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Draw cards with the right colors. Looks like they are cheating!
“Hey you, you have to play fair!”
- Yes, yes, we will no longer.
But it's too late, they went around me. I pulled ahead again, but then got stuck in a “swamp”. At the very end, to win, I need a yellow or orange card, but I’m not so lucky. I pull the red. Bobby walks around me and wins, smiling from ear to ear. Damn ... And Billy smiles, although he also lost.
“Okay, Bobby, choose.”

“I would like to see her breasts again,” says Billy.
I'm starting to unbutton my blouse, but Bobby stops me.
“Actually, I want you to take off your jeans,” says Bobby.
Billy begins to protest, but he quickly stops and they both look at me smiling.
I slowly get up, unbutton and take off my jeans.
The boys keep their eyes on me.
“Turn around,” either asks or asks for Billy.
I reluctantly obey.
“Bend down,” Bobby is definitely commanding now.
In a minute I straighten up and turn to the twins. We look at each other for a long time, no one says a word. Finally I say:
- How about Billy? He also lost. What should he take off?
Again a long pause. Bobby seems to be thinking, and Billy just stares at my feet.
“Billy, I want you to take off those stylish panties,” says Bobby, pointing at me.
- Hey, what are you ... Wait ... No. Not. It must be one of his things ...
- We decided that the winner indicates which item of clothing is being removed by each of the losers. Nowhere was it said that an object could only be removed from itself.
- It's not fair! Then I just refuse and you can not do anything about it.
“Young maiden, I have the honor to take your beautiful panties off,” Billy says in a knightly style. If you refuse, I will have to take them off by force.
- And I, as the queen-maiden of the kingdom of dreams, will keep my chastity and modesty.
“Sorry, Your Majesty, but your chastity is ... doubtful.” Constable, help me take her panties off.
“As you wish,” answered Bobby, and both moved in my direction.

- Ha! Last night, you didn’t stand against me on the wrestling mat. Think you can handle me now?
- You are mistaken, Queen. The situations are very different. Now you can't win, ”Bobby insists.
- You're bluffing. You are bluffing. What's the difference?
- Show her? - Says Bobby Billy, grinning.
They both know something. What am I missing? I'm starting to worry. The guys run out of the room. What the heck?
Fifteen seconds later, the ropes tied to my wrists suddenly pulled me to the open door. I suddenly understand what has changed. These Turkish knots! They do not overtighten my wrists, and do not rub the skin, but no matter how I try, I cannot take them off. Pancake! That's why they asked to help me with these nodes. They deceived me, and then they distracted me. I stumble a couple of times in the corridor, and then finally understand where they are dragging me. In Edward's bedroom. A huge double bed is already spread. Bobby holds my left hand tight to the right side of the back and Billy to the left. Both grinning, step back. I can not do anything. It's horrible.

- So guys. This is not a game. Let me go.
- No, no, no, now the fun begins.
- Yes. Let's play again.
- Bastards! Let me go now.
- You lost and I have to take off your panties.
He held out his hands to me, but I kicked, fought, and beat off the attack.
This is pat. I can kick, but I can’t free myself either. They also understand this are leaving the room. Waiting and suspense are killing. I think about how best to deal with them. At least they haven’t shut my mouth and blindfolded.
The guys come back in about 10 minutes with the box and ropes. God knows what they have there, but it is clear that they are well organized and they have a plan. Perhaps I underestimated them.I begin to threaten again:
- You guys will be in big trouble. When I call the police, they will send you to correctional school. You think I won't tell your father about this?
They stop and think for a minute. Are they scared? I do not want to bring the matter to the police, but it all depends on how far they go.
- I have to take off your panties. We'll discuss the rest later, ”Billy says.

Billy takes the rope and makes a small lasso. Bobby grabs my left leg and tries to get her in the loop. I hit him quickly and hard with his foot, so Bobby flies to the side. It does not hurt him, he is just very surprised by my strength. They look at me from afar and whisper about something. Bobby grabs my leg again, I send him flying again, but Billy has time to catch the leg of the lasso. A quick jerk, and the knot tightens around the ankle. This is bad. They firmly tie the rope to the foot of the bed. They do the same trick with the second leg. I resist with all my might, but soon I find myself tightly tied to the bed. The knots in my legs hurt, to moan, squeeze my ankles.
“Debbie, be patient for a couple of minutes.” We will do everything right.
I am silent. As it should - this is not exactly what is happening now. But I give up. Resistance is futile. At least it is a very comfortable bed, but both ankles hurt. Each of them is doing something with my legs, probably the Turkish knots are also carefully knitting.
“We can tie even more beautiful knots that you can leave as souvenirs,” says Billy.
“Yes ... we hope you remember this day,” Bobby teases.
- You little bastards. Little bratties.

I do not know what else to say. But I am grateful to them for the fact that the nodes that hurt me are removed, and the new nodes are securely attached to the bed, although not so tight. Actually, I can even raise my knees a little
“It's time to take off your panties,” says Bobby. I wonder how they think of removing them if their legs are spread apart. But Billy is already climbing into the drawer and pulling out the scissors. Damn, these guys are well prepared. They have all the right tools.
Billy says: "It would be easier if you took them off yourself, and now they will remain with us as a souvenir." He cuts the panties on the left thigh, and then repeats it on the right. Lifting my blouse up a bit and exposing my navel, pulls off my panties and slowly lifts them up and to the side for more effect. I see four eyes chained to my beautifully trimmed Venus tubercle. Instinctively, I try to bring my legs together, but I cannot hide anything from their views. My outer lips are spread wide and I also feel that they are wet. Do boys understand this? What do they know about sex?
And they begin to fight for my torn panties, everyone hopes to take them as a prize. In the end, they fraternally divide them in half. Each brings his own piece of matter to his face and sniffs it. Now they both know that I flowed.

- You nasty boys! - I say and feel like excited even more.
- Not nasty, but just curious.
- We have never seen anything like it before.
- Will you teach us sex?
- Oh please. We really like the way you teach us.
- No, no, just not sex. Let your father and ma teach this ... I stopped short of, remembering the funeral, and felt sorry.
Pancake. No time to regret. These anxious guys and I, helpless and half naked on a huge bed.
“Well, please ... teach us something.” Is it true that when a woman is wet there, she really wants sex, even if she says no?
- Not. I assure you that I do not want to have sex. And anyway, I'm not protected right now.
- From what you are not protected?
- From pregnancy.

- Aaaa ... And I thought you were talking about diseases. We have no diseases.
- Why are you so wet? Are you sexually aroused?
- Ohhh. Well ... my body is agitated, but the mind does not want sex. This is kind of like a penis. Do you control him when he stands?
- Not. But we listen to him. If he says he wants to finish, we always help him ... Read more →

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