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and I had a hard time lately. I suspect that so they let off steam.
- Yes. They let out a lot of me, - I joked.
Then we both heard the twins who were neighing behind the closed door.
- Well, go to bed, boys! Shouts Edward, opening the door.
- Yes. Quickly march through the beds, I scream.
I hear them running away. I imagine how they were afraid of our conversation and how it became easier for them that we do not quarrel with Edward. He smiled.
“Please don't go to the police.” I don't know what to do if I lose my boys.
I was not going to go to the police, but I didn’t say that.
- What will you tell your boyfriend?
- I don't have a boyfriend now. And I'm not on pills.
- Oh ... And what period? He asked worriedly.
- I'm afraid that dangerous. I'm not quite sure.
“Oh ... Look, can we somehow make up for our guilt?”
- Well, you owe me for the nanny service. What do you mean?
It's amazing that during this conversation, I'm still attached.

- Edward? Why don't you untie me and we will continue this conversation.
- Let me think ... - he says. “I have some money in the safe ... I have to count them.”
He seems to be talking to himself. The man came out and returned five minutes later with a wad of money in his hands.
- I can give you four thousand dollars so that you forget about everything ..
“But I don't need so much money.” I survived a lot, but if you want to know the truth, I even liked it.
- Thank you for your frankness. But please, take the money anyway. It makes me feel less guilty.
- Guilty? But you could not know that this would happen?
“I don't ... I will feel guilty for a completely different reason.”
- What do you mean? Why ... - I saw that he started to undress.
- I feel so bad without my wife. I need to relax.
- How can you? - I scolded him.
- What do you mean? Did not we agree? He grinned.
“Old libertine,” I tease him.
- I always liked you. It's like a dream come true, he admits.
“Did you know I was in love with you at school?”
- It was visible. I always liked your appearance and your character, but you are too young for me. And I really loved my wife.

By saying this, he completely undressed. I look down and see an erect penis, much more than those that filled me before. My pussy has already opened. It slides slowly and easily, although so thick.
“I want to hug you and hug you,” I ask, while squeezing him with my muscles. He groans with and responds with jolts that bring me great pleasure. I answer.
We love each other, kiss and fuck up a sweat. This is so cool and I really want to hug him. A few minutes later we got a magic orgasm. We kiss again.
“Thank you Debbie.” Thank.
- Do I have a choice?
He pulls up the blanket and climbs into bed at my side. He caresses my chest, kisses my cheeks and lips again.
- Please set me free. My hands are stiff.
“So that's why the boys gave me scissors.”
He puts the scissors to cut the knots, but I stop him.
- Please cut the rope above the knots.
- Why? Do you want to save them?
- Now yes. Tomorrow I decide.

He quickly cuts off four ropes that tied me to the bed all day. Instead of leaving, I lifted the blanket and lay down beside me. We kiss and chat for half an hour. Kissing again. And then I sit on top of him, enter into a member of myself and fly to heaven. Despite the fact that I fucked all day, I rode on it and we both finished again together. Second time. And later, the third and fourth time. The sons went to the father.
When morning comes, I'm very hungry. I didn't eat dinner last night, although the boys gave me liquid food ... I get dressed and make breakfast. Edward joins me, and seems really glad that I stayed overnight.We had breakfast together, but I tried to leave before the twins wake up. After breakfast he gives me a bag.
- I really hope to see you again. Remember us.
I laugh, hug him and kiss you. Later I found it $ 4,000 in a bag. Despite the need for money, I really did not want him to put it. I don't want to feel like a dear prostitute. But I overcame this feeling and pretty quickly. I am also afraid that I may need money for an abortion. I am not ready to be a single mother.
On Monday-Tuesday, I slept, on Wednesday I feel fine. Yeah, an unforgettable weekend! And on Thursday, Edward called me.
- Hello. Debbie.
- Hello.
- Are you okay?
- Yes. Thank. I came to my senses.
- Good.
Short pause.

“I need to leave tomorrow night, and I'm wondering if you could sit with my boys again.” I do not fully trust them.
I smiled knowingly, but did not say a word. This is not what I expected. I thought about my life and my life plans. And she almost refused when she felt the familiar tingling between her legs.
Wry smile, I quietly said "good."
“Fine, see you tomorrow at 7 o'clock in the evening.”

Epilogue 1.
Debbie arrived, as promised, on Friday. The guys were delighted and very excited to see all four Turkish knots in their arms and legs. This weekend was also very memorable. Debbie fought the boys again and they found new ways to beat her. Everytime. And the expression "put on the shoulder blades" began to play with new colors. All of its holes dozens of times were filled with both boys and their father. The boys had fun with her during the day, and at night she slept with their father. She got used to it. In fact, she fell in love.

Epilogue 2.
The following weekend, everything happened again. On Sunday morning, when she was strung on his fat cock, Edward suggested Debbie to marry him. She agreed. At breakfast, Edward told his boys:
“Would you like Debbie to be your new mom?”
- For real? Yes! - screamed Billy.
“Can we still fuck her?” Asked Bobby.
- Shut up! - answered all.

Epilogue 3.
Two weeks later, Debbie was delayed. The test turned out to be positive and she was glad that the marriage would be for love, not for aerial. Both the guys and the father really wanted her to leave the child. Will a girl be a sister, daughter or niece? Daughter or granddaughter?
Does it matter?

Epilogue 4.
The girl grew up and became ... but that's another story.

The end of the first part.

1 comment
  • August 5, 2016 15:23

    Great story, waiting for the continuation !!!


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