 26, 2016 11:30

    so they are just some kind of "sex giants." The normal duration of coitus is 3, 5 min.


    • Rating: 0
  • July 26, 2016 11:32

    So yeah ...
    In general, 1, 5 hours is real ... But - for an experienced partner.
    In the same ... I do not think that the experience is particularly large.


    • Rating: 0
  • July 26, 2016 11:35

    It may indicate the total time spent in the room.


    • Rating: 0
  • July 26, 2016 11:41

    Drin, exactly. General


    • Rating: 0
  • July 26, 2016 11:36

    I do not want to offend anyone, but you are projecting it all on yourself ?! All people are different. And my mother stood up straight and listened to who was there fucking my daughter.: DD what kind of strange stereotypes? God, if you are already adults, but you live with your parents and sex life, then surely you had situations when they were behind the wall, and you did it on the sly in the room. In my opinion this no one should be surprised.


    • Rating: 0
  • July 26, 2016 11:40

    That is, judging by your logic, you want to say your mother’s mom is still one of her daughter’s boyfriend or three at once. You do not find it strange to say the least.


    • Rating: 0
  • July 26, 2016 12:09

    Yes, these are friends from school with whom I have studied all my life. She knows that the class is mostly boys. And why she is not standing outside the door, I probably should have clarified with her after.


    • Rating: 0
  • a guest (a guest)
    July 27, 2016 9:01

    Returns ALREADY NOT A GIRL. Too frequent error

    Fucked - became a woman.


    • Rating: 0
  • July 26, 2016 10:22

    But really, if Sonya's mom was in the next room, she would definitely have heard the groans. In modern apartments, the walls are thin.


    • Rating: 0
  • July 26, 2016 10:36

    Guys, agree with the kind. Details are needed, without them the story loses a moment of presence, interest in what happens next. But in not so much.
    This is my first such story, so please do not judge strictly. I'm sure, besides the error in the text, I have others, if it is good to look. I hope in the future they will become less and less.

    In fact, the moans were muffled, and not to voice. Where was the room of the parents, I did not describe in the story. And, probably, it was worth it. Immediately upon leaving the room you can get into the corridor, on the left were the bathroom and toilet. So, in order to get into the parents' room, you need to turn right and walk along the long corridor (meter 4) leading to the exit from the apartment. And on the left hand and will be the parent room. That is, it is not far from the exit door. The distance is decent.


    • Rating: 0
  • July 26, 2016 11:30

    Kenny, about the mistakes - do not worry. Just when you write the text - try not to lay it out right away, but let it rest for a couple of hours. Then - re-read again. If something will scratch you - redo it, even if it is just uncertainty.


    • Rating: 2
  • July 26, 2016 11:37

    Thanks for the advice, StarFennek, be sure to consider.


    • Rating: 0
  • DISPLAYER (a guest)
    July 26, 2016 16:47

    Fuckers again fell for another invention)))))))
    Blyayayayaya, what all the stupid))) here the whole story is bursting at the seams and not glued with concrete, I'm not talking about any more or less subtle lies.
    Just put a bucket of shit on everyone to eat, and they otbashut spoons, and then one asks the other:
    - Hear? Cho that smacks of shit ...
    And the other says:
    - Eat, come on! This is not ours, this is in a neighboring yard ...

    Ahahahahaha, fools - this is a joke about you. They are surprised at everything and ask again from each other. And in fact, the answer is simple:

    Damn where the world is heading ... So many fuckin around ...


    • Rating: -4
  • DISPLAYER (a guest)
    July 26, 2016 16:51

    “Could Mom hear outside the door?”
    - Oh, fuck, the door was closed.
    - And if they moaned?
    - I do not know. Maybe they were moaning in a whisper.

    Find out everything.
    Yes, there was simply no one there, because the whole story was invented.
    Epta, shizy what ... Aaaaaa


    • Rating: -6
  • July 26, 2016 16:52

    dibilov through E is written. Schoolboy: DD
    You have exposed the entire system, the exposer (((Please remove offensive comments by the moderator.


    • Rating: 1
  • DISPLAYER (a guest)
    July 26, 2016 16:58

    Request moderators to remove such nonsense from the air!
    A girl with such a fucking name: "KennyMcormikMatherFuckerguyhgjghhgjhfhfhghvhgvh" on the entire line, the direct road to the nuthouse.



    • Rating: -6
  • July 26, 2016 17:08

    Dear girl, do not listen to anyone write part 4.


    • Rating: 1
  • DISPLAYER (a guest)
    July 26, 2016 17:12

    The girl has a second nickname to write “convincing” komenty to each other.
    And suckers it's all hawking !!
    Ahhh, fucking cool
    It is so obvious !!!
    And then everyone gets offended when they make money on such fools, and they all suck a Negro ...


    • Rating: -5
  • DISPLAYER (a guest)
    July 26, 2016 17:15

    How good that you exist.
    I have a stall, I sell clothes there and tell everyone that I have the best brands from Louis Vuitton, etc.
    Fuck, everyone buys and wonders why a bag costs not $ 1,500, but 1000в.
    And I say to them that Louis Vuitton seizes the market in Russia with a discount)))))))))))))))))
    I already bought a wheelbarrow, ahahahahahahahahaha
    Thank you - so stupid.


    • Rating: -5
  • boar (a guest)
    July 26, 2016 18:53

    to be continued?


    • Rating: 1
  • July 26, 2016 19:05

    Yes, during the week.


    • Rating: 1
  • Raeth (a guest)
    July 27, 2016 1:44

    Do not worry, not adequate always enough. Write further. All you get.


    • Rating: 1
  • July 26, 2016 10:22 PM

    And how can I throw a report on inadequate?


    • Rating: 1
  • Sergei (a guest)
    July 26, 2016 10:59 PM

    A man shouting "Where is he?" Rushes to the closet, opens ... and there Misha Tyson
    Wife - “Well, what did you find?”
    I think in general, adults imagined what was going on behind a closed door. But what are the possible actions?
    Suppose mom broke into a room where her daughter moaned on two cocks. What's next?
    Zayava the police? Almost 100 percent of the guys go to places not so distant with a wonderful article and perspectives. Not help a photo where the heroine happily and voluntarily swallows, nor babbling kids saying "she herself wanted." But my daughter will have to start life anew, most likely in another city. What no ice.
    Maybe go in, apologize for interrupting, it's even more wonderful. Or advise protect yourself?
    The most reasonable thing that has been done is to ask questions periodically through a closed door, to make sure that the daughter is alive and can ask for help, if that.
    After all, I think, a conversation will take place and a course of behavior will be worked out, at best. Well, mom can pretend that nothing happened, is also an option.
    And to hide the traces, so that my mother did not notice, this is definitely not possible.


    • Rating: 4
  • Sergei (a guest)
    July 26, 2016 23:21

    Speaking of "truth" in a work of art. In “Eugene Onegin” in the first chapter, which our whistleblower probably read, the title character walks along the boulevard in summer clothes before dinner, and after dinner his beaver collar silvers his frost.
    Probably also fuckers, who reads this? A story is not a scientific inquiry or a police report. The artistic truth has a certain difference from the truth of life, for example


    • Rating: 3
  • July 27, 2016 13:53

    Well done. You're good at writing. Keep going I look forward to the continuation. And the comments and errors, do not pay attention. Toad strangles them here and write. Let them look at themselves before others make comments.


    • Rating: 1
  • July 27, 2016 14:18

    What this story reminds me of is the story - “At School” by the author - Alena Melnikova.


    • Rating: 0
  • Harry Potter (a guest)
    July 29, 2016 11:52

    So EPT, from there and with * published!)))))))))))
    And they re-read the same thing and think “where would I have seen it? @ "))))))))))))))))))))))))


    • Rating: 0
  • July 29, 2016 13:54

    I read the story of Alena. Mm ... there is a presentation, of course, "ingenious." The story is similar, but, as the speaker wrote a little lower, you never know, these stories happen. Books and films with a similar plot - a dime a dozen.


    • Rating: 0
  • July 29, 2016 14:35

    The author, to be honest, judging by the description in the last part, the heroine is not particularly strained by the situation. This can be understood both by the way she approaches the member herself and starts doing blowjob, and by asking for a pillow for convenience in order to fully enjoy the process. The same moment when she closed the door, because if Sonya's mom entered the room, then the blackmail would end. Agree that coercion as such is not traceable here. Well, blackmail for Sonya is like an element of the sexual game, which turns it on and makes you dream about upcoming intimate relationships.


    • Rating: 1
  • July 29, 2016 14:38

    Blackmail is traceable. But the story is not based entirely on it. Too much you are trying to unearth unnecessary. To interpret the story in different ways, in my opinion. Depends on fantasy. And read, do not read the case of each. Someone like it, some do not.


    • Rating: 1
  • July 29, 2016 14:47

    Perhaps in the next part, something will become clear, but at this stage it does not look like coercion, no offense :)


    • Rating: 0
  • Veld (a guest)
    July 29, 2016 1:59

    N-yes ... It was what the author describes, in real life, or it wasn’t — it doesn't matter. Outlined well. Vital.Not enough, perhaps, similar stories happened and are happening in reality? ... Personally, I would have shot these Anton and Yegor. Unwavering hand. With a repeat, control in the head, so that the guarantee of death was absolute ... And he spat on the corpses. And only then I would dig somewhere. Because it can not be so. You can't ...


    • Rating: 1
  • Harry Potter (a guest)
    July 29, 2016 11:48

    Such nonsense ...
    Piled on like a g * a cow - in a bunch ...


    • Rating: -2
  • GanjaSensey (a guest)
    July 30, 2016 11:00

    Well, they lit a bazaar station here, clever))
    I liked it here. Many thanks to the author!


    • Rating: 1
  • boar (a guest)
    July 31, 2016 7:34

    waiting for the continuation)


    • Rating: 1
  • July 31, 2016 20:16

    Many thanks to the author! I liked your style, looking forward to it)
    If it does not complicate, then I will allow myself a little impudent request - throw off part of the soap on the trail if possible. And then moders can not publish the day, as they lay out)


    • Rating: 1
  • Griha (a guest)
    August 3, 2016 8:11

    Author, and where is the promised continuation ?: with


    • Rating: 0
  • August 4, 2016 10:33 PM

    Guys, the continuation is delayed. Too much work, no time yet to write. But, here, I hope it will turn out soon. I'm sorry.


    • Rating: 1
  • August 10, 2016 15:50

    Are looking forward to


    • Rating: 0

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