1. School flour. Part 1
  2. School flour. Part 2
  3. School flour. Part 3
  4. School flour. Part 4
  5. School flour. Part 5
  6. School flour. Part 6
  7. School flour. Part 7

Page: 1 of 2

The place where we came, I roughly imagined. The plantation behind the Moscow Ring Road was just half an hour from the school. From there, there was a great view of the lake.

I noticed how the guys were already doing their own things: the brothers unloaded bags of food from the trunk and began to spread two large covers on the lawn next to the tree, Sasha went to look for firewood, and Yegor came up to me, still in the back open door. I lowered my legs to the ground for a better view of what was happening around me, and for a cover I looked into the phone, as if I was busy with something.

- Sonya, that's enough. Remove the phone. We have a lot to do today.

- Let's not now, Egor! Mom writes again - I tried to wriggle out while I waved the hands of the boy, who were so eagerly reaching for prey.

- I even like it. Your disobedience excites even more.

Straps sundress flew off his shoulders for the second time today and, apparently, the last. I didn’t wear a bra because I didn’t see much sense in it, he was left lying on the shelf of the rear window. Yegor squatted down beside him and spread his legs apart with a single forceful movement of his hand. The hand went up to the knee, raising the sundress. The boy himself moved close and grabbed his nipple with his lips. I stiffened when his fingers turned down the delicate fabric of the panties and touched the clitoris.

- Yegorych, stop there to excite her, but now it will flow ahead of time. Who needs it? - I heard the rough voice of the leader, carrying an armful of firewood in his bosom. The boy pulled away from his chest and pulled his hand out from under the sundress, then he got up, lowered his jeans to his knees, took hold of my head with one hand, and the second began to send a member towards me. Realizing that they want from me, I opened my mouth.

- Lick your head first - asked Egor and pulled the skin on the penis. - Well, stick out your tongue.

I made circular movements on the head, sometimes immersing it in my mouth, and a minute later the first drop of sperm appeared, immediately picked up by the tip of my tongue. Egor pulled his dick up and put a little pressure on the back of his head, giving him all the looks he needed.

- Lick them, and hands come here.

When I moved to the very edge of the seat, both hands, at the request of the boy, fell on his butt. Now, with my head turned to the side, I buried my hair on the scrotum. I did not feel a sharp, unpleasant smell - it smelled even better than the member itself. Since this was my first such experience in fact, I did not know what to do and just drove my tongue from the bottom up, reaching the base of the trunk of the sexual organ and back.

- Take inside - Yegor squeezed out. I was, was going to take up the old and stretched in the direction of the member, then he stopped me and added: "Yes, not his - eggs." The boy again sent me under the penis and, continuing to hold my hair, leaned my mouth in the right place. I took a breath and plunged into one of his eggs. Nose treacherously rested against the hair, causing a tickling of the sucking movements I perform. It seems that Egor was in the seventh heaven with happiness. At least, his head thrown about it testified. Taking the egg out of my mouth, I did the same with the second one. It turned out that doing this procedure is much easier than to feel how you want to drill a hole, pushing the penis to the ground. The only drawback was that the hairs partially remain in the mouth and, unfortunately, are difficult to pull out. But fortune smiled not for long. When Yegor was tired of monotonous movements, he asked to open his mouth and stick out his tongue. It is not difficult to guess what he needed.

- Egor, just please. When I slap your leg, stop.

- Do not worry, Sonya, everything will be as it should.Look at me the main thing - the boy was reassuring.

I complied with the necessary instructions, and the member slowly dropped to the tongue. Egor tentatively spread my legs, put my hair behind my ears and carefully removed my bangs, exposing my forehead. The last action he performed so gently that it was even nice. But I understood that there was no question of any concern - the boy was pursuing his goals. And literally in a couple of seconds, Egor put in a member and, it seems, to the end. I could not say for sure, because I closed my eyes at that moment, and when I opened it, I felt tears reflecting on them reflexively. Then he took out a member and waited for me to do the same. We repeated the action a few more times before Yegor began the so-called “swotting”.

It was possible to swallow drool only in short intervals, which were not enough to moisten the throat enough. When I realized that he had no plans to slow down, I lightly patted him on the thigh. Nothing has happened. Moreover, he grabbed my throat with one hand, while the other continued to hold my head. Sperm interspersed with drool from my mouth fell to the ground, touching the edge of Egor's shirt. This could not continue. I began to break out, leaning my body back into the car and helping to push myself away, but at the same moment when I looked up, meaning “break”, the boy hissed: “Shhhhh ...” and the familiar viscous fluid began filling the cavity of my mouth. In convulsions, his body almost fell on me so that I brushed my pubic hair with my nose. Egor was in no hurry to pull out a member. He slightly cracked his cheek and lifted my chin, he certainly enjoyed a pretty face, full of his sperm, which, after long-awaited sips, disappeared far inside.

- Yegor, well, are you soon there? - asked one of the guys.

- Sonya is good! I designed her mouth, so go for it! - answered Yegor approvingly, buttoning his jeans.

- I asked to stop, Yegor, why did you continue? I barely heard.

- Yes, still good, hare. Nothing bad happened, right? Come on, better wipe off and go to feast. There, boys, what a glade covered!

I pulled the mirror out of the cosmetic bag and cleaned myself up a bit. Still, the girl always remains a girl, no matter how difficult the situation is. Meanwhile, Vadim turned on the radio, opened the doors of the car for better hearing and sat down next to the guys who had already poured the moonshine into the glasses, and the juice in the glasses. On the improvised table now were pickled cucumbers, sliced ​​tomatoes, greens and a deep plate in the center, ready to receive kebabs. Loud cheers guys rushed at me:

- Sonya, come to us! We are all set!

Under their gaze, I had to break down and head for them under the tree. When I lowered my closed knees to the corner of the blanket between the brothers, they poured me a martini into a disposable plastic cup.

- No, thank you, I do not want. Mom smells - I said.

- Sonya, well, do not hurt us. We don’t often gather in the end, - Anton objected and brought the glass to my hand - hold it.

I had nothing to do. Everyone knows, according to the current laws of the street, if you do not drink in a “good” company, you become an outcast.

- Come on, for a cool evening!

Everyone, parallel to the ground, held out his hand to the center. With my plastic cup, I could not get into the sound of tinkling glass, but each of the guys seemed to consider it an honor to clink glasses with him separately. The guys waited just a couple of minutes, as the leader asked to pour on the second.

- As they say, between the first and the second - the gap is small - then Sasha declared, slamming on the shoulders of his friends sitting next to him.

I tried to eat as much as possible, because I knew that alcohol would destroy my fifty-three kilograms very quickly. In addition, Anton did not allow my glass to become empty, constantly pouring. While Yegor and the leader went to watch the first batch of kebabs, Anton and Vadim, having previously looked at each other, put their palms on my lap, lifting up a sarafan.

- Sonya, maybe you can take it off ...he obviously bothers you - with a smile, Anton looked at me and the right shoulder strap slipped again ...

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