1. School flour. Part 1
  2. School flour. Part 2
  3. School flour. Part 3
  4. School flour. Part 4
  5. School flour. Part 5
  6. School flour. Part 6
  7. School flour. Part 7

Page: 1 of 2

8 September.

Yesterday I could not really fall asleep. What could I think of to finally get rid of them? Why can't I just scream in such situations? After all, perhaps someone will hear me and come to the rescue. Or will not come? In any case, the boys can easily scare them. Or maybe angry? I realized that now reporting to parents is tantamount to suicide. At least, I had to tell for the first time about what happened in the school toilet. I would be understood and protected. But now ... after several people managed to use my body in different poses and places, I didn’t want to share with anyone. In addition, the guys have gathered a lot of photos - and video materials, which at any time will become the property of all Internet zadrotov. While I sit tightly on the hook. The only sensible idea is to try to find out where they store the accumulated, and erase everything. But how to do it, I had no idea.

I wanted to go to school imperceptibly, so I chose a different path from the main stream of schoolchildren — across the bridge in an arc. Thus, the chances of encountering any of the guys were reduced to a minimum. I entered the class with a bell and found that Kolya Vinokurov, my neighbor on the desk, is not here today, and instead of him, sitting imposingly on a chair, Anton is sitting.

- Sonya, hello. It seems we are sitting together today. Fall down.

- What do you want? No need to sit down with me - I said, and without waiting for an answer, I sat down beside me. Sitting at the last desk alone, like a recluse, I was not eager.

Irina Vladimirovna, our history teacher, entered the class.

- Class, today you will have a written assignment. It is necessary to outline the following topic. We open page 56. Title: "The primitive world and the birth of civilizations." Also prepare questions on this topic — based on these notes, get ready to answer the blackboard in the next lesson. When we have an occupation there ... Sonya? ... Sofia, are you with us ?!

“Hmm ... On Friday, Irina Vladimirovna,” I replied, hesitating. My mind was again clogged with different thoughts, far from the learning process.

- In general, I left. Back to the end of the lesson. Please keep quiet. If someone complains about you, the excursion to the local history museum next week is canceled. I warned you! - finished Irina Vladimirovna and left the office.

Surprisingly, the guys around took hold of pens and textbooks. I followed their example by opening the desired page. There was silence in the classroom.

- Sonya, I forgot the textbook, let's work one by one - Anton asked.

- Well, just do not distract me! - I replied and moved the textbook in the middle of the table, noticing that the boy moved close to me.

After a couple of minutes, it seemed to me that someone's hand dropped on his knee. It did not seem. Anton's palm gently stroked her knee and began to slowly rise up, lifting up a white sundress. I shuddered and, quitting writing, grabbed Anton by the hand, trying to throw her off her leg.

“What are you doing ... Anton, take your hand away,” I whispered. - Here is the whole class around, damn you.

- Yes, there is nothing to be seen, calm down. Relax and keep making notes. You don't want everyone to know about your abilities, do you?

I looked at him evilly, trying to squeeze something out of myself, but I succumbed to his command and put my hands on the table, after having moved my chair as close as possible to the desk, so that its side part separated me from unnecessary curious looks from the second and third rows. Meanwhile, Anton’s left hand more and more exposed my knee. Stroking movements alternated pinching.The fingers reached to the thigh and lingered there for some time, leaving behind a strange sensation. Anton did not stop. I felt his hand groping for panties and trying to bend them to the side, freeing the passage in the pussy.

- You have it so smooth. You are great that you shave her - Anton quietly remarked. “Yes, it’s also wet,” he added, plunging his middle finger into me, as I understood. The boy did not stand on ceremony long, but simply accelerated the pace, replacing one finger with two. It became impossible to write, I tried hard to focus on the abstract, but it did not work. I put the pen aside and put the history textbook on the desk, grasping it with both hands. It was hard to portray a thoughtful note-taking look. It seemed that the sounds squelching under the desk were spread throughout the whole office. Turning my head to the right, I ran around the class with a look at the subject of interesting eyes, watching what was happening. Most of the guys went about their business: someone spoke on the phone, someone watched the video on the tablets, and the rest did the outline, staring at textbooks. Only Andrei and Yegor, sitting at the same desk in the next row, mysteriously looked in our direction.

- I guessed by anyone - I thought at that moment.

Anton finally took his fingers out of the vagina, and it seemed to me that that was all. But it was not there. He felt a clitoris, and his fingers rotated rotationally, exposing my body to pleasant feelings.

- Anton, that's enough. Everyone will hear ...

Realizing that it is now meaningless to prevent him, I closed my eyes and lowered the book on the table, trying to cling to it as much as possible. Various thoughts spun in my head. The main thing is not to make sudden sudden movements and everything should be fine. No one will understand what is happening. Very lucky that there are no classmates on the back of the last two desks today. Fear mingled with excitement and seemed to absorb it. When Anton increased the frequency, I touched his wrist and asked him to make it quieter. He hardly listened to my words, but set himself to bring me to orgasm. I felt how I flowed and unknowingly spread my legs wider, bringing the end closer. Opening his eyes, she saw Anton writing something in a notebook and, smiling, pushes it towards me. “Stop it, whore!” - I barely distinguished the inscription on the fields, as a warm wave covered the whole body, my eyes rolled back and my muscles began to contract. Getting rid of convulsions, I had to bring my legs together, while Anton did not allow me to accomplish this, while continuing to jerk my clit. I covered my mouth with one hand, so as not to accidentally scream, the other grabbed Anton's forearm. Everything lasted about fifteen seconds, but it seemed like an eternity. When the boy removed his hand, finally stroking my knees, I quickly glanced around the class again and exhaled, not watching my classmates looking at us.

- Your pussy smells divine - said Anton, putting his fingers to his nose. Andrei and Dima saw the gesture of a friend and laughed, raising their thumb up.

Ten minutes later the teacher returned, and the bell for a break rang. I went down to the notorious toilet to undermine my pussy and rub my panties soaked in my own juice.

The following four lessons flew once or twice. There was not enough time to even think about the first lesson of history - two independent and practical work forced to show deep concentration.

At the end of the last lesson, I waited until everyone went out, quietly went down to the locker room, picked up a light denim jacket, which I had to throw in the morning, as it was very cool, and went outside. The weather was wonderful - not a cloud in the sky. A light breeze pleasantly touched the skin with his breath. I loosened my hair and it began to flutter at the moment when I began to move. Going behind the school to go to the alley leading directly to my house, I saw a few guys, including from the class. Apparently, the boys were discussing something vigorously and in order not to interfere, I quickly moved from sin to the other side.

- Sonya, well, where are you going? Wait a minute. We have big plans for you today - I heard the familiar catch-up voice of Anton.

- Yes, you already leave me alone or ...

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